Does anyone else feel like a spectator in PvP, like you spend more time watching your toon stunned rooted or in some fashion incapacitated rather than engaging the opponent.
I think as much as 75% of the duration of any battle I am in some way compromised on mobility, even to the point often of being totally immobile.
I am beginning to think we are being saved the trouble of reacting to the engagement…
Ya but you play a druid I saw one of those today and he had 700k HP and the whole team couldn’t kill him …
I left the match after the 4th attempt to focus and kill him…
No and I don’t play Druid
Sometimes I do feel like a spectator but it isn’t all the time. If they would give us back our PvP venders we would have more fun.
The vendors were the coolest … seems now player to player timely interactions are being done away with.
That was something that made WOW unique was the lore and the furious pvp …
I find myself watching more than playing against someone.
I was thinking about playing another class, one that success is facilitated by the the inherit abilities of the class.
These classes have little to do with any real skill of play.
A paladin for example, or a druid with over half a million hit points that can heal and cast and act as a warrior.
But you are right the vendors sold neat items and you played and earned them, it is kinda like the game is being played for you ???
Yes and that is why I rarely PvP anymore - the stuff that drops sucks - Real story here - won BG got a crate of fish as the reward - haven’t really PvP’d since.
Sad story but kind of common now.
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True, mostly what I play for… just odd to me that it is not some issue with the disparity between some classes not all.
The majority of the time you have random people fighting you. They are not going to focus stunning and controlling you.
You know what’s fun? Fighting three protection warriors.
No no you me three destro locks.
That is also fun, but the destro roots eventually DR (you wouldn’t be alive long enough for that to happen, of course) while the prot warrior roots don’t DR and since their damage is low you get to experience the fun for a longer period of time.
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It may feel like that in some aspects of competitive PVP. But in open world it’s not so bad. Aren’t you the one that plays DH that I worked a little with a few months ago?
Yes. No one cares.
A few days ago the root on me lasted the whole time while I capped SPGY.
Has anyone noticed druids are becoming more impossible to kill in BGs ??
How do you expect to kill a druid without cc?
I expect that they need to be stoppable, as of now they are becoming more unstoppable.
But instead of nerf just create a spell silence or some way of taking them out of form…