literally just found against a boomkin, got him to <50% hp and he regens to full hp while casting on me still, I MEAN WTF CAN ANYONE DO?!?!? I CANT DISPELL
this guy has been nonstop screaming at forums for the past 3 weeks about pallies bubbles when they have ALWAYS had bubbles, they have them rn in era. Imagine crying about a 5 minute CD lmfao
I mean im all for certain nerfs to new runes/spells introduced in SoD but spells that have always been a thing in classic? nah this man can go shove it where the sun dont shine and I dont even play paladin
BOP already is purgeable, divine shield should not be. if anything maybe something with a cast time like shattering throw or mass dispel could be added as a counter. purging divine shield is a horrible suggestion
Dude when 3 paladins charge your front line all with IMMUNE to every spell and just proceed to single target and murder all your casters one by one that is pretty darn OP. Paladins should have 50% damage nerf while bubbled or 100% slower attack speed. All our melee dies because Paladins charge behind front lines to murder the healers 1 by 1. Paladins are way overpowered than Shamans because they are IMMUNE. Having 2 or 3 paladins there is no counter play, even horde just tells each other to bend over. I’m tired of hearing about OP shamans when your hunters and boomkins are annihilating them.
I hope they buff pallies tbh just to ruin the rest of Nea’s time in SoD
wait til you read the tooltip of divine shield my guy
So what do you do when 3 paladins charge your team all bubbled and murder everybody 1 by 1? There is no counter play there and they even nerfed paladins damage 50% in retail AFAIK.
Okay, there probably is a strategic solution to that though. We’re talking about a 10 minute cooldown.
they already do have 100% attackspeed slowed.
but pallies have too many ways around this with the kit they are given.
no. it should make you unable to attack or do anything other than heal.
screw trying to balance a class being able to 2 global people WHILE COMPLETELY IMMUNE TO ALL CC/PURGE/DAMAGE.
make them unable to do anything other than heal while bubbled.
in retail there is no damage penalty for bubble, only forbearance.
ret is still the kill target most games in retail rofl
They did this for one of the expansions, I guess they got rid of it, probably before you started playing wow
this exists, it’s called divine protection. we get divine shield at level 34 that lets us attack through bubble
for real, I agree they should probably nerf damage while bubbled. also, they probably should have never given us steed
they did it in Wrath, not sure when they removed it though, I stopped playing when Cata launched and came back mid BFA
im sorry but ive had it with this garbage.
if someone is completely immune to everything (other than balefire bolt) they shouldnt also be able to 2 global you or do any damage to you at all for that matter.
its ridiculous .
every 5 mins for 12 full seconds , pallies get to play an entirely different game than the rest of us.
no more i say.
cry more bro you’re on these forums 24/7 with your dog logic about how we should care about enhance and ele when shamans been running trains through BGs
Then you scream and cry in every post that there is 1 class that holds a candle against shamans in a 1v1.
Please do us all a favor and log off and go touch grass
touch grass lol how insanely clever of you
I don’t even play SoD anymore so ultimately idc what happens but just know I am reveling in the irony of you admitting you want paladin gutted after spending all of p2 and p3 accusing everyone who was rightfully calling out shaman being busted of doing the exact same thing.
shaman is easily kited just melee will lose to them, this is how they hav always been
if only they had blessing of freedom right?
IDK dude are you trying to insinuate that balance druid, shadow priest, and every spec of hunter wasn’t also busted during that time frame?
From the sum of all my subjective experiences, I can’t support that claim.
I remember ret being pretty murderous as well, even at level 25.
Don’t even talk to me about warlock tanks back then. Basically raid bosses; and that’s probably still true buy and large.