PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

undead have literally the worst racial in the game, its basically just a watered down version of the human racial that only works for fear.

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I guess butting into things you arent involved in makes you feel good then?

Every Wintergrasp I have done so far is basically 120 Alliance vs 15 Horde and we always win about 1k honor from them after steamrolling the Horde into oblivion. While I enjoy the quick and easy honor I’m wondering how the heck the battleground from last expansion gives me more honor than the one meant for this expansion (Tol Barad.)

You messaged me my guy.

Shouldnt you be leveling in era enjoying the skill ceiling of leveling?

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I did not, i mentioned you and as always you came running like a dog.

“The skill ceiling of leveling” is a quote made by a manchild that knows hes wrong, but cant muster the balls to admit it.

CRY ME A FOOKING RIVER!!! The game has been horde heavy for 20 years, it is now our turn!!

There is nothign to be wrong about, your opinion isnt fact.

Calling me names doesnt improve your position.

Leveling is never hard, judging its difficulty is about the lowest skill thing you can do, im sorry you still click and keyboard turn so classic questing was very difficult for you.

I was in dungeons pulling 130 mobs to level, yeah it was real hard lmfao, yer all a joke.


Plays outlier class capable of 1 thing.

Denotes is as a skill when everyone that mages can do that.

Absolutely the least useful person on the forums.

Also quote me when I said it was difficult, should take you the same amount of time to find it as it takes for you to fix your own truck.

You couldnt do it, most mages cant do it lmfao.

They have the skill level of you, which is really really low.

I drive for a company, they fix the trucks.

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PvP died because 98% of you decided on a whim that you should listen to your internet boyfriends (asmon and many other creators) and rolled horde.

I can do it, most can actually.

Their skill level is average, which is where you sit slightly under.

Thats adorable.

Only 1 of us is hiding.


remove wotf shared cd ty blizerd

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I couldnt care less if you think im “hiding”

Starting to think your a terminally online keyboard warrior and is the reason you cant fix your own truck.

Cant hack it irl, so be obtuse and vitriolic online.

Trash life.

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I parse 99, show me your main!!! :nerd_face:

How do you know i cant hack it irl?

Why do bad players insist better superior players like myself cant hack it irl?

Is that your coping mechanism? Just because im far better at a game you spent 15+ years playing but never got good at so anyone better has to be a loser irl?

Make it make sense?


The human racial was a thing in wrath and horde did just fine. Focus on teamwork and make a premade instead of worrying about one single racial ability.

As long as you understand im far better at the game than you.

If you want i could teach you, maybe i can show you how to hotkey?


Once again, in your own world instead of reality.

Quote me where I said you were better.