these devs are so incompetent it’s really disappointing…
Idk why you guys bother. Sod is just extremely garbage just wait till the next season
pls dont nerf me having so much fun rn
Daily reminder – BUFF MAGE.
MMGA (make mages great again)
Iceblock, Dispersion, Limited Invulerability potion, Meta warlock can tank it, or pop Swiftness pot, rocket boots, MC helm, Arena Grand Master, Nifty Stopwatch, Petri, Skull of Impending Doom or just get healed by your team when he’s using his 10s 5m CD
I was gonna say. Used 36 Petri’s yesterday, I’m down 1k gold but totally worth. Pala’s aint got no chance.
Doubt it, blizzard nerfed petris in the last patch, you can’t cancel aura and have to sit the full duration.
Damn what does that make everyone think about you?
I’m just kidding we all know you are a complete moron.
I have been here long enough to know that I am probably the most logically thinking person that post here. I am also one of the best pvp’rs in classic without a doubt.
if we go by your logic somehow we all could turn our chars into rogues and pallies who dont have problems with boomies and boomies would be balanced!
but that is not the case and you know it.
peak Throwinhands post. plz explain to me how flame shock breaks wolf stun
“Magic” of course . Didn’t you know damage disrupts stuns… like duh
If you weren’t bad at pvp you wouldn’t be here jabbering on about logic because you wouldnt be getting wrecked by boomies.
lol tell me where is the button to turn our class into one of those two mentioned and please dont say the character creator.
btw you diddnt mention that sl/nf warlocks destroy boomies most of the time too.
everyone else though, gl .
Tf are you on about? Boomy is good its not OP not even close. Once frenzy regen is down you’re dead. No trinket DEAD. They literally have NOTHING else to stop incoming damage in sod.
If you’re struggling with boomy then its a you issue.
Where boomy shines is where most of you are hotdog water bad anyways and thats BGS with stam buff. You don’t dispell or CC so I don’t know why you’re even posting about pvp on the forums tbh.
nothing else other than the fact that they have 36 yards range and can sit behind the lines and nuke people out of orbit.
like wtf are you talking about?
boomie are actually what they lied and said ele shaman were but with more range and a crap ton of spell pushback.
i dont care that the stupid defensives are 3 mins cooldowns cause they are actually up every single fight in ab due to ressing/regrouping/traveling back and fights lasting like 3mins or so especially if they pop them mid fight.
the fact is they turn the tide of fights nearly every time they are popped.
and also you often cant get to the moonkin without alot of trouble and then them popping the defensives while they nuke you with dots that tick for bigger damage than shadow priest dots and 3 different instants and a aoe damage spell that does massive spell pushback and not even having to use their 2 second cast that would kill 3/4ths of your health in 1 hit .
stop with the stupid crap.
you are arguing with a guy who thought flame shock would break your wolf stun
ahh well.
bored of it already.
honestly ill just go back to playing the lock and pwning people lol .
157k more to go and ill have 500k for this week .
I disagree with Moonfire and Sunfire dot ticks dealing upwards of 600 damage each whilst riptide healing is ticking for less than 100.
My riptide’s initial heal is for like 219 (on a good day) and it’s on a 6 second cooldown.
Like, there must be a decimal out of place or something.
dont worry. they gutted ret and enh and ele healing so they will gut moonkins defensives too.
all will be well.