Only a 800 conq cap this week?

i want whatever these devs are smoking


Blizzard, remove the cap. you are not making anyone happy with capping conquest this season.

you are only ruining our fun. FUN POLICE. stop it.

1200 last week and only 800 this week? really?


How big of a difference is a duelist weapon? Nerf rogue

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I hate the way that the cap makes vault work early in the season. You really don’t want to spend multiple weeks of conq on a weapon because you might lottery one but you also want a weapon now. It also generally feels like a waste not taking PvE pieces if you do m+ too, because it is better ilevel than what you can get from the dungeon drops, and the pvp gear is just whatever your rank is, same as if you bought it. I feel like it makes a lot more sense to just remove the cap entirely since you can spam m+ for your pve drops anyway.


This is precisely why Blizzard curtails grind-behavior. You addicted apes don’t know anything else besides over consumption, as if this game is an opiod or candied delicacy that you need every last drop of (which is so ironic because of all the incessant hate that gets spewed about the game, yet the worst offenders continue to play it).

The cap doesn’t make you do anything. You fuel your own sense of FOMO. If Blizzard didn’t put a limit on things you min/max monkeys would play this game to death and then have the audacity to scream that the content is dry and there’s nothing left to do.

No one is forcing you to do anything. You can still push rating without running 15+ mythics, JFC. The culture that is “created” as a result of caps is a hell of a lot better and more sustainable than the culture that would exist without the caps.


i made a post about it on the general forums and some loser with 16k posts is trying to troll me PvE'rs valor uncapped yet PvPers only getting 800 conq weekly (up from 700) - #9 by Haavi-barthilas


Someone get holgena on the line and have him answer for this atrocity


needs to presplit the great vault for pve and pvp.


They didn’t curtail being able to spam run all of the m+ dungeons with no valor cap.

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This is ridiculous. Got a bunch of trinkets and capes I don’t use in the vault. They acknowledged the PvP gearing in SL is garbage and yet they still do this. Come on.


I’m loving this experimental season.

The cap is fine, though it should probably be a little higher, and honor/conquest gains need to be doubled at least.

If there were no cap, those of you with a one-class mind would spam your way to max gear immediately and the alt enjoyers are back to beating their undergeared heads against a 1600 bracket full of 311 dudes.

What really should’ve happened is they simply implement the Dragonflight gearing system. Everything is 311 in PvP, and your honor/conquest upgrades only improve your dragonslaying and/or world questing abilities.

Or if you still got drops from wins.

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800 cap sucks

desperate attempt to kill off the remaining pvpers

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maybe it’s an “experiment” to see how much poop they can put in our mouths before we stop eating it.


Gear is not a reason a person is stuck in the 1600 bracket. There being no cap doesn’t make the game more difficult for anyone.

If you take a serious 5 minutes thinking about the parameters surrounding PvE(Mythic+) vs PvP you’ll see how different they are, especially when considering the rest of the playerbase. Pushing keys is directly related to iLvl. This is PvE by design. There being a large variance in power level between the player population in PvE barely hinders my experience to enjoy the content. The Mythic+ system is almost perfected at this point.

PvP is the exact opposite. If everyone gears at a similar cadence, the playing field is more leveled and there are less oppressive issues due to ilvl variances since the experience is player to player instead of player to environment. I will admit, vault RNG needs to be looked at and the cap could be tweaked slightly. The PvP pillar has come a LONG way and there are so much room for improvements that Blizzard actually HAS been making.

I know this is hard for some of the no-lifers here to acknowledge, but speaking for the people that actually enjoy playing the game at a healthy pace: logging in at the end of the 1st or 2nd week of arena/rbgs wouldn’t be the most enjoyable experience if you’re getting your gonads shoved up through your body and out your mouth after spending days grinding the honor gear, due to the fact that the worst offenders have outpaced you with [upgraded] conquest gear. The experience becomes impaired and affects the entire Pillar as population and participation decrease at the lower levels.

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Trust me, if there wasn’t a cap on conquest 1000000000000% every single one of you would be in here blaming your 25% win rate @ 1300 on “hOlY cRaP thEseE PlaYeRS DoNT lOg OFf AnD HaVE ALl ThIS gEAR”.

Conquest cap is good, otherwise you’d have some people with 315 gear and you’d be whining all day long. PvE and PvP really have nothing to do with each other so who cares if they are decked out.

And before you say they’re slaughtering you in arena…like 1/50 games you’ll see someone with PvE gear @ 300 ilvl crush you and most of the time they have no vers even if they do. These situations are so few and far between and won’t be an issue at all in 3 weeks so everybody please just relax with the we need something to constantly complain about train.

There are zero things wrong with the conq cap other than just annoying the part of you that wants to be in a rush to be fully geared. It’s not negatively effecting your ability to play the game at any level, I promise you.

Stop spilling BS, if someone is max geared then you wouldn’t be facing them. While I agree carries are annoying most people are not hitting 2.1 getting full geared then tanking to 1400cr just to face you. Stop it.

Yes you will face some people doing carries, maybe helping friends etc but its definitely not so frequent to where you can’t progress.

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