Pvp community must rally together right now

PvP gear is badly itemized. You see stat weights like +180 crit +40 vers.

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World PVP has been an integral part of the game since Vanilla, and unrated battlegrounds became part of the game before the first expansion.

I agree Arenas fit your description and can be ignored as a minigame.

It is difficult to accept this as there have been many arena tournaments at blizzcon. I have to disagree. Pvp has merit and is worthy of genuine support. 3v3 Arena is where pvp is balanced.

I personally donā€™t know many pve players that watch other guilds complete raids. Some streamers do pve yeah. But most pvpers also watch streams and play together. Itā€™s a giant community and completely different. While you guys are standing around in town or doing quests etc, we are constantly battling in duels outside town or doing arenas. It does not ever end.

You cannot compare pvp in wow to say, pvp in diablo 3. That it a mini game. This is not.

Hell the faction conflict was even a heavily promoted part of WoW during the lead up to it being released. I remember playing the stress test for vanilla and a bunch of us raiding crossroads at likeā€¦ levels 10-20 or something. No id didnā€™t go wellā€¦ (most of us got lost on the way).

BFA has PVP Conquest gear up to heroic raiding ilvl from random battlegrounds and world PVP. You can get up to mythic raiding ilvl from rated. There are plenty of PVP gear rewards if youā€™re willing to work for them, just like in PVE.

If this is true, no PVP gear is necessary. Just remove all gear in rated, and temporarily put everyone in default boosted character greens.

In tournament pvp people all have the same gear. This is why we wanted pvp vendor. So yes I agree with you, but not in the negative light you shed on it. (Greens? Come on.)

I am proud too. And so grateful. Thank you guys for supporting. For those who donā€™t understand and are willing to listen I am happy to explain further.

Forgive me if im being ignorant with the bag space comment as I really hated BFA and havent played much, but especially after the patch introducing corruptions and with all the azerite gear with different effects and different priorities for different specs, how is making PVP gear more equal not a good idea because people dont want to carry around multiple sets of gear?

In the current game at least before you got to choose your corruptions, you would get a random corruption/piece of gear with azerite powers and some pieces would be good for one spec and not the other. It has been this way the entire expansion so you literally have had to fill your bags with extra pieces of gear in the chance you swap specs or do M+/PVP/Raid anyway. All gear is catered to what you are doing with it, PVP gear should be no different.

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it literally comes down to the SIMPLE fact that PVP players should not have to play content they donā€™t like just to feel like they can somewhat keep up. it is wrong and its not fair. how hard is it to make 1 change and give us a pvp stat!? its that easy!!

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my bags are more full of gear now then they ever have been with PvP gear. I donā€™t see why holding different sets of gear for different content is bad. We already prioritize different stats for PvP over PvE.


Ok then. Let mythic raid level gear, with the appropriate stats, be bought via pvp. Iā€™m sick of PvP being denigrated to a game mode for bored raiders killing time between raids.

Yeppers another truth is revealed.

We carry more gear around now than when PVP had a PVP stat. :+1:

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The thing about the vendor is that while it does offer control over which slot you can buy a piece of gear for (a good thing, a definite improvement over BfA Conquest), the gear is the same poorly itemized gear without any recourse such as a PVP stat, set bonus or existence of Reforging.

So if it remains like this the vendor gear will likely be ignored by anyone who cares about their characterā€™s stats.

A few people seem to find it difficult to have a second set of gear, even with the ā€œgear swapā€ system that lets you save complete sets of gear, all swappable with one single click.

This I find absolutely rediculous, itā€™s a miracle that these people can tie their shoes.

Bfa gear has been the most convoluted and disasterous pvp I have seen since I started playing in 2008.

Where did I say I didnā€™t want PVP gear to be more equal? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, I want them to fix the secondary stats on the gear to make our PVP gear progression better.

Youā€™re exactly right, BFAā€™s gear was extremely bag heavy. If we added a ā€œPVP statā€ that would be another set of gear weā€™d have to juggle, per spec. Iā€™m saying give us avenues to get the specific stats we need for PVP, at a proper item level, so that we can actually use that PVP gear. As it is right now, if you want BiS stats on your gear for PVP, you need to go to PVE for the drops.

I donā€™t think weā€™re in disagreement here.

You are confused though. You would still have pvp gear. It would just be, you know, GOOD for pvp only, and earned from pvp content.

I never thought I would see people say they had too much gear or felt overwhelmed by gear. The best players have almost always had multiple items for pve or pvp up until legion where gear didnā€™t matter. Now In bfa, gear mattered again except the pvp gear was very bad. And scaling didnā€™t work out. So you had to pve to pvp. Case in point, my thread.

Now we have azerite armor points, necklace points, talent points, pvp talents points, corruptions, enough is enough with the excuses. Iā€™m not buying it. Some single set of gear for pvp that comes from doing pvp and is good for pvp is not asking too much and will not hurt the pve progression.

If the stats on the PvP vendor gear were even somewhat optimized this would be far less of an issue.

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Overall Ghost Crawler did it right. He made sure both sides had a major difference though through item levels they were on par.

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Agreed, I log on every once in a whileā€¦ barely do M+ and really only like to PVP. Im fine with raiding normals and doing M+ content as I want to experience the full game but people complaining about carrying around gear is crazy. With the very limited amount I play BFA, the only things in my bags are different weekly chest rewards and M+ gear just in case a stat gets nerfed and another piece becomes betterā€¦

People should not complain about bag space and multiple gear sets, its always been around.

Warlords had the fastest subscribership dropoff of any expansion to date. Reinstating systems that caused people to get bored and leave the game quickly are not the right direction for a healthy game.

BFA Conquest gear, starting in 8.1, let you choose from, typically, four different sets of secondaries. You could always get pretty close to what you wanted.

It can be Mythic raiding purples as long as you only get it for the arena and itā€™s removed at the end of the arena. My point is that thereā€™s no reason to make people work for gear to use in rated, and no reason to have high ilvl gear rewards for rated since theyā€™ll be using the default gear anyway.

Then we can stick with the BFA Conquest system for random battlegrounds and world PVP.

100% Agree