It is lol. Eventually you gear up too. But you did it by doin pvp, not cheesing through a bunch of pve and not getting actually better at pvp. This is why so many players think they are good at pvp but don’t understand focus macros or 3v3 etc. They think having gear and doing dps is being good at pvp. It is not.
Communicating with your team, even in bgs. How many casual bgs are won and lost without a single communication? I’m telling you right now, rated pvp is not even close to that. You must coordinate or you lose. This is again why I believe pvp players don’t even care about gear. We want the gameplay. I would trade out curb stomping ppl with no pvp gear for a level playing field any day. I would rather a challenge in the long run. I think most people would agree. This is why pvp templates still worked.
Yes, it is still viable. It’s just not faceroll stomping. The purpose of PvP stats was to narrow the gap between gearing disparities. Raiders can still compete with PvPers.
First BG? No. A handful of BGs? Yes.
But are you really pretending that you get a full set of PvE gear in your first dungeon? You’re trying to argue here but you don’t even know what you’re arguing for or against.
As I already told you - PvE has a gearing track, just like PvP does.
If you can’t handle that then you don’t want to pvp bad enough. I understand but unfortunately you are in the minority.
This is a pretty beta response. You will not win every bg. There will be loss. There will be pain. There is often no reward unlike pve.
I encourage you to get over this feeling but I understand pvp is not for everyone. This is why you can play on pve servers and never pvp of you don’t want. Because I can assure you, if that is your attitude gear probably is not the issues my friend.
why shouldn’t the guy who has put countless hours into PvP be stronger than you? By your logic we should just get rid of gear altogether. Just like a mythic raider is going to be stronger than a fresh 60.
I don’t want to make the thread about any one single person in case you guys couldn’t see the flow of replies. I’m happy to explain but I refuse to let the thread derail or turn into a woe is me fest.
We had a working system before. It needs to return immediately, asap, please.
While I have stated I won’t be purchasing SL until I see something change, I would still really love to buy the game. I don’t have beta but have been testing the pre patch on ptr and everyone there is also in agreement.
Because the PvE’er put in countless hours too. Neither should be “stronger” based on gear. PvP is a skill progression.
The goal of PvP vendors and/or PvP-specific stats is to offer a gearing track independent of PvE while also narrowing the gear disparity between PvE and PvP so that neither are necessarily suffering or lagging behind the other. This helps to ensure that Player vs Player remains a competitive landscape where winners are determined based on their own/their teams capability.
I mean… I’ve been saying this for literally years at this point… Even when PvPers said they didn’t want it (at least the ones on this forum).
So long as the gear is considered the same for both PvE and PvP… whichever path is easier to gear up in will become the de facto gearing path for anyone remotely competitive.
If M+ is super lucrative, PvP players have to do M+ to be competitive. If PvP boxes are super lucrative, M+ and progression raiders will have to PvP to be competitive.
Separate the gear, and fix this entire problem. Sure there can e SOME overlap… Like a nice raid trinket or an easy grab at a decent starter PvP weapon… but full overlaps? No. That was bound to fail and lead to this problem.
The problem here is that PVE players have a much harder time doing pvp than us pvpers have doing pve. And pve players get upset when pvp players do higher dps without pve gear.
This is why it needs to be seperated again like it was before, or pvp needs no gear at all (templates)
As stated, pvp had its own gear, currencies, and item progression. It was it’s own seperate form of content for the game. We must remember this, even if it has changed for the worse. Because it is simple to make it right again. I hope this has helped you understand.
I love this game to pieces but for the first time since 2008 I’m not buy SL. Rather play Classic. This Xpac is at it’s end and still lag dc’ing, instances aborting or not found, I hold no hope for SL that squishing of stats is a big task they wont get right makes me sad.
When has the reverse of that ever been true, PvPers have always been worse off in PvE because of gear. Look at the scaling from WoD specifically designed to make it so PvP gear wasn’t good in PvE. Right now you CAN get good PvE pieces, but it’s a million times faster to get the same thing from PvE content.
Come you joking omg people are so pissed about vision runs and lagging atm. You work for Blizzard ? cause you’re in denial about the problems this games has atm.