PvP is on the wrong path... not sure if it can recover

Yeah, see, the issue is that Blizzard lacks a knob of tuning “cleave” damage onto pets; they take reduced aoe, but abilities that sweep, apply dots, etc, do so at full value to pets and to offset this they increased healing and made the rez change.

It really did. Just press mend pet on cd and its immortal basically, and if it dies you just unkickable rez out of los in 2 seconds

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I remember queuing into this one guy who made a forum post about his pet dying and asked if he was using mend pet and he said he was and in the match vs him his single tick of mend pet was as it was dying for the second time (40 seconds into the match).

Non-damage global is throwing the game. :dracthyr_nod:

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Mend pet being a hot is kinda fried

Between that and soulburn health funnel wall, pets dying is just a meme.

DH can just passively cleave kill them tho by accident :clown_face:

A giant hot with no cost or cd that can’t be dispelled. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

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High skill ability

Avg Hunter still won’t press it until their healer yells at them.

Its ok soon itll probably be off the gcd and they can just macro it into kill command

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If sub could set up their own goes and kill without help, then you wouldnt see anything but sub rogues. The zug train will continue to rule PVP until they hire devs who actually play the game. PVP is bad right now cause they’ve essentially turned it into a PVE mini game; instead spamming 123 on a mob or boss, you do it to another player. That’s why PVP is dead. Healers are insanely overturned from a pathetic attempt to get more players queuing shuffle. Which suprise! That didn’t work at all.

Almost took ur post seriously

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The culmination of Retail WoW. Hate to say it but BFA was the last time PvP was fun even though there were disastrous broken specs in that expansion. At least is was salvageable. Now it’s not.

Hard to fix PvP without WoW having a hard reset wiping every PvP aura and building from the ground up. Bring back Resil and PvP sets. Have better itemization, Class design and roles.

So yea it’s a lost cause but that ship sailed in after BFA.

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back in my day you’d just abandon it when it was about to die and summon a new one, also had the benefit of resetting the pet ability so your monkey could throw some “dirt” again

Most of BFA was actual despair, what :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Oh, yeah, the blind that functioned like a stun, better days

I remember having multiple scorpids to dismiss so I could disarm rogues each dr


Most healers don’t even have pet frames open. :slight_smile:

shale spiders for me

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To be fair if the pet dies it’s because the Hunter was trolling 95% of the time.

Says the demo warlock who will play 200+ games at 1800/1900. & says healers are broken. Lmao.

Weird that you read that…he quoted someone else saying healers were overtuned.

There’s no point in critiquing the state of PVP on the forums because the only replies you will get are from people who will defend the game no matter how bad it gets. They’re literally addicted to the game and will never stop playing regardless of what’s going on. They also have a baked in elitist mindset so they will just dismiss your concerns and tell you to get better.

Reality is that this game is steadily dying, particularly in PVP. Arenas feel like psychological torture for so many reasons that you can’t even really list it all. It just doesn’t feel enjoyable for the majority of people and there is basically no sign of anything being fixed. This expansion was kicked off with a game wide change to crowd control that people were initially under the impression would allow them to actually play the game more. But instead it just turned the game into micro-CC spam which is actually even more infuriating. Damage is through the roof so anyone playing a healer is either perpetually tilted or has long since quit. Solo shuffle atmosphere is pure toxicity, which is only natural given how mentally damaging it is to play.

Sadly I don’t even think there’s a point in trying to help the devs improve the game because they don’t really care about PVP. It’s basically just the equivalent of a side quest in their eyes. They don’t want to improve it, they want people who PVP to quit so they don’t have to hear how bad it is.

Solo shuffle ruined PVP permanently by the way. Eventually the player base will likely realize this, but not for a while. Or maybe people finally figured it out? I don’t know. I knew it was going to ruin the game as soon as it was revealed. It just drives people insane until they inevitably just quit the game. It also completely killed every other bracket so no one has any incentive to actually try to find team mates to improve with. Even if you do find team mates, you’ll be running into nothing but multi glads and scripting bots. Maybe 1/10 games you’ll run into someone actually honestly trying to learn how to improve and the game will feel like night and day.

This is why everyone is jumping on the hardcore and season of discovery bandwagon. No point playing this competitively anymore. Retail is just a rotting corpse.