PvP in SOD

TBF to OP, this is straight from the mouth of Aggrend. He said its hard to balance things at each level band when the phases are coming out every 8-10 weeks so some classes/specs have been getting left behind or pigeonholed as a result.

He also said that when we were all lvl 60 in Phase 4 with the last runes found, they could really see about actively balancing things for all the different specs since at that point SoD classes and specs will be considered ‘complete’.

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The gear absolutely needs more stamina, i dont think anyone would argue with you there

Well, no. All the gear should have had more stam. You need to allow any gear to be viable in pvp, or else you’re isolating pve and pvp

I think we need to go with resilience on PvP gear.

resilience previously fixed this problem.


Personally, I’m good with how things are… and I’m a frost mage so that’s sayin something

Hmm, what now? The damage stats are just as if not more inflated.

Play a noob shadow priest with no mana concerns, 2 dots , shield, disperse = win


Nerf Warlocks and Shamans…

for the 6pc set bonus only

That would be a good start, see how that goes for a few weeks and re-access.

It’s okay to be mid, friend.

I’m enjoying the big deeps… I’m sure they will nerf us however as that’s what they do.

Truthfully, I’m guessing warriors will be topping charts by quite a bit in phase four.

Really sick of seeing a red hunter pet and being unable to do anything but die. Can’t invis, can’t CC, can’t outrun, can’t outheal. Hope you had your pvp trinket up/equipped because here comes a 3 second stun with 700 sustained non-rng dps.

Can’t out heal a PETS (the player is doing nothing, JUST THE PET) damage with wild growth, rejuv, and while in moonkin form. This is aside from the fact that you basically can’t outlive any class’ opener (my class included) because the damage is on the verge of being declared legally retarded.

I’m on the verge of quitting this game, it’s really turned into crap this phase and the team in charge is doing almost nothing to rectify the issues they’ve created. The PVP is the worst version of pvp that’s literally ever existed and this isn’t even in question. The PVE scaling/powercreep has gotten untenable if you’re not playing one of three class/specs.

I’m not sure what there is to do in SoD that isn’t terrible at this point.

Meanwhile, the lead dev is on twitter asking the community for suggestions. Isn’t this what you have a paid team for? Was there no overarching vision for SoD? Is this just a spitball project that had no game plan from day 1? [I say this ironically of course, it’s apparent there was no plan].

I guess SoD was good for one thing, it solidified (for me) the fact that you should literally never roll on a pvp server for anything classic related.

And destroyed pvp.

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Pacing is fine. Minute long 1v1 skirmishes suck.

EVE Online teaches us that in pvp, if you have a fair fight, someone messed up.


Idk, all I do is PVP and don’t even raid. The fights are a lot of fun right now. The only problem would be warrior – which needs some love. This likely will already be happening at 60 when they are geared out tho.

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I also only PVP in SoD and something that I can’t shake from my head is how powerful ranged Hunters are in all this open content.

Anything they add that’s open world just auto benefits hunters. AB? Hunters. STV? Hunters. Incursions? Hunters.

I would like to see some PVP rewards or power or whatever go into content that isn’t a wide open field that benefits hunters and ranged really.

Put the next event inside of a cave or something or inside BRM. Stop putting events in wide open flat terrain world. Hunters can shoot through the terrain, it’s busted. Also healers and all the other ranged can snipe through terrain.
The devs need to actually consider the arena/surroundings as a balance issue, because ranged is just straight up dominant in the open world events.