PvE'rs valor uncapped yet PvPers only getting 800 conq weekly (up from 700)

This is supposedly an experimental season, why is valor uncapped (also folks running around with mythic fated gear already), but conquest still remains capped and is BARELY increased from the last season?

According to Blizzard:
Valor will be reset, but won’t have any caps for the season’s duration. Conquest will be reset, with a higher weekly cap than previous seasons, then go to being fully uncapped a number of weeks into the season.

The cap change? 700 points to…800. How is 100 more points a week supposed to make any difference? First week was 1200 (which I assume is just from the +100 onto the original season first week of 1100). Please consider uncapping conquest, or increasing the weekly cap to 1200 every week. 100 more points a week is a slap in the face compared to S4 M+/Fated Raid reward structure.


On the plus side, you won’t care in a couple of weeks.


Why is this a thing. Just to see how common it was i looked around oribos. 3 people have almost full fated gear. Thats quite disgusting

Implying that they ever cared about that, all expansion people with full duelist gear from one bracket have been ruining undergeared folks in other brackets.

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Yeah it makes no sense. 100 more conq is a literal slap in the face.

Valor and conquest serve 2 fundamental different purposes though.

Conquest is for buying items directly, and at their maximum item level. Once you buy it, that slot is BiS forever.

Valor is for taking items you’ve already got to drop via RNG and upgrading them to 6 item levels below the max. It is not possible to get your best item at max item level using valor. That is vault reward only.

Trying to equate them doesn’t make sense.

You can spam M+ repeatedly and upgrade gear fully based on rio, also this line is just wrong. You still have to upgrade the items with the conq.

The point is, we aren’t getting any significant increase in conq despite the shortened season.

That doesn’t change anything though, all gear is the same, those who seek that advantage will just get max ilvl vers gear from M+ instead and those people will still get dunked on.

If PvP stats were still in the game that would make sense, but as there is no distinction it just gives PvE players the advantage in PvP once again.

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You buy your BiS item, upgrade it to max based on your rating (not 6 item levels below max), and have it forever.

Not upgrade rng drops from dungeons to 6 item levels below max.

They aren’t the same, and really shouldn’t be compared.

Ask for a higher conquest cap on its own merit.

I feel ya, was kinda hoping it would at least be at least 1k increase a week.

Limited pvp xp? check. Post history bad? Check. Comment deemed irrelevant and trolling


Once I saw the near 17000 posts I knew he was a troll

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I’m sorry factually correct statements are deemed irrelevant by you.

That is par for the course though for the internet age we live in.

People are killing fated mythic bosses, they deserve that gear.
If you want big gear you can do the same.

Yes the internet where trolling comments are made often!!

Which comment that I made was false?

Everyone with 3 or more brain cells knows the conq cap at 800 is lame and borderline unfair in comparison to valor being uncapped this season.

Just know that if you disagree you either have less than 3 brain cells or are trolling.


Lmao you two are so cringe. All I said was I made a similar post in the general forums (more visible forum) and that some monk there was trolling about it. Honor is not equal to valor, valor has always had a cap that matched conq. Keep posting on the classic troll alt.

Yeah the conquest part for pvp players sucked this entire expansion , however one part the ilvl gaps is being removed in DF so that is something.

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100% agree. Conq cap should be raised to 1200/wk or removed entirely.

I am running a new toon this season and don’t have my 4 piece tier yet, and it will take 3 weeks (if unlucky with Vault) to get that… if people wanna spam farm Conq, why not!!!