PvP Balance Patch Incoming?

naw . everyone gets nerfed.

for the “fun” and “good of the game”.

Boomkin DoTs got buffed when they were already insane.

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They better not nerf pallies too hard. I just dusted him off this morning after the shaman nerfs.

They’re absolutely not mega ultra strong, that would be ret palas and hunters.

Boomy still flops they’re still uber squishy. Frenzy regen cannot out heal bwl gear damage now. Its just going to get worse as gear gets uber buffed.

If its bad now its going to be REALLY bad when people get AQ burst lvls of gear. They do not know how to balance.

It is blatantly obvious that they’re actually listening to what the horrible gamers are crying about on X.

something something you just wanna gut paladins because of a vendetta

jk buddy I’m just messing with you <3 they should probably nerf damage done while bubbled



You started it! frantically pointing fingers

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What we’re encountering is a meta where it’s difficult for any class to effectively take point in a team fight from a mechanical perspective. Warriors, with their high armor stat, were once best suited for that – except that most high damage abilities are now dealing magical damage which is unmitigated by it.

The paladin is best suited to do that off the start because they can bubble at low HP even without any support from their team which causes mayhem that we can’t mitigate in our back row; following that up with a lay on hands to soak additional damage and sew the seeds of additional discord in post.

Where as our front row flops because it doesn’t receive any support. Everyone behind it is running away from murderous paladins that’re apparently immune to the mechanics of the game.

  • ricky baker
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Are you insane? Frenzied regen keeps a druid alive against 5 ppl in AB. It’s as strong if not stronger than shield wall.

no he’s just a


And he lies on the forums about what he plays. Thinks we are all at his level of intelligence. One minute its an alliance rogue, now a ret.

Yet he only crys when boomkin or shamans get nerfed :thinking:

ya ill admit it but even more honestly, if they arent gonna have both faction specific classes in a very strong spot then neither should be.

really the rankings go like this:

moonkin>>> pally=hunter(ranged)>ele sham then everyone else as it currently sits.

moonkin are by far the strongest functionally due to their 36 yard range and very large damage on top of the fact that every 3 mins they can become virtually unkillable due to a combination of cooldowns and the fact that you have to get to a moonkin to even beat on them in the first place as melee while being pelted by starfall (which functionally causes massive spell pushback on anyone without the talents put into reducing that) and 3 different instant spells 2 of which dot a target for 500+ damage and 1 that boosts their big nuke that doesnt have a cool down and is 2 seconds cast with zg trinket that crits for up to 3.9 k and can be cast at 36 yards range .

usually you die before you even get to lay a hand on them.

hunters with their trap spam and very big damage and pallies with their big damage and ability to go FULLY IMMUNE TO ALL CC /PURGES/DAMAGE while also doing THEIR FULL COMPLIMENT OF DAMAGE or HOLDING OFF AN ENTIRE TEAM FROM CAPPING A FLAG is incredibly stupid.

all 3 can eat a fat set of nerfs and i dont think anyone but the people playing those classes will even bat an eye thinking " well this is undue" .

you guys have been lobbying for nerfs for shamans for so long and not actually caring about real actual balance till its completely in your face and you cant deny it so lets have some “fun” and nerf those classes too for the “sake of the game” .

really though i hope you all eat a fat nerf.

oh and im editing this in to cut you off with the “but its a 3 min cooldown” or “but its a 5 min cooldown” .

i dont freaking care. it is up nearly every fight in ab and by the time we res and go to fight you again its up within a min of us getting there so save your fingers the work and just shut it.

Yeah man Boomies aren’t good in PvP!

Says the guy who actually made a QQ thread saying .5 is better than Rank 13 gear for PvP. I still get a chuckle out of that one whenever hes making more absurd posts like these.


Wrong bro. Eles are doing way more damage than rets, from range.

Ret can not put out anywhere near the pressure a shaman can in team fights.

Open world pvp is a dif story

Nerf paladins damage while bubbled, ridiculous 3-4 paladins charging in front lines all with bubbles on murdering everybody, there is no counterplay here?? WTF let shield be purged

A Honda or Acura could probably thump a Mclaren with the right driver behind the wheel m8.

That’s in a world where god himself doesn’t reach down from the heavens to “punish” the driver of the Honda for being a better racer.

if we get a proc chain , maybe.

otherwise i cant even count the times ive personally been 2 globaled by a paladin and watched others get 2 globaled by a paladin even if i used both hands and my toes.

so shut that crap right down now.

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lol NO tf it doesn’t unless its a Bear druid geared as a tank.

Boomy is dying so easy right now it needs a buff badly.

you are a damn liar dude, i have seen a boomkin frenzy regen against multiple dps classes and sustain to kill them off 1 by 1 its literally insane

after going against moonkins almost the whole of the past 3 or 4 days now, i can say you are flat out wrong on this one.

i typically like your posts honestly but you are just wrong on this one in so many ways .

moonkin are currently what they lied and said ele shaman were but with 10 more yards range and better dots and even more instant casts that dont require a proc first.

they are actually op.

btw please dont start with the “but but its only every 3 mins and its not always up!!!one1!” it is up every engagement of note in ab and by the time we get back to assault the base again it is up.

so pretty much every fight that counts its up.

I see a lot of people driving hard after particular targets, often at the cost of disadvantaging themselves positionally.

If that stumps a player wearing rank 13 gear, I say “Play on.”