Pvp community must rally together right now

Venruki thinks a PVP set bonus is more likely than a resilience/PVP stat returning.

And I agree with this line of thinking because there is less resistance from BlizZard HQ.

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This is not everyone in the PVP community. I don’t want a PVP stat. And I do feel heard, they gave us vendors.


why does every cloth piece have mastery?! In fact why do most pieces have mastery?! Who thinks mastery is a commonly used stat? This is like all the vers cloth in raids that no class wants to use, who makes this gear and why?

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Personally, my favorite implementation of pvp gear was back in WoD. PvP gear had added 40+ ilevels when you were in a pvp instance. This not only gave PvP players gear focused just for pvp and prevented PvE gear from being OP in PvP … but it also allowed PvP gear to be just as useful in PvE. IMO, that was a win win situation.
It allowed pvp people to get relevant gear for all content, just by doing the content the love.

And not for nothing, but it was literally the only time since I have played WoW that I grinded full conquest gear.


The vendors give you bad gear that takes forever just to match mythic 0 strength, so you would be doing yourself a disservice wasting all that time getting poorly itemized pvp gear when you could just kill a dragon and get better gear instead. This is also a major problem. I look forward to your reply here because I feel like you got the bait and switch like I did, you just don’t know it yet. Those pvp vendors aren’t the ones you remember from before. I have played this game since 2008.


Versa is the unofficial PVP stat so I think Blizz could make it work but for some reason they are afraid of PVE players feeling forced to do PVP.

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Which is a great way to keep people from doing both. Thus limiting the pool of available people for PvP and PvE.

this is exactly the reason. the pve scene is way way bigger then the pvp one and boy do they make a stink when they feel pressured to pvp for the best gear…or anything really.

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The set bonuses would need to be strong in PvP scenarios but not PvE because if it turns out lower item level PvP set bonuses are BiS in X raid tier PvEers will reeeeee.

Remember in MoP the outrage over PvEers needing to win a battle in both Temple of Kotmogu and Silvershard Mines for Lego Cloak progression?

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They gave us vendors, sure. Useless vendors.


Sorry to break it to you guys but there is no way, with less than 2 months away of SL, that pvp stats will be added; besides, i dont agree with them.

I also dont agree with having pvp be a seperate game within wow. You, the player, are in this mmo. Your player stats should not change depending on what content you do.
Having multiple sets of gear for any specific content feels restrictive and doesnt make sense.


It is not a separate issue. PVP gear will never be allowed to be easier to obtain if it can be used in PVE as is. PVP gear will never be allowed to be better than PVE gear.

Blizzard very much cares about what these players think, look at PVP gearing the last 4 years…

The gear needs to be separate so it can be separately balanced.


That’s just the honor gear. Did you expect to get powerful gear from random BGs?

Poorly itemized gear went away after vanilla and BC. All stats are valuable for all classes, unless you’re finding strenth on cloth gear on the vendors.

If you want the best gear, you sometimes have to go outside your preffered game mode. That should be one of hurdles of optimization. Optimization shouldn’t be easy.

Except pvp gear with pvp stat would have no effect on pve, and pve players would have no desire for pvp gear in pve unless just to fill a slot which would be replaced later with pve gear.

Why are they useless? Because they don’t sell BiS gear?

Since trinket gear is returning for PVP they can do it for both trinket slots like they used to for PVP bonuses.


Nothing stops players from doing both, you just have to EARN your way through both aspects of the game.

I agree with this. The easiest solution in my mind is to make it so PvP gear has a PvP stat that only activates when entering combat with another player. Or, do the WoD situation where PvP gear is lower item level than anything unless in an arena or battleground where the item level then skyrockets higher than mythic raider item level.

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You must not PVP at all. The stats are already different between PVE and PVP. What class/spec has the same stat priorities for PVE and PVP?

We already have PVP talents that work this way, we can just add the PVP gear boost when in warmode or instanced PVP.