PvP is on the wrong path... not sure if it can recover

I listed the pure dps that dont.

Aff, Destro, all mages, DK dont have one

Shamans, Balance (high winds kind of), Ret,WW, Evoker dont have one

MS isnt a pure dps thing anymore

I didn’t say it was. But why did you say there is only one spec with a reliable MS?

Not all hybrids heal the same either. I was simply pointing out that that has more often been the case. The hybrids didn’t have MS while the pures did.

What? I didn’t

I must have misread.

May be a fried take but honestly only rogues, Arms and Marks on aim shot should have an MS.

There is way too many mini mortal strikes in the game and with damage creep its ridiculous. Hunter pets and Felguard shouldnt have an AI bot 100% uptime braindead MS, DH doesnt need one, Psyfiend should be removed. High Winds shouldnt be a thing.

Just makes healing a miserable experience and rewards dumping micro ccs into a healer in dampening.

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I do think MS needs to get removed from most specs, but I do really think that any spec with MS should have limited or no healing. That said, if SV lost MS, the spec would be completely dead. With the nerfs to CC and buff to healer trinkets, hunter’s in general would be in a very bad spot. Well… maybe not BM.

Not as bad as 40 yard ranged melee.

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It was fine until Blizzard made it near impossible to punish a hunter by killing the pet

No one likes BM. Not even BM hunters. That said, both of these things are issues. Nothing against the players who enjoy BM, but if the spec was never competitive in arena, I’d be fine with that. The game needs specs that are easy to play. We had that at one point and for whatever reason, blizzard has moved away from it.

Demon Hunter, Fury, Ret & all Hunters except SV come to mind.

Missing killing or pressuring the pet being a worthwhile strat.

Fried for sure. Arms only imo. In what world do Rogues need more?

Not like the past. Almost everything has a decent amount of depth these days.

Back when fury, bm, and arcane were basically 2-3 button specs. NOT that they didn’t have some potential for complexity, but their rotations were very forgiving.

Eh you can cleanse wound poison

Its dumbed down hunter so much. Awful change. Rapid fire being so high on dmg was a terrible design choice too.

Marksmanship has a bit of a weird damage profile where outside of rapid fire they’re reliant on getting aimed shots off which can be very difficult and plays into their “tees off and casters and gets run into the dirt by melee without external support” thing.

Which is why the MS should be tied to Aimed shot rather than some zombie raptor

On the topic of pets it also feels scuffed to be stuck with live raptor and dead raptor forever, lmao.

At least Reban looks cool. :dracthyr_uwu:

I use the caverns mouse lol

When that was a thing though, we had more tools to keep our pets alive. I’d prefer that more than what we have now. Killing the pet is still a strategy and many specs can do it with just their normal rotation. =/

Not really.

Rapid fire shouldn’t exist.

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