PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

I mean it really isnt an opinion, its factual based off the evidence at hand.

Youre hiding for a reason.


So you can’t?

Show evidence that contradicts that im not better than you?

Oh you cant?



Still a no?.

So you were being disingenuous when you spoke initially about the difference between cata and vanilla leveling?

Colour me shocked

Ill say it again so you get it.

Your opinion doesnt matter.

What you want doesn’t concern me.

You arent even close to as good as you claim you are.

No i wasnt, leveling was never hard, not sure how that confuses you, you have infinite lives, youre acting like you dying in a game matters, it makes it inconvienent not hard, there is a difference.

It mattered enough for you to spam reply me.

You cant prove yourself to be good, youre bad at the game hence why you hide.

How good have i claimed to be?

All i said is that im far better than you, which we clearly have the data to back that claim up, unless of course youre going to give us data that counters that claim?


Didnt think so.


You act like this is an own. Trucks are for dumb blue collar slobs and fixing things is peasant hand labor that is beneath their betters. Tell me you are poor without saying you are poor.

Another person who is incapable of self reliant action outside of games

This all started actually because you made incorrectly snide remarks about there being no difference in leveling between cata and vanilla.

Sorry you get caught up in your own hype, most people not worth their salt do that.

No, i said its pretty stupid to compare leveling difficulty.

You still cant see how stupid that is, but with your skill level i wouldnt expect you to.

Youre in a group chat discussing Hogger Strats.


Being poor enough to have to do manual labor is nothing to be proud of. I am self reliant since I have money and can make peasants do work for me.

All I’m hearing are excuses from a man that can’t even fix his own truck, rough

Probably calls AAA for a flat


Reading is hard.

Actual labour is harder.

You can do neither.

I thought leveling was hard?

Not harder than leveling in classic tho,mirite?


Of course I would, why would I get my hands dirty or step out of climate control when some poor will do it for me for a pittance?

The fact that you equate manhood to doing servant tasks is telling.

I will say as someone who has to play on horde because all my RL friends are horde, it really sucks to be a PvP enjoyer atm.

Subjectively, in comparison to cata, leveing in vanilla is more involved, yes.

Thank you for the admission finally.

My original response still stands

Oce is the only region where it’s like 80-20 to horde to alliance ratio.

Oce loves horde for some reason

Can confirm switched from orc to human on my rogue and have been enjoying an 80 percent win increase ever since. Gear takes so much less time to farm :slight_smile:

Literally the definition of a skill issue my dude.
Battlegrounds are often played horde v horde or alliance v alliance btw, so you’re really crying about a non-existent problem lmao.

tl;dr I’m horde, I’m pvping, I am having fun, thus your arguement is based on your own farts.