PvP and how bad it is

You’ve said nothing beneficial to this post, while also never breaking 1800 sir. Quite frankly you don’t get a say in this conversation.

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If youre complaining about queue times and youre not a healer, yes.

There are 7 healing specs. Pick one. For the community.

Changes to the game that affect the playerbase are ENTIRELY a Blizzard problem, especially when they result in less participation and fewer people playing the game.

Blizzard decisions that result in players leaving the game are 100% a management issue.


new bg’s would be great at least to start with.


PvP gearing is great right now. Not sure about the actual PvP part.

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Boy youll take any argument you can get, but neither of you will take responsibility.


What do we need to take responsibility for? That after years of playing we shouldn’t play the classes we want? How’s this on us and not Blizzard?

Classes are the most important part of the game, and you’re making the argument everything’s fine, the issues are on us for not dropping the classes we enjoy and didn’t have problems playing with in any expansion prior.

Sudden lengthy queue times that didn’t even exist 6 months ago are a huge indicator that player participation is down and/or player subscriber count is way down. That’s on Blizzard.

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Ok well id argue with you more but my queue popped. Good luck.


No I’m not in the minority lol less and less people play pvp and its public information??

You can keep pretending everything’s better than ever though

Youre saying the decline in PVP is steeper than the overall playerbase decline?

Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying LOL


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Ok well it seems to me more people are playing Shuffle than did 3s but i guess well never know.

He didn’t say it was better than ever he just said it was great rn lol

And honestly, it is a pretty big improvement from BfA/SL, at the very least.

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No, it’s really not. SL S1 participation was huge. Why? Because players have a character progression incentive to queue. That is gone now. And with it, half the player base has no reason to queue. What did people think would happen?

This is a weird complaint, considering TBC is when seasonal gearing for pvp was introduced.

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You can’t be serious.


Probably is. Probably thinks stormherald was fun too.

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Seasons as they are now started in Legion. Your conquest, even as far into MoP and WoD, would still have slightly better stats than the fresh honor gear, rather than honor gear being better and having to start the whole grind over every major patch.

What? You say lengthy queue times aren’t an indicator player participation is down and/or player subscribers are down, then say players have no reason to queue, which would mean player participation is down…

I had 5-10 minute queues in S1 of DF and 20 minute+ queues for the same BGs in S2. What was the character progression at the start of DF that’s not there now?

All MMO PvP sucks. if you want to pvp there are better genres for that are more balanced

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All I want is some good casual pvp. No reason we shouldn’t get a new map every expansion. Arena isn’t my arena (:dracthyr_hehe_animated:) as I haven’t touched it since Wrath. Got nothing helpful to say on that front.

The gearing this season feels great, even coming in super late, it wasn’t anything like SL. I’m able to be helpful and hold my own even without full conquest gear. Some classes are going to be problem children, but that’s just how it’s always going to shake out.

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There has never been a PVP game that is fun to play. You don’t play PVP games for fun, you play them for validation.

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