PvP Balance Patch Incoming?

My gear is so bad, I just hit 60 on that toon 4 hours ago. I am using every trick I have to stay alive lol

Hit me up next game. Stylss (lol) I’ll run a few AB with you.

This is why they do not read anything coming from the forums.

You horrible pvp’rs think “armor” matters for boomy…

What class does it matter to?

Rogue has psn that reduces armor to negative levels…
So chicken form is good vs??? Warrior…

Man having that armor vs a warrior is so nice…

It is crazy how bad you’re at pvp and how blind you’re that you don’t see it.

That trinket is gross.

Another reason sod dies at AQ like the previous attempts to res classic. PVP forced to PVE will fail every time.

Alright…full arc. When are you going to start making pro-GDKP threads and join Elron?

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It matters to me because the vast majority of my damage is melee swings, Stormstrike (which is physical) and Windfury, the lesser side of my damage is Nature, Fire and Frost.

I’m seeing 150-255 autos on Boomkins, with 650-700 windfury crits. It’s like I’m beating on a Warrior with a shield.

Not all classes can bypass armor.

How would you suggest I bypass that armor? Go ahead, explain how my Enhancement Shaman can remove the armor to deal more physical damage.

I haven’t played P5 except for day 1 when I was so disgusted with the game throwing meta it gave me the ick for SoD, isn’t the new libram something like 10% more mana back from crusader strike? that’s huge.

squire is good for pushback, he does poop damage though. he does hardcast a heal on you every once in a while though when he decides he wants to be helpful. either one is probably really good, depends on what runes you’re running on boots and if you’re having mana issues

Where is a good ret libram?

there’s a P4 reals libram that makes crusader strike reduce the cost of your next consecration by like 70% I think, and there’s the squire from the P4 avenging wrath quest line

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First off enhancement is a pve spec and its dog water in pvp so you’re doing it all wrong to start off. Tha’ts like me playing the rogue pve spec and sapping someone procing the poison thus breaking the sap… Should I come here and cry about it or figure out whats viable to play in pvp first?

Go ele and try again. This is what im talking about when I say “bad pvp’rs” in here crying when they don’t even have a clue whats good and whats bad.

I don’t make the game, don’t yell at me because enhance is a trash can pvp spec. Go @ aggregend on twitter

There is one Libram of Plenty. Your crusader strike spell restores an additional 10% of your maximum mana. Hmmm

that one or the squire for PVP

Telling people they’re bad as your only retort to defending an OP caster class is laughable, and predictable. I am in full T1 or full R10+R11 gear and frenzy regen outheals my damage. Even with Mortal Strike a druid can sustain the same HP as my burst damage, they just go into bear form and the armor stack and frenzy regen. No way am I popping reck in PvP thats instant death. Anything you say now is ludicrious, so I hope you enjoy your boomkin nerfs that incoming because you deserve it.

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Dude, my squire took out a rogue that restealth. LMAO… love it.

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yeah this game is :clown_face::tv:

I love targeting mages in pvp, they just fall over or ice block for 10 seconds then fall over.

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When you say something blatantly dumb about pvp I have to assume 2 things.

  1. You’re bad at pvp, which is usually the case or
  2. You’re trolling which doesn’t matter at that point.

Most of the stuff being cried about is from people that aren’t even playing the game. 99% of the people here boo boo ing about boomy just now learned if you cc the druid the starfall stops.

People crying about ele sham in here just learning flame shock is a 20 yard range. These kids don’t even know what the leeway mechanic is and im supposed to take these cry babies serious?

That’s not how it works in SoD, which is why people are complaining. Starfall is supposed to be stopped by CC and is in every other version of it, but the SoD version keeps going.

he isn’t trolling he’s just


No it doesn’t, when i Kidney a boomy the starfall stops. No way they don’t mute peopel spewing garbage like this on the forums.

What you’re saying can be tested in seconds on the server. How are you not muted.