We only got vague replies about class changes and systems. Sounds like they haven’t even begun to work on anything yet or they even believe that systems are fine as they are now. Sub rogue has 2 playstyles that’re viable out of Covenant x Legendaries x Talent choice x Spec x Soulbind (a lot of playstyles to run through). War, Monk, Druid, Mage as well.
You have to be a FoTM class for someone to consider you in their groups, you have to overcome gear disparity in order to be invited into groups, and you have to be the right spec, covenant, soulbind, legendary, and talent choice.
Blizzard this isn’t a good system, we’ve been saying that for months now, but can’t believe that the PvP devs think that this is okay.
Youd have a better chance interviewing Santa Claus than a PvP developer
WoW developers are like politicians. Avoiding actual questions like it’s their job.
Best part is that guy quit “around the launch of shadowlands” and doesn’t work there currently. So our first contact with someone that looks like they might be able to influence PvP changes is both NDA’d and not a Blizz employee. Noice.
Yes, yes they are fine. Totally fine. I’ll leave it up to you to find the error between those 2 pics.
Well isn’t it obvious?
I pumped countless amounts of stygia into conduit upgrades that I almost got every single one up to 213… and of course you should expect your reward for that to be a downgrade from +70% dmg to only +15%. No response from the devs, I’ve tried… here and on the EU forums and via tickets.
The GM only said that he didn’t saw anything wrong with Decimating Bolt… of course not. If you’re too dense to read and comprehend, then nothing’s ever wrong anywhere.
Totally intended. Spend 1900 stygia to permanently nerf yourself. Fun game.
wtf… this game how do they even mess that up
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Dunno. To me it seems they never thought about the numbers on conduits beyond ilvl 200, rushed game development in a nutshell.
And why do I come to this conclusion? Well I’m bored to hell, so I’ve got nothing else to do but to scroll the bug report forum, and I found another person with a similar issue, just like me.
Oh, and very far down I also found this gem:
Had a good laugh already.
Anyway, my advice to everyone is: don’t upgrade your precious conduits past ilvl 200. Especially potency conduits. You might just nerf yourself in the process.
Edit: reached the 5 days ago posts and also found my thread, where I posted the GM’s response.
You know Ion practiced law before working at blizzard, right?
Reroll one of the “good” specs, or suffer.