PvP Balance Patch Incoming?

yawn . please do us all a favor and get 2 globaled by a pally or roflstomped by a druid or a hunter.

i was actually fine with ele/moonkin/hunter/pally all being strong.

i even made a post about it asking for everyone to stop the nerf posts.

but they gutted ele and enh(who already sucked butt) sustain and ive had enough.

it is time for the other classes that are actually op as well to be knocked down a few notches .

huh? not sure where that insinuation comes from, I’m talking about Xtra’s post history of defending shaman saying everyone wants to gut them when people pointed out how absurd they were for those phases.

paladin was solid in P1, hunter has been pretty bananas the whole time but at least they can die, enhance ruled P2, ele ruled P3, but

only one faction gets paladin, only one faction gets shaman

The class that hasn’t been doing its due diligence are the mages.

Yeah dude… I disagree.


I agree mage has sucked since they first implemented the damage reduction and desperately needs throughput buffs in PVP.

they legit should have taken 20% less of the magic dmg nerf AT LEAST. they used to be glass cannons, in SoD they’re just glass

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what faction do you play on SoD? I’m sure I already know the answer

You misunderstand me:

Mass regen is probably the most powerful ability in the game. Very few mages use it.

i think you come on here and just say sht just to say sht and be a nuisance. As a rogue main I cannot engage on any of these 3 classes, especially orcs in BGs.

PVP threads have never been about open world. Open world isnt where people spend hours a week hitting honor cap. This has always been about the oppressive reign of these 3 classes/specs in BGs.

I have written many posts about all 3.

Advocating for them to be at the top while you enjoy that same privilege of being on top in BGs is unreal.

“OMG a paladin is the only class that can kill me in BGs 1v1!!! Time to spend all my waking hours crying for nerfs on forums!!!”

I HIGHLY doubt that any average ret paladin is literally walking up and 1 shotting shamans. in 1 global with 8-11k hp in BGs and 2-3k in heals from ES and riptide

You must click every spell you have with your mouse and in that case deserve to die to any class in PVP

im just tired of the fight and trying to keep the class enjoyable and it not getting gutted like alot of people fought to get it gutted.

ive played alot where i intentionally nerfed myself and refused to use certain spells or totems or whatnot like i did when p2 was there and enh way of earth /dual rb was brokenly op . i said it wasnt op without way of earth /dual rb and i diddnt run it.

and i was right.

i know what ele shaman is like without earth shield/riptide (which healed for 1 k max with very good ele gear and barely made the hp bar move) and it is very very not fun to play.

im tired of actually caring about how classes feel to play and advocating for pallies/moonkin/hunter/ele sham to all be strong.

now i want them all to be nerfed for the sake of actual balance (and a bit of revenge too dont get that twisted).

if they are gonna nerf 1 they need to nerf ALL the op classes /specs.

otherwise its just everyone else getting “revenge” for decisions the devs made and players had no choice in.

wanted to respond to this quick .

i wasnt “crying” about it before and if you look at my posts i even made a post saying moonkin/pallies/hunters/ele sham are all strong and thats good as i feel that at least the faction only classes should be strong and everyone should just be cool and not ask for nerfs.

also the pallies 2 globaling people (yes i said 2 global cause its not 1shot more like several) i dont know what gear combination it is (though i think its the t2 stuff 4 pc or 2 pc if i heard it right) it has happened way more times than i care to count both to me and other people who all had full hp at the time of the 2 globaling.

think what you want i dont care.

here is one thing to keep in mind with SoD, free urself my friend:

the devs have no idea wtf they are doing

there is no point in investing more time in a game where they won’t even communicate major throughout changes to the player base unless they ask their personal Twitter accounts, and then it’s up to players to disperse that information amongst ourselves because they can’t be bothered to type up hotfix notes.

they do not listen to anything the community suggests when it is ACTUALLY an issue.

shaman healing was GIGA strong in P2 and early P3. then they nerfed healing in PVP…ok less of an issue now. then they nerfed MSW healing with HW…ok…riptide and earth shield will help mitigate the loss of HW…ok now mental dex/sheath of light doesn’t give healing power…ok now randomly the values are halved because weeks into PHASE 5 they decide “oh wait we dont want you guys using those runes”

they ruined shaman tank for a while (idk how it is now I never PVEd as a horde player in SoD) instead of not allowing rockbiter on offhand rofl

SoD is a clown show. I just like to keep the forums up on my other monitor

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I think the goal of balancing them is to ensure that all of the classes are enjoyable to play.

It’s hard to enjoy playing melee oriented specs at the moment because ranged damage is more mobile, less vulerable, and even more powerful in many cases than physical damage is because it’s unmitigated by armor.

Its a trend that I find that concerning.

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if i had something else that was compelling to play (please dont suggest retail) i would be in the same boat.

the nerfs are really taking it out of me the will to play.

HD 4K 60FPS crispy tier 2 remastered sets in less than 2 weeks. when was the last time you played? I can’t remember if you told me

death knight op.

man they got the nerf on Tuesday and still just dropping crazy fat dmg.

Templar Ret feels amazing now though.

I think the damn dragons and disc priest have a lil too much throughput too. but it’s less egregious than SoD balancing.

they just need to reduce all the insane amount of snares on retail ATM and it’s in a pretty good state, since freedom is dispellable again since DF, in TWW I feel like I’m walking in mud like 50% of the time in PVP

retail balancing is way more complex to be sure.

Retail balancing is “Give everyone a crap ton of HP, CC, CC counters, Heals…” I hate it the most.

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yeah a crap ton of HP but also a crap ton of damage.

if people don’t properly use their defensives during burst cooldowns, they’re gonna die like you’re playing hardcore CoD

and yet they do it way better than SoD

I find it to be a slog. If we had a spectrum on PvP balance, SoD is one end and retail is the other. Both abhorrent IMO.

People shouldn’t get deleted in a global but I don’t want to spend 5 minutes killing one person to try to get a flag cap in BG.

you played TWW or did you last play DF? BG blitz is awesome, every team gets 2 healers and the rest DPS (sometimes 1 tank) and they’re 8v8 solo queue rated BGs with increased mount speed.

if your team is decent you can get the flag back before 5 mins bb I promise