Pvp is abysmal, heres my ideas to fix it

Pvp in SoD is the most broken i have ever seen in wow short of a short window i believe in WoD where a high level could cast high level scrolls on level 10 players making them gods in wsg…

Warrior: remove meathook they have enough ways as it is with warbringer rune to stay on target
Hunter: this is the only class i couldn’t think of a way to fix without breaking pve
Shaman: Add a cooldown to purge as it stands they can completly shut down a ret paladin with no counter, move shamnistic rage back to being a leg rune, remove the flame shock spread from the burn rune and add a 30% damage to lava burst, disable way of the earth in bgs.
Paladin: increse crusader strike to do 110% weapon damge and cause the rune to give our seals disple protection, separate divine protection and divine shield from same cooldown and disable t1 6pc ret in bgsthus allowing rets to gear with pvp gear not pve also add rebuke as base line.
Druid: make survival instincts and frenzied regen useable in moonkin form again but make it so they can’t be popped together.
Rogue: Add heartbeat resist to sap and remove front stabbing.
Warlock: make the pvp damage and healing auras effect drain life and effect pets both for damage done but also taken.
Priest: make dispersion useable while CC
Mage: make it so evocation can be cast while moving same with scorch

You should say what class you play

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Umm… someone wanna tell him?


Gotta be Pally or Drood


Agree looks like something a pally and Druid would “fix” LUL

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Boomkin, hunter are my current ranked character on horde now doing paladin and shaman, shaman are insanely op the most tankiest class in pvp and able to completly shut down a ret with purge and no counter play, and i cant be the only one who thinks its dumb that the only way ret can be at all viable in pvp it to wear pve gear literally no other class requires that to be viable in pvp

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if youre having even an iota of trouble in PVP the problem is 100% you

both those classes are S+ tier specs, with boomkin being among the best in the game alongside the other S++ tier classes.

remove meathook from warrior? the class is already dead and does 1/4th your dps in PVP with equal gear lol

shaman and purge a problem for a ret? Ret is S+ tier, a non issue.

Buff paladin damage? you nuts? they’re already insane with a ton of magic damage as well, within a few percent of world buffed 0 armor target fury damage.

rogue, sure, theyre S tier as is

lock can do a ton of damage and take very little, but not as oppressive as boomkins, rets, hunters, etc

priest as shadow is a monster S+ and could get nerfed, no easier to play with dispersion buff

mage is fine as is, but struggles to compete against the S+ tier classes, is more of a B tier

your “buff” and “nerf” list is basically backwards. You want the best classes buffed and the worst classes nerfed.

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You did not even read the op, please do so and get back to us

I mean…you can still twist without the 6 pc…

You cant double judge tho and its a lot harder to darn impossible to do it consistently in pvp

I think you need to get better OP

i reckon paladin

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Bruh… A lot of classes are handcuffed to PvE sets. Maybe they aren’t as handcuffed as ret, but rogues get a free move after opening from their two set (works with ambush procs), 25% main hand damage from 4 set, a 1 min cd on vanish from 6 set, 30% extra crit on ambush from zg 5 set, and get an on use ambush proc + 60 energy back trinket from the zg trinket. It isn’t something only applicable to ret.

Another 40 alt guru that has mastered the ins and outs of every class in existence and decided to write a book about it.

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Another shaman who denies they are blatantly op and refuses to acknowledge resonable changes that dont hurt pve

Locks rely on mobility. 10% more run speed would be more valuable than a few dps out of drain life.

They are not locked behind using them tho whereas ret does absolutely pathetic damage without the 6pc

whats funny is you have like 1 liners for most of the other classes but almost a full paragraph for shaman.

just funny things you notice i guess.

btw these changes would def affect pve in a bad way.

They are the most blatantly op class…1 class had to be focused on and shamans were it, did you miss the part where i said im currently ranking a shaman and a paladin

honestly i dont care what class or classes you are currently ranking as it has no bearing on weather your suggestions are bad or not.

but ya . hope you had a good thanksgiving .