PvP and how bad it is

PvP is boring because they got rid of Ancient BG, They haven’t updated their BGS in Years and Decades like Alterac Valley, Eye of the Storm, and etc, Horde always wins, Alliance keeps on losing, and just overall same old gameplay and nothing new and fresh.

Only people who dont like PvP are those who have never touched a top title. So it is too difficult for you, you cant handle it and now you want it removed.

I never implied that but that’s an interesting way to interpret my post. I just think resilence was stupid and saying it was “the old” system is ridiculous because it wasnt featured in Vanilla or BC. I don’t know a single sole besides you, who pvps, and wants resilience back. it was almost unanimously panned as redundant and unfun.

Cuz it is what made you have to use PvP gear in PvP instead of going into arenas and stomping people using full on end game raiding gear. You cant go into a raid and use a full set of arena gear, well some people can. But most often PvP and PvE gear should be different.

Resil needs to come back. Only people who want to stomp on PvPers using Mythic raid gear want it to never be a thing.

I wouldn’t mind seeing it with a complete rework from the ground up

Often times PvP in this game feels like the sort of thing where every little thing you do is canceled out by what the other person does. stun – > trinket. speed boost —> snare, etc etc etc… to the point to where it’s all just rendered moot lol… and the only things that end up really mattering is burst cds, defensive cds, crowd control–and how and when you timed them

thats why I feel like, classic PvP I just enjoy so much for some reason. I was thinking about why, and it’s probably because everything is so thoughtful, and when you do some action it’s not just instantly negated by someone else’s reaction

Someone brave enough to say it.

How so? Right now is the easiest its been in probably forever.
The only issue is the wait times, not going to lie waiting 10 mins for a BG is kinda not great.

Nope. There is nothing to be gained by caring about it.

Balance aside, the problem with PvP is that your allies are players and the enemy are also players and victory requires not only for you to play well, but your allies to play well, and your enemies to play worse.

Then again, I’m very bad at PvP and only hit 2.1k by not using any CC and just going unga bunga with damage abilities. So… I guess PvP is doing better?

every healer is crying

i used to love pvp. random bgs and arenas, and even some rated bgs. i really want to do random bgs when im bored but i know ill just get my stuff pushed in because im very far behind in ilvl and will stand 0 chance. i think there was a time where your ilvl would be boosted in random bgs so it wasn’t this way. i think they should do that again so i can join random bgs for fun. well not just me, everyone that wants to.

I mean, the first round I did the other night was a 6/0 matchup and healers seemed pumped to be given an easy 3-3 because dragon laser beams. /sarcasm

Did they buff that? I was playing a few games tonight and some of the Evokers were smashing

Yeah, Disintegrate gone from 20% bonus in PvP to a 33% bonus this week. Not sure why, but I won’t complain to have more damage as a class that usually had a win condition on a coin flip.

I’m pretty sure most people that primarily pvp want resil and maybe even pvp power back. It’s the pve people that dabble in pvp that didn’t like resil, because they actually had to work on a pvp set and pvp instead of just do raids and M+

BGs still scale, and there’s no pvp stats on pvp sets outside of like vers, so I’m not sure why you’re worried about ilvl, unless you’re still wearing questing greens. Even then, if you’re doing epic bgs, you can get a set of honor gear pretty fast.

i love this one, it has been a solid wall of no it will never happen, just like classic was, and here we are ,solo queue on its way.

Is there any reason to do RBG though? No real increase in gear power so it doesn’t really matter unless you happen to care about titles and transmog (I don’t really care about that stuff)

WoW’s is still the best, most interesting, exciting and flowing PvP I’ve played in any game. Been doing it for well over a decade, with no intention to stop for another. It’s my fav thing to do in general.

If you remove Aug PvP will be amazing. Prior to 10.0.7 and 10.1.5 many many said that it was the most balanced it has been in YEARS.
Now if only they’d remove Dextructive… :wink:

The matchmaking. It makes for better quality games.

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PvP’s always been a side activity.