PvP in SOD

just press survival instincts barkskin and frenzied and kill him? nothing can outtrade a druid during those. don’t even beed the barkskin tbh, just lets you freecast if you wanna kill him with hard casts instead of moonfire sunfire.

Eve also teaches you to never go afk on a pvp server.

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And paladins.

bro, you’re maxed out on copium – enjoy your terrible game.

gonna go use my time on something else.

40% more health on pvp gear is a bandaid by a dev team that cannot balance pve and pvp. What actually needs to happen is to bring pve mob/boss health down, and lower direct damage simultaneously. Balance numbers and dps around classic values and not retail garbage numbers.

SoD was meant to make everything viable. What they did was throw that idea out the window and give us this trash burst meta.

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i am enjoying pvp in this game. unfortunately every phase after the first filtered people who cant adapt or were never skilled to begin with. thats why p1 was so popular, it wasnt 29 with more skills it was 19 with less.

yeah man, you’re right – I’m not good enough to adapt to the 1 shot meta, guess it’s too big brained for me.


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yeah, you arent good enough to adapt to the 1 shot meta as a class with a 1m 20% phys damage reduction button, a 30% max hp button and a 100% health over 10 seconds button.

oh and a 10% passive damage reduction chest rune with 6% crit chance reduction. literally this is you being filtered cause nothing else has these buttons.


i am enjoying it.

Godspeed young druid.

You will be missed.

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Are you able to go into detail about why you like it? I’m curious to know.

Problems are as follows

  1. Mages: Frost fire bolt for 2.5k
  2. Warlock/Spriest: dots taking you from full to dead
  3. Druid: Balance one shotting you
  4. Shamans: Lord, instant cast full healing one shotting tank class, its a mess
  5. Warrior: Fine
  6. Paladin: Wheelchair
  7. Rogue: Fine
  8. Hunter: Range could use some buffs

I honestly completely agree with this, I just wonder if it’s maybe it’s to late to make that large of a change since it’s seasonal. That is unless this becomes a permanent server…

They did say 60 would be receiving a great deal of attention so who knows.

Personally I hope they learn from this and attempt to truly make a classic +, the one we all want. New and modified Talent trees, new raids, pvp events and beyond.

Hopefully the success from this garners the resources to do so.

Kind of fun, I’ve been designing my own talent trees for Shaman and sharing them on the forums. I wonder if the ideas will ever be pulled from :person_shrugging:.

its the best pvp has been. theres enough stuff to do but not too much that i NEED to do. ive adapted to the new economy so i dont have to farm at all.

dunno if you ever did low lvl twinking but it finally feels like ive reached a stage where i log cause i want to, not because i have to. which was always the biggest appeal to me for twinking.

also if you skim all the pvp QQ threads almost every class and spec is being called broken. cept wars. in p1 it was only hunters and starsurge, p2 almost entirelt rogue boom sp. oh and of course enh.

Remove shamans instant cast heal ability, remove orcs stun resistance, get rid of undead WOTF, pvp solved.

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honestly one big issue with warriors mainly in pvp is the rage mech itself. unless your in bear ever other class has instant access to the use of their abilities. example was just in a game of ab, i charged to a priest the stun got resisted of course so he just walked away. the hamstring was dodged. he then hit me with a swp that proc’d a blackstun and i got blown up before i knew what hit me.

in the pre sod days that wouldnt be that bad sense ranged damage wasnt as out of control as it is now, but it’s getting to the point i don’t want to play my class anymore.

the biggest issue i have with healing warriors is intercept. youre bombing heals on them, they have 0 chance to die and they intercept the furthest target away from their team. then i stop healing then for the rest of the bg.

a warrior with some game sense and a competent healer can get a lot done. there just arent many.

a warrior under focus who doesnt die(with heals) has infinite rage.

The problem with SoD PvP. Is the fact that sod was never designed with pvp as a first thought. You can tell between the constant one shots and the horrid design for ashenvale especially. Stv event made it a little better. But it is still bad.

Resilience gear is about the only that can balance classes out now. Besides rerolling to whatever meta is hott for that patch.

Other than resilience an entire overhaul would be needed to even try to balance classes without disrupting pve.

This has always been the problem with any game that has tried to do both pve and PVP simultaneously without having some kinda of barrier in place so one doesn’t accidentally seep into the other…

When they started making pvp gear craftable I made posts about it before.

Saying that they should make it a requirement when trying to do a battleground or arena. That it should scan their gear. If it isn’t all pvp gear you can’t que. same went for the idea of LFG. If you were queing as tank and wearing pvp you wouldn’t be allowed to que.

They never did this idea specifically…but they did force an ilvl requirement for LFG queing.

Sadly this can’t work ATM on classic systems cause we can’t make any pvp gear.


Resilience ruined pvp. There is no reason why a priest should easily tank melee classes without stacking armor. It was necessary for the time because people didnt know how to survive those attacks. 2019 was alot different and Resilience was not needed. The problem is definitely bad class balance and ability design. SoD is starting to truly feel like a terrible after thought with 0 planning to just shut up a discontent player base.