Pvp is abysmal, heres my ideas to fix it

they need relevant defensive protections as the classic ones did not scale well into SoD. both active and passive, and faster throughput on their high damaging abilities.

If i was going to craft an S tier mage id:
-have a rune that merged all the armor spells (or allow multiple armors to be applied) into one and buff the armor of Ice armor significantly.
-increase the damage absorb of mana shield and extend it to non physical sources
-decrease the cooldown on deep freeze slightly and compensate by reducing the stun from 5 to 3 seconds
-baseline displacement
-make chrono-bacon undispel-able
-increase stun proc on the impact talent
-buff ice lance, fire blast, and arcane barrage damage
-remove the suicide component of balefire bolt
-significantly increase the cast speed of hard cast damage spells.
-increase FoF proc chance

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Mmm chrono bacon

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Suggestions from the OP are kinda all over the place and don’t make sense. Nerfing warrior? Buffing paladin dmg? Rebuffing boomies even though they’re completely fine? A blanket nerf to warlock instead of targetting meta-tanks??? Priest change suggestion is just lol…

I swear to god sometimes it feels like there are people who makes these posts but don’t actually play the game.

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You didn’t even read the op go read it and get back to us

Most of these are pretty dumb… esp the deep freeze change.

What mages need is baseline crit damage rune. Evocate needs to be a 2 min cd and mana gem should be better. They also need block to be baseline as well.

Frost needs water ele so they can set up from range.

Fire needs dragons breath, moving scorch, and more damage when they crit. Insta pyros are so underwhelming. Could be offset if they remove the boaring 30% HP buff from BGs/events.

Arcane needs too many thing to do well that just arent in classic. They need invis, slow, mirror image, moving arcane missiles or the sprint when you arcane barrage. Better mana shield.

Frost/arcane is really the only viable spec atm. It is pretty solid tho really strong support with good utility and some ok burst potential.

LOL, good joke.

It’s typically players who despite playing a S++ tier highest win rate class still struggle.

They literally did not read the op and do not understand how classes work…i didnt suggest buffing paladin damage i suggested moving some of the burst meta of 6pc t1 elsewhere and disabling that set bonus making it so paladins could gear like everyone else, as it stands paladins are literally the worst pvp class in the game without that set bonus, like you would be lucky to kill a blue geared mage while in GM gear

Relevant Ice Barrier. With its vanilla shielding values, its a complete joke

This and substantially increase armor on Ice Armor is an absolute must now imo

It’s paladin it’s always paladins.

Set what up from range? Casting anything hits like a wet noodle. The only danger a mage has currently is when frost orb is out outside of that they are a joke at best. Fire can put out some nice damage but again, its not because they casted a fireball. lol

I was hoping blizzard didnt go the retail route and bake everything into instant spells. I miss classic mage and setting up shatters. I want casting to matter again.

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Their damage??? Spellfrost does plenty of damage it is just hard to cast. Their biggest issue is they need to get on top of a target to be able to do anything. Frozen orb moves at 1 mph. If they had a water ele the could root into deep to close the gap. Frost is in a pretty good spot atm they just struggle vs hunters and shamans really.

No they cannot they are all glass no cannon. I love seeing a pyroblast hit me for like a 1200 crit. Fire was okay in MC phase before they further nerfed damage by another 10%. Now they are just worthless. They have no survivability and no ability to global anyone.

What’s plenty of damage for you? cuz ur the one that says 3k+ kill shots are ok, because of deadzone.

And die immediately aftewards… cuz what does closing the gap give you against a hunter? Some kill shots in the face, thats what. lol

I have been crit by 3k+ spellfrost bolts and the average I see is like 2200-3k depending on gear/buffs/trinkets. And I said kill shot is fine because it doesn’t always crit and it doesn’t crit armored targets for 3k+

Then they suck at mage idk what else to say. You can easily kill a hunter in a deep. If they are running rapid killing with 4 set then they have way less HP than a full PvP hunter. Sure they can trinket deep but you can snap deep them again and if they are stuck in a frozen orb they are going no where. But I guess we live in your world where hunter is the only opponent a mage will ever face and kill shot has a 100% crit chance as well.

I call BS but then again, I dont have ZG 5p yet.

Yes, I can kill terrible hunters (99%) and even though its dumb that you can get off 3x KS in melee range. I dont give a sh1t leave the damage just allow for counter play. Dont let them use it in deadone.

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Mage that has to setup everything just right and have a proc in the first place to freeze you (ez trinket / lap ) just to 2.5 sec cast a burst combo. On top of that is paper and cant spam that burst unless he’s against afk players vs a hunter that just runs circles while ccing in combat instantly on the move and dishing out stupid tier damage with tanklike defenses and hp.



The top end crits on sfb inside BG’s is around 2400. If you are defending Kill Shot by comparing it with Mage’s as if they are up there being OP will only make yourself look bad.
Mage is nr 1 target for everyone in PvP for a reason.

Kill Shot is the most complained about ability on the forums, on twitter, in game. You are too biased of your own class that you cannot recognise an OP ability.

Crazy how the most asinine thing you said was for the class you play.

@Aggrendminus - I’ve been having a ball grinding bgs on my mage 500k honor for the second week in a roll. I’ll be like 80% into r12 this week. Looking forward to r13 for that sweat looking gear. My health is now 10.2k with flask and fort. But most importantly I can’t wait till I use that 5p ZG set. My spellfrost hits like a wetnoodle. lol

But I feel godly when I have a frost orb out. =)

i WoNdEr.

Brainless bad alliance posting at it again!