PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

brother Hopefully you’re a troll, surely nobody can be this bad at reading comprehension and then go off at the other guy for being too stupid to read lmao.

Also having a mental breakdown on the forums isn’t the flex you think it is brother. You literally got mad at him for words he didn’t say and then pee’d and poop’d your pants to “own him”

Lmao go touch some grass bro.

he never stood a chance against my defecating my own pants style!

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Incorrect, but youre allowed to be, its fine.

Solo queue BG is pretty fried right now on both factions. Half your team will be like 246 ilvl with guild rank “miembro” or “iniciado”. Thank god for WG

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they nerf shaman because of many many crying alliance ! its trinket time XD

Nerf Human Racial! Remove it from the game!

Everyone knew arenas where going to be dominated by ally going into wrath if Blizzard didn’t do anything to the human racial, which they didn’t.

On the 3v3 ladder ATM, there are 9 horde in the top 100 on NA. EU has 0 Horde in the top 100.

Welcome to Alliance PVE and just Blizzard overall my dude. Blizzard made it even worse and took out the only good PVE buff Alliance had in the 1% hit. If you wanna play serious PVE raids and go for highscores why place Alliance just faction change or give up.

Hello everyone I made this post after losing 20 bgs in a row on Horde.

Things seem to have stabilized now that we finally caught up to gear after losing to premades over and over the first week.

The human racial is busted it won’t be changed. But once again at least I can play bgs and not hate the game. I even won 4 bgs in a row!

Yes, a poor blue collar person response.

Would suck to not be able to do what a monkey could, but you do you brother

Monkeys fling feces, being proud to do monkey work is kinda sad.

Sounds like you just made your next goal, shoot big

Keep being poor, handworker.

You have poop to fling brother, you said it yourself

That is the definition of dependent. You are reliant on the “poors” to do the work for you.

You subsidize being an actual man & are clueless enough to brag about it :joy: don’t hurt yourself trying to change a tire or anything. Just wait for an real man to arrive so you can pay him to get the job done. Hmm wonder who else does that :thinking:


You def voted b1den

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Evisceration. How can he recover?

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