Get better gear, im a bis pally with 16k hks, druids and shamans are the ones that are broken. Also balefire bolt hits through bubble.
Frenzied regen casually outheals my BWL BiS spriest while starfall casually kills me.
Well it was a fun run. Im glad Blizz thinks I should be glass cannon on every spec.
Meanwhile boomies have an AoE spell pushback from 30 yard range.
Dont mind him he has a boomkin alt. He mentioned it in p3 when they were hot garbo now he speaks as if he doesnt play druid. Its actually pretty funny.
not anymore they arent.
moonkin>>>pally=hunter in that order in terms of whos on top in pvp.
and its not even close with moonkin being on top of everyone else.
Thats not even remotely true as ret pala hunter and rogue absolutely destroy boomy.
Gd yall are so bad at pvp. Boomy is squishy as mage with frenzy regen down.
If you’re getting wrecked by boomies you need to stick to pve
Dude, I seriously question ur mental health. lol This can’t be real?
Squishy as a Mage, it what world is something with more armor then a mail class with a shield “Squishy”.
I feel like Throwin has fully embraced his Troll/villain arc at this point
his takes have always been comedically bad, the icing on the cake is when he calls everyone else “bad pvp’rs”
still hiding behind era character btw
Is the pos squire worth running with the new real libram?
You are a mediocre paladin playing an extremely strong class, getting farmed by better players and inventing stories to justify your ineptitude. Entitled donk
I just killed oldstorm on my pally. I feel dirty.
you dirty dirty boy.
And just watched a druid 1v3 the mines…rofl.
Ya, they arent broken at all.
What’s your Paladins name you rascal lol.
Dude, I had a druid pop out of stealth and blow all cds and killed 3 of us at LM.
Is the lightning damage (looks like chain lightning) from the new WB trinket? I need to get that on my shaman.
If I routinely made posts this dumb and patently false I wouldn’t be posting on any of my SOD characters either. You’re either trolling for the lulz or just another clueless bad anonymous player posting nonsense.
I feel like you figured it out after the wolves while I was at 50% health…lol
I’d like to get an actual one on one with you lol.