PvP in SOD

riptide and earthshield are pretty nice.

Damage dealers have more instant cast abilities. The arms race favors damage dealers right now.

nerf damage across the board, and add more stamina.

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Everyone give this a thought, maybe implement something like war mode from retail specifically for pvp to include 1 or 2 defensive and/or healing ability for every class.

Higher HP pools and hardnerfing throughput on runes.

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Really??? Then what would you call classic+ and project ascension?

Know what your talking about before typing.

key word with heals. I’ve played warrior for a long time and this has to be the worst situation we’ve been in pvp wise in a good while. i’m not asking to go around one shotting ppl going 1 v 10 but it would be nice to not take 8 globals to do 25% of the dmg most classes do in two or three. most of the classes / specs got brought up to speed but we are stuck in 2005.

We getting wrecked by paladins too. For all the utility they have, them and their party members are doing too much damage. Dpsing us through bubbles and bop, while being unkillable. Everyone horde side is complaining about them too.

This wouldn’t do enough. We do need resilience, powercreep has gotten way too high. Same reason it was necessary in TBC.

Accepting the fact that world PvP will never be balanced. They can throw as much bonus stam as they want into BGs / PvP events to make it feel better, but you wont have that aura where it matters because if they just gave everyone a blanket stam buff outside of dungeons / raids, it would trivialize the world more than it already has been.

World PvP will remain a one-shot fest, and the classes that excel at striking first will remain top of the food chain. That’s all there is to it.

Resilience & stamina is probably the answer.

Source - resto druid running tank runes in STV.

I’m sorry but as a pretty good ele shaman I went against good healers in AB and was unable to get a LvB crit from the dispels , much less nuke a target down for more than 30% of their health. At the same time their front line pallies/wars wrecked us. You all complain about the burst meta when the reality is healing is equally busted. In my experience PvP is just faster than it used to be both from 100% to 1 and from 1 to 100.

SoD PVP = do everything but BGs to get loot. We don’t want players queuing up for stuff to get loot. We want them forming parties and doing cringe stuff.

Create some garbo outdoor event that favors ranged group making where they shoot and heal through the terrain and then make people grind a Retail currency for loot that will be rendered obsolete.

Go do the PVP grind Retail currency for your BiS PVE dagger that will be obsolete the moment the next phase drops.

I don’t even know why I’m bothering with Blood Moons anymore. Grind grind grind grind grind grind grind, Season of Grinding cringe events and doing cringe lord content.

PVP BATTLEGROUND Gear vendor or uninstall.

Not to mention they just nerf all the events they add 1 week after adding them, jebaiting the entire playerbase.