PvP and how bad it is

You got that backwards chief. I’ve not won a BG in 20 rounds. It’s a slaughter house in my world. And WM is all but dead since Alliance are overwhelmingly supported and outnumber

I have bonus rewards for joining because we lack enough people signing up in BGs. My queues are fairly short. 6 ish minutes.

Mines, shattered, Wintergrasp, Arathi basin, and Eye of the storm…endless losses. I get maybe a hard fought win after 30 lost rounds. Lots of teammates quit midway leaving us short. No one heals.

And then I look at the ladder page, every Alliance on there is rank 300 honor or better.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I don’t like pvp anymore. I always get premades with somebody insulting me on chat. I frequently get kicked out with a deserter buff when I wont charge in to lopsided gear hell and die and if I do good , they nerf my class the next patch.
IT has been terrible longer than six years. You don’t want my opinion on why some players get premade hell battlegrounds constantly.
So I play pve. keep to myself in my tinfoil hat.
I think battlegrounds are biased to single out players that aren’t acceptable by lore snob standards and I stopped being bullied in the playground by the hip kids in the 70s.

What do you think resil or pvp power would do, that vers and pvp scaling don’t already do?

Here’s how much thought Blizzard puts into pvp:

we also need our single dedicated PvP server for retail that has no cross realm, no transfers, etc etc.–warmode always on

I don’t think this is a good idea. War mode on/off being an option is good for the game, so people can do World pvp when they are on the mood.

How do i achievement hunt in my spare time in League of Legends?

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