Pvp community must rally together right now

I didn’t start playing wow until the end of mop. I really liked wod PvP gear. Wod PvP gear continued to scale in wPvP during Legion until level scaling, and came in very useful leveling on a PvP server in Legion content.

I miss season 3 ashran.


Everyone says they miss the old pvp because we had pvp gear that was good and an encouragement that came from wholesome, even pvp progression. As I said, pvpers don’t play for gear we play for rating. We play for a good match. There is no scripted fights. The gear is not what we chase after, but the glory. It is similar to the glory of completion of a raid, but also completely different. In pve, you master your own class, not so much your teammates. I’m talking every skill and talent, not guys that have alts. In pvp, you master your opponents class almost more than your own…please think about this idea with me. Would a pve guy still do a raid if there was no loot drops? Because I would pvp if we all had no gear and the same stats. Gladly!!!

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I did pvp back when I could get tier one gear and have fun with it. Then I learned the true meaning of hardcore pvp in Mechwarrior online the battle for midway. So I am going to put some thoughts down but I doudght it will do any good. As the devs seem more interested in politics this days points at the politics thread still going on BLM Than actually improving the game.

I do not think pvp stat is the issue. The down hill slide for pvp began in wraith of lich king. A point in the games history where arenas were forceably elavated above all other forms of pvp. This got worse with the rated pvp system, which is a joke because it still reovles around some ones arena rating. Then it got worse when they removed a bottom tier pvp set for randoms, because pvers were exploiting the hell out of it, and popping in raids/dungeons with better gear then people who played the game properly on the pve end.

So you add a stat is this going to change anything? Not really. Unless you add a major penality for someone taking pvp gear into multiple dungeons and raids. The problem still remains if you bring back pvp gear in its fullest. So let me be clear what do I mean by multiple. A player in pvp gear should be able to wear pvp gear into pve for say one dungeon/raid a week for story purposes only. Other then that if they try to bring pvp gear into pve dungeon/raid the stats are automatcly reduced to zero once in dugneon/raid.

I realize this solution would require a great deal of work but its the only way this problem is ever going to be solve. The current form the devs have taken, along with pushing politics will lead to well the death of pvp. Just the opinion of one player.

The point is to make pvp power or resilience the most powerful stat on pvp gear, making even the most powerful pvp gear just weak enough to pve.
There will be no desire to bring it to pve. This has worked fine before and there is no issue making it work again. We cannot bring up the choices of set bonus because that is a completely different point. But I understand the point you make with that. We aren’t even there yet.


But I loved to gear up while doing PVP too.

Please don’t make me PVE for my gear again Blizzard! 4 years that was too much!


Yea I agree. It might be annoying for people that raid or do both, but it really isn’t fair to the people who only want to pvp. I haven’t really pvp’d since MoP but I’m not so selfish as to try and pretend like the way things are now are really messed up.


Thank you for this reply. Things are really messed up.

Honestly it feels like pvp is simply not on their radar/worth their effort (in their opinion). In WoD I was honestly happy with pvp and that was my endgame. I still think WoD’s gearing system was the best simply because pvp gear came from pvp, was not great in pve, and pve gear was not the best in pvp. Compared to corruption, I don’t get how having two item levels or a pvp stat would make pvp gearing too complex.

Completely agree, and people have two seperate sets of gear for pve and pvp now. It’s not a problem. It’s never been a problem. The logic behind this position they’ve taken does not make sense for me because we had a system like this in previous expansions and it was great. For those just joining in the discussion, please take a moment to check out the YouTube videos posted here in this thread.

I disagree. BfA PvP was designed as a currency dispensing mechanism for raiders.

Just as how changes to the game increased the number of PvE paid carries tremendously in BfA, in Shadowlands token sales for paid carries by elite PvEers will be a major method of gearing up for PvP.

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Yeah, we should not be paying for boosts and carries through other content either. This is a game breaking issue within the philosophy going into SL. Thank you for this post.

The Burning Crusade’s resilience gear was the best.

It was predominately used in PvP but still had uses in PvE for the fact it typically had more stamina would was valuable for certain encounters where damage wasn’t as important and/or your gear was low and did not offer enough stamina to survive a mechanic and/or mistake.

Likewise, PvE gear still had some uses in PvP via trinkets and weapons to get some extra damage in the PvP setting when one’s survivability wasn’t really in question.

I loved it and I can’t wait until Blizzard brings TBC legacy servers.

The problem with pvp only gear is that casuals just get roflstomped because they are outgeared. There is absolutely no incentive to do a bg when you’ll get destroyed and have no chance to fight back. PVP should be without gear at all. Gladiators fight naked.


The covenant system will put people who choose their covenant based on its PvP ability at a disadvantage in mythic+ and raiding, which they will still be required to do. They will have more difficulty getting into groups, and the groups will fail more often because the kind of group that will take a player who has chosen to be less than optimal is full of players like that.

This won’t be a problem for elite PvEers, because their guilds mean they won’t have to pug anything.

I recently just made a similar thread outlying the same things and I’m proud to see how much positive feedback your post has got RALLY THE COMMUNITY @BLIZZARD NEEDS TO LISTEN

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The history of PvP says you’re wrong. It took a weekend to get fully geared in honor gear doing PvP in wod. After that people started working on their conquest gear.

Artificial timegates have not always been the rule.

Any thread with more than one streamer/YouTube video embedded in it should be locked.

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yall are fighting for pvp improvements in a blizzard game, prepare to ride the bone train

They transformed the pvp stats into versitility, and now works in pve. If you feel squishy stack some versitility!

The problem is not feeling squishy, the problem is having to do pve content for that gear high versa gear. And gear from pvp doesn’t even come close. So pvpers are now wearing pve gear, and people who are unable to complete the pve content can’t even stand a chance in pvp environments. This is wrong.

This is actually how it was supposed to work. You got stomped on with no gear to teach you how good it was, and also as a reward to the players who earned it. Targeting players with no pvp gear was half of the fun and as mentioned a reward in itself. You still get gear from winning the bg and accumulated pvp currency. I myself have returned to the game and had to gear up this way many times. I enjoyed it. Welcome to pvp that wasn’t tailored to pve players who still turned with keys and don’t know enemy class mechanics.