Pvp is abysmal, heres my ideas to fix it

Resume: buff my paladin and boomkin, nerf everthing else.

You could not name half the shaman runes if you had them in front of you


Make dispersion usable while CC’d by darkmoon card torment.

What world do you live in?

How is removing the briken aspect of double seal double judge and bringing up the damage of one ability a bit and giving a disple protection that literally every other class gets for thier damage…did you even read it? And how did i suggest buffing boomkins i said to give back thier defensives but make them unable to be stacked

Who cares though. There is nothing holding any back from getting rank 14 on any class/spec. People are ranking as melee hunter. There’s no rating so no meta. Everyone gets a trophy in SoD.

Speaking of Shamans, last night I dueled a R13 Enhancement Shaman with 2 Deathbringers out in front of Orgrimmar(a lot of people often like to hang out here between BG Qs and such) and beat him 5-0 and out of nowhere he started whispering me crazy profanity-laced messages saying I was trash and was only winning because of Darkmoon Torment Card even though a few times I won with almost 60% HP left(and I think its generally accepted that Warriors are one of the weaker 1v1 classes). He then put me on ignore and 5 minutes later took me off ignore and starting whispering me more crazy messages and demanded I duel him again without the Darkmoon Card equipped. At that point I told him to take his BS attitude and get lost.

Point I’m making is that I feel like these are the types of people that generally make QQ threads like these on the forums, just generally terrible players with crappy entitled attitudes that never make any attempts to improve, adapt, or learn what they’re doing wrong and instead do STRAIGHT TO THE FORUMS!!!11 with a comically simplistic list of grievances/nerf demands.

tl;dr version: L2P.


Burn way of earth duel wield 2h runes riptide overcharged static shock mental dexterity spirit of the alpha decoy totem way of earth earth shield shall i go on…my shaman was my first 60

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Shadow priest is so bad, it’s a victim of terrible pvp itemization and early phase nerfs.

Ah so that’s why you want to get rid of my meathook!


I wont agree with this. Rest of what you said is alright. Mage is not fine as is. Mage could use buffs in pvp.

Ret is absolutely dog tier untill you get 6pc t1 than yoy become viable and once you get 2pc t2 you become op

Is that a good way of buffing specs? Should that be how things operate?

It should be moved away from requiring pve gear to be competitive in pvp absolutely

bro you think moving while casting evocate and scorch is going to save mage? LOL we need ice armor to give like 7000 armor at this point or we’re gonna continue to be F tier bad

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Moving while casting is extremely powerful all you need is 1 crit than fire blast into instant pyros

What does mage need to become a valuable dps in BG groups, in your opinion? What can bring mage up to s-tier?

It doesn’t matter what mage needs, you just queue until rank 14.

It matters to mage players such as myself. I would like to see Mages strong, not too strong mind you, but competitive.

Seals not being resistant to dispels is actually abysmal, other than that Paladin doesn’t need any changes in PvP. But having your main damage source being spam dispelled for less mana than the seal costs is just abusive. It’s fine for us to have a hard counter, but Shamans will counter us even if they can’t dispel seals.

It’s actually crazy to me that this hasn’t been implemented yet, TBC had the good idea of implementing into the talents.