Pvp community must rally together right now

This doesn’t change that PvE has a gearing track, just like PvP (had) a gearing track.


If it did work fine why was it removed?

Really supportive of bringing back PvP power and/or resilience. They can just make it a single stat that does both like versatility, but PvP only.

I’d also love if they brought back reforging, but let you completely swap a stat out instead of a percentage of it. If your best stats are crit/haste and you get a crit/mastery piece, I’d like to be able to change the mastery to haste entirely, not just some of it. That would be great for both PvE and PvP.

The combination of those two additions would make PvP gearing feel so much better.

That’s the money question. Nobody asked for it to be removed and it just… was?

good question, thats why everyone here is trying asking for that to come back.

We don’t actually know. Blizzard doesn’t explain anything to PvPers.
Nobody asked for it to be removed.

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I mentioned this in another thread, but if your referring to mythic + drops and chest, they are being nerfed in SL (mythic + chest will combine with the pvp chest)

As for trinkets, this was always a thing. And I doubt you’ll get them to change that.

The 2nd portion of your answer was tried already; There was a loud outcry when they tried to take gear out of pvp and was forced to bring gear back into it.

dude…i have 10 characters i want to play with both pve and pvp, DO U THINK I WANNA RE-FARM PVP GEAR ON BGS ON EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER OF MINE? HELL NO

There’s an obvious difference. With pvp gear, I can only die. Nothing else. With M+ or raids, I can still participate while I gear up.

MoP had the solution here with crafted PvP honor sets. Bring those back too.

Better yet just revert all progression back to 5.2.

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Even if they gave an answer it probably wouldn’t be good. Their reason for removing PvP vendors in the first place was that they were confusing or hard to find.

Then they scattered the trainers and vendors in BfA hubs to the four winds. At least on Horde side. A simple quest that sends you to the PvP vendor to turn in an item for 20g would solve that problem.

There should be absolutely no reason that we cant have a PvP stat like there used to be. It was simple, you did your BG’s (epic, rated or otherwise) saved up your currency and decided what piece was a priority to buy.
My favorite part about MoP was playing my Blood DK and dominating BG’s once I could afford a few pieces of gear after EARNING the currency. It felt like getting paid a days wages after fighting on the front lines, just so I could buy myself new equipment and start the fight again.
If you decided you wanted to do some raiding, then PvP gear would be an acceptable substitute until you could get some good drops.
It was a good system, 2 MAYBE 3 different sets and you were good, and it needs to come back.

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dont worry guys, holinka is on the case.

hes teaming up with his good friend ion. theyll get it done right!

Lmao ok so then don’t farm the gear. If you’re happy with your PvE gearing then why does the option of people having a PvP vendor hurt you?

No, that’s not the difference. As someone else already explained to you, PvP is a lot more about teamwork than trying to do a PvE mechanic.
In prior expansions which had the gear vendor path, the players with Honor gear were absolutely effective against players in Conquest gear because it’s not stricly a DPS race.

Sick freak unfortunately you are not in the majority here.

Pvp worked in the exact way you don’t like, and worked perfectlyy for years. If you don’t want to take the time to get correct gear or find a group to be mature and successful with, that has nothing to to with pvp gear. Thats your personal social experience.

You could turn and say the same thing for pvp, except we don’t want to pve for pvp. I hope this helps you understand better. If you are getting crushed in bgs when you first start out a new pvp season or otherwise, you (or anyone reading) need to get good until you get gear or play smarter. Or just understand that others have put in the time with that content to get that gear. Just like you wouldn’t expect to be top pve damage compared to someone in full raid gear.

This explanation hopefullys helps out a lot of people reading. Even tho I’m a multi 2.2, I’ve been crushed a few times in BGs when gearing up. But I also played smart and made sure to win bgs by coordinating with my team to cap flags etc. Sometimes I was just a distraction or a meat shield.

Well for some it isn’t both.

Its one or the other.

Which is part of the problem here. There is nothing wrong with Dragon killing, I just find it boring.

There are people that play this game that find PVP boring or too chaotic for the way they want to play.

Me personally I hate what Mythic has done to dungeons to the point I don’t want to run them and raiding makes me fall asleep at the keyboard. To each there own endgame here. I have neither the time nor the patience for the PVE endgame options, I’d rather PVP capping flags and getting HKs…thats fun to me…Id just like some decent gear to be able to work towards while I do it.

As far as coming together…thats what we’re doing here I thought.

Oh and that quote was me being retorical towards a specific person who said do this in another game.

The OP said in an earlier post that part of the fun was curb stomping people without gear. Now you’re denying that it happens.

That’s fine for them. They can play whatever they enjoy in WoW.
This doesn’t change what WoW is. It’s a PvE and PvP game.

Trying to separate them demonstrates nothing but petty selfish motives and a misunderstanding of the game design.
PvP has a very minor effect on people who only PvE. The balancing can be done separately. The changes to PvP instances does not affect PvE instances. PvP tuning often has an instance specifier, such as “(this ability) now does x% less in PvP”, and such a tuning change does not impact PvE.
I genuinely think that the vast majority of players who oppose positive changes for the PvP playerbase only do so because they feel insecure in some way about PvP.

I know.

I’m not sure why I have to explain this to you, but Honor gear =/= no gear.

It’s almost like they’re two different people with differing opinions…

Anyway, how is being able to grind out a full honor set and being only slightly less effective than someone in Conquest over a single weekend not better than casuals quitting over Heroic Raiders farming them over an expansion?


i think you dont get it do you? if they add the pvp stat back, pve gear is not viable for pvp anymore, resilience and even pvp power are on their own league that pve gear only stats simple cant compete…
how does that translate? im gonna have to farm either i want it or not, with pvp resilience or pvp power a full gear guy from the past expansion can destroy a max level player with full pve gear, thats how much strong pvp stats are