PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

No point in even pvping unless your alliance. Faction change or give up? Lol. No one on horde is having any fun. Just gonna be alliance premades qing against eachother.


why I’ve only been doing WG and TB, waste of time queuing bgs

Need to add the retail change of the shared cd on human trinket.


The worst thing is, you pay to change to alliance and keep joining BGs disguised as a member of the horde. Conclusion: you lose. Just forget BGs.


Plays Horde: Gets steamrolled by benediction premades.
Swaps to alliance: Still gets farmed by benediction premades ‘‘disguised’’ as horde.

Blizzard needs to do something about this, it’s game breaking at this point.


Racial was OP then and it is OP now. Will see 95% as humans on alliance unless blizzard nerfs it.


just because you are dead doesnt mean its dead


Remove it or give pvp trinket a buff or set bonus (not a set bonus for double dps pvp trinket)


Human racial is miles beyond anything else, 80% of the arena players went alliance

Imbalance wasn’t as bad during TBC because although Horde had generally better racials, ally meant instant BG queues, and certain comps were better on ally

do you zugs have anything better to complain about

maybe if you actually tried defending bases you wouldn’t lose


Just wait til the good raid trinkets make their way into pvp. At least they implemented the horde “disguise” so the humans can battle each other. Back in the day there was no such thing and merc mode didn’t exist.

horde was never good at pvp, really.


says the peak 1600 player after 11 years playing the game lolololol


fighting fat nerds with mental distress is not a focus, I pursue higher threats, like world-ending deities and stuff. I leave the small potatoes to you, master pvp’er.

edit: roflmao

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And the premades they are on about can be like 3 dudes.

It jsut so happens when I saw some names when they say jump, I ask how high. I have been the pure random in the crew. The dude had a good plan. The plan was executed. Wons happened more, voodoo magic really.

Whereas horde can have up to 39 people all going you aren’t my dad! And that independent mindset racks up losses.


Racial imbalance in TBC proved to be exaggerated. Alliance legitimately have some broken racials for certain matchups. Some comps like warlock priest were better on alliance… others like triple undead rmp were better on horde. There was no racial where you felt like you picked the “wrong” faction, both sides had racials that synergized better with different comps and no matter your class you had something that worked. It was honestly something I enjoyed about TBC, where certain matchups feel totally different to play against depending on the racials of the opposing team. I have to completely change my strategy against a double undead rogue priest team as opposed to an alliance one. It made arena feel more dynamic and interesting.

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People wanna play classic but change everything about it…

Go play retail.


Cataclysm isn’t classic. It’s the first iteration of retail.

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It is called cataclysm classic now.


Blizzard calling it that due to progressing off the classic trilogy doesn’t make it classic in reality. The old world is razed and the game is transformed into a totally different video game genre, it’s the full scale shift into everything the audience who asked for classic wanted to get away from.