PvP Damage Reduction Test #3 - May 10

These blanket nerfs need to go. Either fine tune the classes or just don’t touch the nerf button at all. This has to be the laziest dev team in blizzard history, but I mean, what do you expect when you get events such as Blood Moon greenlighted (twice in a row)?

It is honestly demoralizing logging in to see your damage almost halved, I mean, if you want us to head back to Classic Era (and promise to not touch it ever), I’m game.


Impressive, they managed to kill sod before it even made it to it’s final phase. :saluting_face:

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Lol, so true. Mage hit like a wet noodle before the - 30%. Worst pvp experience I have had on a mage in the 20 years of playing one.

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Quiet or I will flame shock you and you don’t want to know what comes afterwards.

But I have a feeling you already know what comes next, it is likely seared into your memory.

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It would be nice to see some transparency from the developers around what their quality criteria is for their decision making.

In my opinion, these changes are some of the most half-baked ‘solutions’ ever to be delivered in World of Warcraft. (incursions are the worst).

We have classes, such as mage forced into ‘Retail Style’ PVP conditions with ‘Classic Style’ Cooldown Times and Resource Management and scaling, the result? an unplayable class.

  • Evocate 8min CD
  • Mana Gems - less than 1/8th mana pool
  • Frost Barrier - 500??
  • Rebuffing in GY? half mana pool
    Mana required to kill a target? all of it (and maybe a mana potion).

Loved or hated, what made SOD PVP great in the first place was in-fact the burst meta:

  • Globaled by a shaman
  • Globalling a shaman
  • Counterspelling a lava burst
  • Grounding totem my pyro blast

PVP moved fast, you and your opponent were always 1 or 2 global CD mistakes from death. Attrition PVP is nice, but why do we need another version of it? Attrition/Slow PVP is now observed in retail and now end-game Cata-Classic. SOD had something unique and exciting, now it’s all the same… why?

Burst meta allowed for poor class scaling to not be so obvious, certain classes were OP however most if not every-other class was playable and, able to hold their own in specific encounters, now that has been removed, we have:

  1. OP Classes
  2. Strong Classes
  3. Weak Classes
  4. Unplayable Classes

The OP gets stronger and the playable becomes weak and unplayable

GG Blizzard, devs officially cooked it, keen to see how they ruin P4 for everybody.


Why not just increase the health or reduced the damage to warriors in pvp. We all know that is why you’re separating out melee and range damage. Rogues don’t need pvp buffs.

Warriors just needed a Stam rune like the other new tanking classes lol. instead you get something like rallying cry which is good for 1 boss aoe lol

i honestly want to know why yall are leaving shamans so overpowered? do all the devs play horde or do yall like imbalance? even with dmg reduction shamans lava burst instant chain lighting still 1 shots and i have all stam gear

yeah your right pvp that doesnt give time to counterplay other than having a ranged kick is good… wtf you smoking bro

No it doesnt.

And lemme point you to a little spell called dispell. That lava burst hits like a wet noodle with no flame shock.

If you actually like PvP just come home to Cataclysm, where you’ll actually enjoy yourself

if it doesn’t naturally crit

It rarely crits without a flame shock. Most of the shaman ele talents are geared toward increasing the crit of LB and chain

they refuse to fix the shaman problem because they value server alliance vs horde balance in terms of population rather than actual game play. Shaman is the only reason why horde numbers are up, simple as. The day they nerf shaman is the day everyone goes back to alliance game play, then the servers end up being 75% ally and 25% horde

revert this it’s miserable. one shot meta please

Cata pre patch PVP feels MILES AHEAD of SOD pvp…go play Cata if your upset. SOD IS A DISAPPOINTMENT!!!

but it can and does naturally crit so pretending like theyre gonna just get hit with a squirt gun for dispelling is a bit of a stretch. not to mention you can just ele mastery it though with how busted burn is most people use it to batch cl fs

Not saying it doesnt crit, just thats its fairly low as it doesnt have any talents to boost its chances. And a non crit lava burst will hit for around 500-600ish. When everybody in PvP has at least clost to 4k ya that isnt much. Ele mastery is a 3min CD. I mean ya if you want to use all your CDs for that one lava burst, go ahead.

My bro sometimes your class just doesn’t have built-in counterplay for every scenario and may require a trinket or profession to give you the upper hand, that’s just the way it is. If you want counterplay for every input probs just play retail.

Not only does the Blizz want to take a lazy approach to use blanket reductions on damages and healings, the players have to be testers on whether their approach work well.

Like, sometimes, I cant believe we pay a subscription fee to be Blizz’s Beta testers.

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