Bloomsday, did you even watch any of the videos posted in this thread? Or my replies previous?
I’ve already stated I don’t care for honor gear, but when the honor gear takes insanely long to attain compared to a single mythic 0 clear why would anyone even bother? So that’s useless.
You and I disagree entirely on this, and I feel like you dunno much about WoW if you feel this is the case. Watcher himself said most choices within WoW are based on loadout. What you take into a situation to optimize for certain encounters. Some choices are about identity - such as race, and class. Why would PvP not require its own separate loadout if I change talents and stats for specific boss encounters?
Except in this situation, the Youtubers are united in what they’re saying, and the PVP player base has been asking for these same things for literal years ever since we lost vendors back in Legion. If the highest performing players of your player base, and the same people who cast things like the AWC are united in their feedback, that bears listening to, or at least, engaging in some kind of discussion.
What they are saying is if you actively enable warmode…and you stay in PVE gear thats a choice and if you get roflstomped by someone in PVP gear thats on you. Used to happen on PVP servers all the time…you learned to quest in your PVP gear at max lvl doing dailies and such and it wasn’t uncommon for people to zone into a heroic dungeon in PVP gear and swap out after they zoned in.
Have you not seen any of the videos explaining why?
In order to get as set of mythic zero equivalent gear, it will take 600+ BG’s which is equivalent to 6+ days of /played time in BG’s (not counting waiting in a queue).
And when you do get the gear, it has stat priorities that do not match the ones you want.
So, once again, PVE is the better way to gear for PVP. Better Gear, and earned faster.
Even simple raid finder gear will be better than maxed out honor gear. That’s a joke right considering how long it takes to reach that level? All those hours, for anyone that was gonna gear up in bgs for pvp just pve instead. So the problem remains. To reiterate once more I’m a multi 2.2 pvper and do have some idea of what I’m talking about.
Bloom, you are completely useless here and didn’t even take the time to understand what all of us are talking about. Thank you for wasting public internet bandwidth. You will not stop us.
I feel like this fight is between people who actually PvP, and those who do the occasional random battleground or arena. PvP vendors should either have gear thats BiS for PvP except for maybe a few pieces that you need to get from PvE to be truly BiS, or we need a PvP stat so that crybaby PvEers don’t “have” to do PvP for some piece that might be 1% better for them. As it stands right now, the best PvP gear comes from PvE which is really just awful for PvPers
The scaling system just brought down an important part of the community. PVP isn’t rewarding anymore and having people complain because now they can hold their own in PVP is painful. PVP is supposed to be competitive and rewarding. You are supposed to fear the fully PVP geared guy that rushes at you. He worked for it. Proved is mettle against other players.
Because the gear sells for an unrealistically high amount. Unrealistic in the sense that you would need to do 627 battlegrounds (saw this number calculated on reddit) to get gear which is the equivalent of Mythic 0. So why bother trying to get honor?
Yah i would be the 1st to say that i dont know much. Ive only played this game for over a decade. Aside from corruption gear and some outlier trinket, seldom did any piece of gear play a pivotal role in any match.
Think about the massive world they’ve built. Huge zones full of unique art and music, with lakes, rivers, mountains, ruins, cities and villages. They’re populated by NPC’s, monsters, critters, quests, archaeology, story, cut scenes, movies…etc.
Then you have a few arenas where people chase each other around pillars for 3 minutes.
And previously, you needn’t fear for long, because honour gear was pretty fast to get and then you were not that far behind the people decked out in conquest gear.
It was encouraging and motivating to know that I too could attain this epic conquest gear. And the road to get there was to PVP.
Unfortunately this isn’t acceptable. Consider the fact that they still introduce new pvp content and we just had an entire expansion based on significant amounts of world pvp. Did you forget about warmode already? Not a good contribution post here.