Except in every other MMO a piece of gear you get is the piece of gear you get. You don’t upgrade it 50 times which is locked behind achievements.
A piece of gear you get should BE the piece of gear you get without the need to upgrade it. The process of GETTING this gear is what the MMO aspect of the game should be based around. WoW classic does this perfectly fine. Do you upgrade a piece of naxx gear? No. You enchant it, and the item you have is the highest item level you can get.
Forcing you to use LFG to gain arena rating on all your characters in order to upgrade gear you already earned is NOT in the interests of a good MMO. It is the sign of poor design.
Was. Now that it is no longer a requirement everybody who felt forced has quit.
The difference between conquest gear and honor gear ilvl during wod was the equivalent of 3.5 ilvls with the level squish. The power gap has never been as huge as it is now.
I know you think you are clever, but all you really are is someone who lacks reading comprehension.
to getting pvp gear
But, if you really want to get into it, avenues to gearing have been shut down for both pve and pvp. In BFA, you could get to T2 (out of T3) from doing random BGs and world PvP. In BFA, you could do solo visions to get gear that was only slightly behind max mythic + gear.
Those solo player avenues got shut down, that forces people into the avenues that still exist.
That’s the point, you’re whinging about one specific avenue – but all avenues were the same gating.
PvP is not supposed to be the primary path to end-game gear, but at current there’s more people sitting at Elite for free 230 weapons than clearing Mythic Nathria for them… by a huge margin.
Casual PvP gear stops at 200. Casual PvE gear stops at 203/207.
And that is new to SL. Good job shutting down character advancement for a large part of the WoW community. Casual players (really solo/small group players) should just all quit, I guess.
You mean this post? Where you’re asking for “solo only game play” to be equally viable as grouped/timed/competitive content?
And you refer to stepping into non-casual content as “forced behavior” ? You’re not advocating for “more gear paths”, you’re advocating for free gear for people who are too timid/afraid to participate in rated/timed content.
Or do you mean this post, where you’re… again, advocating that you shouldn’t have to participate in non-casual content to earn equal equipment to non-casual players? – again, specifically denoting that ONLY pvp should be able to exceed the 197 casual equipment barrier?
It’s clear that you’re a “I want something for no investment” player – but come on guy… little tedious. Every post you make is about how casual solo play content should be equally as viable as competitive/timed/group/raiding content.
You’re not advocating for “more gear paths” – you’re advocating for free gear from casual BG’s… which would make them unequal to PvE gearing - particularly in a game/expansion where PvP gear is already exceptionally too powerful for how easily obtainable it is. So much so that Blizzard is gating PvP gear going forward because it’s so easy to hit 1800 and deck full 220’s in under 3 days of casual play doing yolo RBG’s.
Are you afraid of interacting with people? Are you scared they’ll flame you when you play bad? Are you afraid of the LFG system? Your post history wreaks of FOMO from you not wanting to actually commit to getting better, but wanting what you’re doing to be sufficient so long as you keep doing it.
Casual PvE gear stops at 197 from Anima upgrades, and 187 from Covenant weapon that can’t be upgraded. World bosses are raids.
No it isn’t. You have always had to raid, or do rated PvP to get beyond the scope of honor gear, badge gear, or dungeon drops. Always. From classic to now, always. VoA? Raid. World bosses? Raid. LFR? Raid. 2’s? Competitive. 3’s? Competitive. RBG’s? competitive.
There has never, ever been a viable solo-only path to end game content – and there never should be. MMORPGs aren’t designed around solo game play, they’re group content.
Equally viable? No. Viable, yes. As it was in previous expansions and as I’ve explained many times in this thread and others. You are a dishonest person or someone with a serious deficiency in reading comprehension. It’s as if you don’t actually read what is said but just read what you wish was there.
Then you have what you want - it is viable, equally so as to casual PvE – even moreso to certain points. Both gate at equal upgrade level for you to advance to the next tier of content. If you choose not to advance, then you choose not to better your character. That’s how progression works – you have maxed out the casual progression tier, and have to move forward.
A “dishonest person” ? Again, there has never been a point in WoW history where solo gameplay, Random Dungeon Finder/Random Heroics, etc were on par to raiding/rated pvp gear. Ever.
All you’re doing is trying to insult me IRL in every post while running and flagging every reply I give you. Kinda boring.
Just to burst your bubble here but in previous expansions it was so much fun to dunk on glads in world pvp and randoms and some “casuals” could do just that with gear they got over time. (So, not “gear for nothing” lol)
Sure you never had “equal” gear but at least you could win by “pushing buttons, situational awareness” in an environment that you chose to play in because you it’s your enjoyment.
In SL, outside of convoke and some other similar nonsense, you generally won’t be dunking anyone at 200 ilevel if they are 226 unless something is very, very wrong.
My account has every achievement for every expansion pre-launch on day one over yours. I have plenty of experience in this game, to what appears to be very limited experience on your end (last viable pvp was 2009?) – Again, all you’re doing is ad hominem personal insults and derailing from the point that you want casual PvP gear to be more powerful than it is, and that you think rated content shouldn’t be the next progressive step.
This has never been the case. The item level gaps may not have been as large as in the past, but you have never been able to equally gear from casual honor content equal to rated content. Ever. Even in classic WoW rated pvp gear got progressively better as you ranked up. That trend continued perpetually. Raiding gear has always been better than heroic dungeon or badge gear in every expansion.
There has never been a solo path to end game content… End game content is rated PvP or raiding, both of those are not solo activities. Casual participation content should not equal dedicated participation content. The mythic+ addition is still not solo content.
I’ve never flagged a single post in my time on these forums. You build strawmen, make false statements, make false accusations and either lack comprehension or intentionally try to distort what was written. So, yes… you are a dishonest person.