PvP in SOD

Also, kind of sad that they have to say, 60 will recieve a great deal of attention. Kind of implys the rest of it isn’t. Should we just stop playing and wait for them to be done messing around and roll out the last phase?

Oh man that’s a great opening joke

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We have been nerfed enough, there are way more broken specs out there now.

Sod is a result of private servers. That’s it.

Blizzard went around to the most popular ones. Looked at what they did and took it as their own.

But resilience is a stat that helped a lot pvp honestly.

It still allows one shotting people. But only truly broken spells will do it then.

Not white damage from a 2h. Which should never have been a thing in the first place.

Result of private servers? wtf are you talking about.

Most private servers kept classes as close to original as possible while sometimes buffing raid damage and health.

Very few pservers changed classes at all.

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I’m genuinely curious if the classic client engine even supports split PvE / PvP tuning. I thought the last round of PvP tuning was strictly implemented in battlegrounds which makes me think it’s limited though zones as global modifiers instead of individually tuned abilities against players specifically.

Without this level of granularity, I don’t see PvP events being anything more than a sideshow. At best, they can implement another 40% damage/healing nerfs (or health/healing power buffs I guess) during bloodmoon / battlegrounds as a short term solution while encouraging the low level honor farm in wPvP even more.

+healing values on gear are always way higher than +spell damage.

I’m loving the pvp! Just owning people in seconds now drawn out damp fests. Just clashing , dropping 30 kills a game type stuff.

Yea private servers werent this imbalanced.

Imagine a shaman saying anything about PvP balance when I regularly get globaled by them

Not to mention your insane instant healing abilities

Your entire toolkit is 1-2 shotting every class is the only counter play you have to worry about.

I’m sitting at 5k hp with some of the best gear in the game and and get destroyed by backpeddling shamans that have thier monitors turned off

Well… the whole point of the thread is discuss what we can do to improve pvp balance.

Seems rather odd you’d just write off an entire class even though I’m suggesting we slow down pvp lol.

I do agree on one thing, dual wield is too strong for classic…funny enough we didn’t ask for it. Blizzard didn’t listen to the player base and jammed it in anyway.

cause no one plays heals

Add resilience or just add a large amount of stamina on pvp gear
Balance the ridiculous amount of CC / lack of DR / durations
Faster class balance, Shamans have been way too strong since SOD release. The alternative, the paladin, just goes ret so they can bubble and get s* on twice by their shaman counterpart.

Instant healing that requires time of attacking to build enough stacks to 5 to then instant cast it, its not like we just instant cast it whenever.

Try being a class with no self healing/utility of any kind though

spam dispelling maelstrom procs also makes them paper

this is true, well I always have a teammate that plays a healer which makes it even more fun. Because i have a gauranteed healer and its almost gauranteed the opposition doesnt have one.

i only play heals in sod because of how impactful it is and how rare they are. my pvp experiences are the exact opposite of these forums on my rsham and rdru.

people keep saying ttk is worse than p2 and it definitely is not.

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Alliance Feral is in a terible spot in pvp right now. Were walking windfury totems. To top it off they nerfed our pvp versatility by moving skull bash to the same slot as mangle. So now no spec is taking skullbash. Cats wont take it because mangle is too much damage to lose, and bears wont take it because it invalidates 2 runes for bears. With just about every other class two shotting in pvp feral ramp damage feels way too slow. Best thing you can do is try and outlive your team just to provide wildstrikes. Horde feral don’t have this problem because they can take the damage reduction rune reducing damage by 20% while their godly shamans provide the same buff.

Healing to full is literally an emotional desire, it has no basis in intelligent thought. Is the inverse true? Do your tanks get 3/3 irradiated for the -35 stamina so you can heal them up faster. You you cringe everytime you get an upgrade that has more stamina because now you are less “heallable to full”?

Damage went up, not just burst but throughput, or consistent damage. This means unless we buff healing burst/throughput the next best way to make survivability better is resilience(which is just a damage nerf) or more health. How can you see 2 scenarios, one where a warrior gets killed, and one where the warrior survives with 15% hp and think to yourself (this is worse because he has more hp to heal).

Your sentiment could hold water on the design philosophy level but in reality in the game right now more hp is probably a good thing.

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