PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

I’m so insecure I post on a toon you can look up, make it make sense?

You’re the only 1 hiding kiddo.


Feeling the need to show off can be a sign of insecurity. The fact that your bragging about it tells me this applies to you.

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No, i asked for your info, you always had access to mine so you didnt have to ask, but im willing to bet if i was trash you would 100p bash me for it, but you cant.

You made the claim and i wanted to verify your lie…i mean claim.


I didn’t inspect your character and don’t care to? Lmao. Is this some sort of defense mechanism for yourself?

I like how you ignored the relevant part.

You made a claim (we all know it was a lie) and cant back it up.

I called you out on it.


You mean kind of how you did to get to this ridiculous conversation?

I mean your whole point was irrelevant, youre a grown man crying about how the leveling difficulty isnt high enough on a part of the game you spend 1% of your paytime on.


The leveling in cataclysm is so outlandishly bad and braindead, it may as well not even exist at all. In the classic trilogy leveling is a major aspect of the game. In cataclysm it’s a 50 hour grind that has absolutely no purpose beyond wasting your time.

with faction vs faction bgs does the imbalance even matter anymore?

50 hours?



The way I’m reading this is its really just premades that are the issue. The issue should resolve itself tomorrow though, when the premades move over to rbgs and the people who want to play pug bgs are left.

It’s not even premades it’s just the fact that any player interested in arena went Alliance during wrath because of the edge for arenas. It’s a skill issue, horde sucks now, because the PvP minmaxers who are GOOD at PvP for the most part cared to swap Ally. I skipped an expac so that’s why I didn’t go, but I’ll have to at some point if I want to arena competitively. Not because I need the racial in Cata (trinkets aren’t as OP this time around), but because all the PvPers have already gone Ally and I need to be there to find high end arena partners.

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Honestly a lot of Ally transfers are just casual and aren’t shooting for Glad, but…it’s partly a snowball effect

->people actually vying for Glad title go Human
->BG enjoyers go to win more BGs
->Now 25-35% of your Arena “friend list” is on Ally
->Now the more casual arena players just transfer to keep playing with their buds

Mind blowing to me that Blizz will meddle so heavy-handedly in PVE (meaningless non-competitive content against computers) yet won’t touch the racial situation in Arena


Its always been this way, even on original release. Whatever was the perceived advantage…people went that way.
Except for vanilla of course. There was barely internet and i think people just liked horde for the edgy aspect.
Right now the sweaties min/max and the message board follow-types hear “human is Bis” …so they must do that. so pvp-minded people go alliance.

It’s always been this way.

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Nerf human racial was always the best answer…too bad blizzard is scared to do it.

They actually did nerf every man for himself in early real Cata but then unnerfed it later.

We think we overnerfed Every Man for Himself, and are reverting it back to a 2-minute cooldown again. We might evaluate other racials after we’ve seen more PvP.

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WSG. Alliance lacks zug zug racial . They do freaky things like….run flags. Who does that, right?

I’ve seen that today a lot. It seems even masked horde as alliance players just pick up mid mash mindset by osmosis lol.

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Funny to watch the zugs in shambles over racials. Where were you the last 4 years?


It didn’t fix retail really. Since a BG loss rate rant humans can tend to take the cc trinket in retail. It breaks more CC. Like said before its rare day you get hit with just 1 really. Seeing EMFH not break it had you go well this sucks, a lot.

But sure we can do that here. I’d like to see what the next reason for losses is. See WSG is the funny one. If you have the geared druid…they get the flag. So that be worgen or NE players. Not human. Worgen don’t have emfh to be true human.

Also doesn’t explain how in wsg I could have num locked auto walk for a winning point more than once across 2 version of the game. I, like a few fc’s, don’t carry flags into the mid mash. We run up the side its not on.

wym? there were druids that as soon as they saw me on the opposite team they wanted to AFK out. i dont play with the cliquey squad cause they cringe LOL they inv me and i ghost them because they arent fun to play with or be on discord with. btw post on your main, what arena ratings you get? or you just do unrated warsong for 20 hours a day on era?