PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

says the alliance who had to exploit warmasters back in classic xD

how many changes did the paladins get in TBC again?

Isnā€™t that Bangdkps?

Heā€™s back.

Youā€™re being carried by a bunch of arena chads on my friends list thatā€™s how lol. This issue is not as simple as ā€œhorde not know about flag!ā€. Itā€™s literally just that the arena elite (and possible those preparing for cata RBGs) went human, and are heavily increasing the winrate of Alliance. Itā€™s the equivalent to migratory brain-drain. American economy benefits from importing 200 IQ foreigners, doesnā€™t mean weā€™re all super geniuses here.

How about no? LOL Considering they refused to nerf Orc Racial in SoD and WoW Classic which created a massive imbalance of Horde vs Alliance in later phases. Why would they care about imbalance in Cata Classic?

Horde Racials in Classic are far and above insane compared to any Alliance racial in PvP yet Blizzard never touched Horde racials in re-release of Classic of SoD.


i was doing bgs during prepatch and i was dominating on my barely geared death knight. idk why but we won like every bg lol. the horde was trying but every time we just steamrolled them. it always felt like on average alliance was like 30 item levels above the average item level of the horde team. that and i could just shred through players, hitting for more than half their health bar on a death strike crit

Yea thats him for sure.

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no its not. you have a personal/skewed perspective on your own. horde is 100% fine for pvp/arena. its only dead for the second wintergrasp que (which im going to wildly assume thats what giving you this false take).

the pvp season has not even began btw it starts tomo

Alliance can play objectives more.

Even in losses these add up to points at end. An extra 60 points (20 points an object give seems common, so say 3 objectives) can be that 60 points that gets that new item.

Barely counts lol. Iā€™ve left the vendor with like 15 honor. Butā€¦.i got my item. Yay!

He never on once ā€œcriedā€.

You, on the other hand, sound like an unhinged freak whos one more minor teary response away from screaming at the top of your lungs.

Cata lvling is braindead.

Vanilla leveling could actually kill you.

These are true, no matter what insults you throw at either of us.

He cried, and you cried. Then you cried some more about Drink


Just throwin this out thereā€¦ but

AoE blanket silence since TBC.
RNG stun resist until Wrath and then Stun duration reduction and built in PVE trinket
Built in PVE trinket
AoE stun and bonus HP.
Heroic leap-ish thing.
Extra fear break and immunity since vanilla

None of these are badā€¦


Perception until Wrath into built in PVP trinket
bonus vanish skill thatā€™s only partly
poison / bleed cleanse and extra armor
root break that can fail lol
Space goat heal =/

Tho I do admit furries scare me tooā€¦

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You mean make it stuns only and +1 min CD? It already shares a CD with the regular trinket, but it is an exact copy so you can essentially have 3 trinket slots.

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It could kill you!?!?!?!?!

Then what??

Oh you walk back to you body and went again because you have infinite lives?

What a dumb argument lmfao.


Horde is really struggling out there, and that is a fact.

Almost as dumb as arguing that cata leveling and vanilla leveling were the same calibre.

Smart one.

Hi other drink, go fix your truck.

Almost like arguing about how hard leveling is in any form of this game as if it mattered.

We get it you click.


As if there isnt a glaring difference to them lmao.

I get it, you talk alot of crap.

I literally havent said there wasnt a difference, but its such a stupid thing to bring up it makes you look bad.