Pvp community must rally together right now

I like chocolate milk.

My apologies I believe I was trying to reply to Triarius who was the one making the multiple pieces of gear in their bags a bigger deal than it should be.

I’m not confused though. You could have “GOOD” PVP gear without the resilience stat.

My fear is they give PVP gear “resilience” and outside of PVP the secondary stat values are lower, making the gear you earn in PVP unusable in PVE.

I would like the PVP vendor gear at Conquerer level to have optimized stats for PVP, at a proper item level. In PVE you could take that gear and perform adequately with unoptimized stats— and if you want optimized PVE gear, do the PVE.

The difference is with a PVP stat they will likely make the gear useless outside of PVP to compensate and make it to where PVE players aren’t complaining about PVP gearing routes.

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No problem! I don’t really have an issue with bagspace, I’m more worried about the arbitrary over-segregation of gear.

I want end game gear for both PVE/PVP to be functionally the same, outside of the optimization of the stats that PVPers want.

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If pvp gear was useless in pve, I think 99% of players wouldn’t care. We are here to pvp. If you are a casual pvper than you will get beaten by dedicated players. Don’t take pvp to pve content. This is how the game worked before. Please watch the videos again sir.

This is the promise of WoW. Of all RPGs. That’s the entire point of the genre. You have every means of progressing.

I also would like to add that fighting from a position of weakness teaches you the core mechanics of your given PvP mode, be they positioning and cc’ing correctly in arenas, or objective control in battlegrounds. Skills that don’t imprint on you as easily when you’re decked out in gear and can run it down mid without being so brutally punished.

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Playing since original Vanilla launch. Point the dirty end of the stick to Activision…not Blizzard. No its about making everyone feel included, meaningful and everyone gets a trophy. (yup real snowflake stuff). Even open world PVP was kicked in the teeth hard. Horde took over your town…go get more Alliance and come back lol. Look…CALL OF DUTY devs work for Activision/Blizzard. How about asking for a little help lol. Just sayin…

I’m not sure if you even played any wow pvp before legion but it sounds like you don’t understand how good the system was and why it worked so well. Please watch the videos again. It’s why we are all mostly in agreement here. So many people say wod had great pvp gearing. Pve players quit because they didn’t like pve mechanics like garrison etc. I don’t know any pvp players that didn’t like WOD. Sorry.

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Except for the part where youre a pvper who never pve’s and you’re in full 460 gear getting clocked by a 475 PvEer.

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O—of what? Your favorite content creator? Dude stop being a sheep, I am agreeing with you here, albeit slightly differently. I have watched Asmongold’s, Savix’s, Stoop’s, Venruki’s, etc opinions— Who cares I’m voicing my opinion. I’m not uneducated about the topic just because I want something slightly different.

Don’t tell me to “go watch videos”— boy you finna get me heated.

edit: I want Blizz to fix the status quo of PVP gear. I want a better PVP environment. That’s it. Like I said Resilience stat is a great Option B. But I think Option A is a smarter approach.

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I dislike that as well. Actually my favorite expansion was TBC where tier sets were great for PVE and also performed well for PVP, had good set bonuses (mostly), and PVP gear also had good set bonuses, reiliance, and could be used fairly well in PVE.

I think this needs to be the direction. I like M+ and raiding as I think they are fun, but since MOP I am more casual a player and if I had to choose how to spend my time would prefer PVP hence why the gear should be fairly equal. I actually would like a guild wars 2 pvp system where no gear matters but I know players think that is a bad idea and believe WoD did something similar.

I would be totally fine brining back pvp resilience or a similar stat ON PVP gear and carry around a second set when I aquire better PVE items for the use of PVE.

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Thank you for this post. Also I’m not a boy, I’m 30 years old playing since 2008 and multi 2.2 pvp rated. I know what I’m talking about. We cannot make everyone happy. The pipedream requests from halfway pvp casual halfway pve casual isn’t going to fly. Pvp will need to be a seperate thing as it was before. World pvp is not serious pvp.

That’s why we have 3v3 tournent at blizzcon, not world pvp tournaments.

I don’t think Blizzard wants to spend the resources to fully flesh out all parts of the game anymore. They don’t think they’ll see a big enough return per dollar spent (I think this is wrong) to really go to work on PvP and make it anything other than an afterthought in today’s game. It’s pretty obvious to me that they’re banking on coin sales to make up for any money they’re losing by not servicing the PvP community, or other parts of the wow community they’ve slowly let deteriorate.

I am so thankful and grateful you guys have taken the time to voice your opinions in a constructive and positive way, without detailing the thread. I will continue to do my best to explain for those in disagreement so that we can better understand eachother. I really hope blizz sees all our replies and my original post.

Gearing through pvp should be just as viable as gearing through pve. I don’t care how blizzard does it, this problem needs to be addressed, and soon.

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I would even settle for a blizzard “soon”

It’s not a halfway solution. It’s a solution for a full PVP vendor dedicated to PVP needs, with secondary stats that are relevant. You get your 100% PVP designed gear and you get to use it too. If anything its a hardcore PVP // casual PVE pipedream.

Stop the ad hominem attacks, your last 3-4 comments discredit who you are replying to and make them off to seem like they’re casuals. Honestly a really slimy way to argue.

And sidenote, i wasn’t calling you a boy, it’s a figure of speech, “boy you’re making me heated”.

edit: let’s not derail this though. it’s been a really productive conversation

Yup, if it’s not fixed before launch count me out

I also have stated I won’t be purchasing SL if this is how it will be shipped out. But I want to play so bad. And I know they can make the game fun to play again. What is fun about this? Nothing, for many of us.

I don’t even care if every piece isn’t 100% perfect and you can get a few upgrades from PvE, it just can’t be that 90% of your BiS pieces come from PvE content for PvP.

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