PvP is on the wrong path... not sure if it can recover



Donā€™t think anything will ever feel worse than second half of last season or last month of season1 for me


I agree 100% with everything youā€™ve said, OP.

I think current class design and class identity is a huge problem (I miss MoP era class design).

I feel like too many classes can do everything nowā€¦ It makes the game and meta feel super bland.

This Xpac especially, I feel like wins/losses in arenas are more about PVE (zug-zug) rather than outplay, setup, etc. The days of control and strategy in arenas are long gone.

Lastly, one of the most annoying mechanics of arena (iā€™ve always hated and it seems waaay more prevelant now) is hiding behing pillars/running away. Like, I get it, thatā€™s how you need to win, but it just feels awful and toxic IMO. Maybe this is due to the evolving classes and the arena maps not really changing over the past decade?


This is pretty contradictory


ā€œTheres too much cc and damageā€

ā€œI miss MoPā€


Until hybrids do significantly less damage than pure classes, who cares?


Dragonball expansion has been terrible since the ret rework. We need to go back.


while also impotent. 3s is nothing.

rookie numbers

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Think this through for a minute. Hybrids have healing while you have MS. Damage should obviously be comparable.

Yea, in most cases it really isnā€™t.

Yea, pretty much. Too many specs with MS. Too many specs with healing. Almost everyone has pretty substantial burst.

PvE is really driving this unfortunately.

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As someone whoā€™s been playing the game for like 16 years at this point, I gotta say, PVP has never been good. Itā€™s never been balanced. Classic proved that, it continues to prove that, and will continue to prove that.

Not that things canā€™t be improved, but Iā€™m tired of seeing complaints like this is a new thing.

I dunno, maybe Iā€™m lucky Iā€™m built different and do not care about high rated PVP. I just get my mog and my enchant and I donā€™t take it too serious. Having reached my goal on 6 characters now and working on others, PVP feels fine to me.

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Heā€™s not wrng here

This wonā€™t change though, until raid design changes. The rooms are a lot bigger than in the old days and thereā€™s way more mechanics that require classes to feel like a racing simulator.

I donā€™t agree with that shift but I canā€™t do anything about it and the PvE community is fine with it so weā€™re stuck.

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Definitely agree. Itā€™s why I think PvP may not recover. I think the direction PvE is driving the game is some what antithetical to how PvP has been built traditionally. Maybe PvP will evolve, but itā€™s starting to feel more and more like PvE where damage is all that matters. :frowning:

:flushed: :face_with_peeking_eye: :face_with_peeking_eye:

Not every pure dps has an MS. Weird take

Not a weird take. :frowning:

I didnā€™t say every pure dps has an MS, but that has often been the case.

Mages dont, only one lock spec has a reliable MS, DK doesnt unless you count necrotic which is so-so.

And for hybrids both feral and SP have an MS

rogues and healers are over power their stund last forefer an prist healer dont died please help me to do a comment on isla of the conquest once you lose the hangar game is a rutine to lose

One spec?

Hunter and rogue donā€™t have a reliable ms?