Pvp community must rally together right now


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It seems as if the post and many others have done itā€™s job.

Iā€™m really hoping for a pvp stat on full set bonus or similar.

I cannot thank you guys enough for showing genuine support for our pvp community.

Iā€™m still holding out, but at least we have been heard.

Iā€™ve always heard them say that Versatility is kinda the PvP stat, or it does what it does.



Circle the wagons and lets make WoW PVP awesome. :+1:

vers sort of acts like resil in TBC with the bonus of damage output on it. the issue comes from classes who still favor vers in PvE.

The issue comes from no pvp rewards being anywhere near the rewards for pve, regardless if they are good in either situation. To pvp, you must pve. This is a broken system.

And so pvp gear needs to be good, but only for pvp. This way pve players donā€™t feel forced to pvp like some pvp players do now.



Agree 110%!!!

Iā€™m the rare person that actually fully enjoy both aspects, PvE AND PvP.

Either a PvP exclusive stat such as Resilience or PvP Power needs to return or we could return to Templates similar to WoD.

OR alternatively if they could balance the stat weights, possibly make Versatility be a stat that appears heavier/more frequently on PvP gear/items and is somehow slightly more beneficial to PVPā€™ers while still being useful in PVE would be ideal.

A seamless transition between PvP/PvE would be ideal.

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Shadowlands could be one of the best expansions! This sucks ! No other way to say it. And the only reason is because of this stuff. Iā€™m gonna keep posting! Please keep sharing your thoughts. Be loud! !!!

We demand it!!!

I have seven 470 Rings I will never use on Arms and also Fury because its stats are totally opposite of what I need ( vers/haste ) So yeah. I hope I donā€™t have to do same PVE stuff in SL just to get wrong stat items over and over. While classes like DH can build anything and still be broken.

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I made another post about this, but it dawned on me today that the SL vendors and PVP gear actually benefit PVE only players more than anyone else in PVP.

PVE only means you get better gear and faster

PVE/PVP means you wasted time doing PVP which yields worse gear and less often

PVP only get the worst gear and at the slowest rate

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Yes, itā€™s truly maddening. And only driven home further by the fact that it could be so easily fixed by reimplementing the systems we had before. Itā€™s okay to admit when youā€™ve made a mistake especially when rectified. I think some humility is in order here. They made a mistake with bfa pvp having no templates and bad pvp gear. I fear they are afraid to admit that mistake fully to move forward. I donā€™t want to say they are hiding behind the philosophy of ā€œthe strongest players complete all contentā€ but I know for a fact most high rated pvp players donā€™t want to pve at all. At all!


And youā€™d have to do it even more if you added another stat for the specific purpose of creating another gear set requirement.

I only casual PvP but havenā€™t touched max level PvP since WoD because of lack of dedicated PvP gear. Iā€™m sure many casual PvP players quit over this change in BFA (at least Legion had templates).

PvP needs to award the best gear for PvP. Itā€™s that simple.


A victory for this one battle, but not the war. Think PVP needs its own stat again. Like, when they removed it, it felt like they were just trying to reinvent the wheel instead of fine tuning itā€¦ Come to think of it, thatā€™s almost every aspect of this gameā€¦

They scrapped gear sets to introduce Azerite gearā€¦
and after that came crashing down, they came out with corruption and proved they learned nothing from the past year.

I know it sounds like Iā€™m being hard on the devs, but really, they should stop trying to reinvent the wheel and focus on fine tuning the tried and true methodsā€¦ and only then can they add new stuff.


Yeppers we need to see which solution they choose and be quick to offer swift feedbackā€¦


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Thank you for this post. I think we both just said the same thing. I completely agree. Itā€™s ok to admit when youā€™ve made a mistake. Blizz had been humble before, itā€™s time to be humble again.

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PvPers are treated as second class citizens it feels as if they actually want to do away with it sometimes.

Frost the dev update today:

ā€œWe are considering a few different solutions, such as reworking the stat coverage of the vendor gear and/or providing PvP-specific bonuses through those items.ā€

Oh My!!!

I had enough marks to buy a full set of R14 gear in BC prepatch - the parts I didnā€™t already have. I understand that PVP was the EZMode way to get good gear in Warlords, and people always love EZMode. Most people who did that then unsubscribed, which is not the way to get a good game.

Except I said you could get Mythic raiding gear when you step into a rated Arena as long as it goes away when you leave, so that wouldnā€™t be happening.

TBC PVP resilience gear was basically useless for raiding, and PVE gear would be guaranteed lose to PVP resilience gear. I agree with the paladin: earned gear in one should work in the other, even if it isnā€™t BIS, rather than being basically useless like it was in TBC. The Vanilla PVP gear, which had the same stats as raiding gear but a different balance between the stats, was as far as the differentiation should go.

I guess that explains why you have little concept of World of Warcraft PVP, since its heyday was in Vanilla and maybe the first month of BC, and especially no concept of world PVP, which is the most fundamental form of PVP in the game.

Because Arena people can only handle equal numbers and equal gear, yes.

Only a tiny percentage of people who do PVP do rated, so rating shouldnā€™t affect gear. People should get identical gear in rated, and if they earn anything, it should be transmogs. Itā€™s no more reasonable to make rated earn gear for other content than it is to make raiding earn gear for rated.

I like the mix because I feel like Iā€™m able to make headway while questing in WM and doing bgs in between.