PvE'rs valor uncapped yet PvPers only getting 800 conq weekly (up from 700)

Sure, now for the first few weeks it will just be raiders and mythic+ players dunking them while they are wearing their blue pvp honor gear…

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Decided to just not PvP much this season, at least until I can grind out conquest for a half decent set. I am not the only person in my RBG group doing this either.
This is a horrid decision.

Cap either needs to be removed or raised.
We’re already having participation issues. Do we really need to encourage more “don’t play until later” mentalities?


PRECISELY THIS! You actually reach that 800 cap so fast, it encourages people to stop playing…



They literally can’t thats the point of the complaint my guy…

What’s keeping them from killing mythic raid bosses?

My guess is it has more to do with the competitive aspect of PvP. Maybe they don’t want people who can play for 16 hours a day 3 days straight to gain a massive advantage over others?

I mean, I know M+ and raiding can be competitive, but you’re not fighting other players.

Because PVP isnt a pillar of the game. Its leftovers…and bad ones at that.

I’m enjoying that the blue post almost copied my post verbatim on the fundamental differences between valor and conquest yet I was called a troll.

  • First, we understand the sentiment regarding how Valor is uncapped this season while Conquest remains capped. However, the two currencies are not exactly alike in design or purpose. For example, there is no Valor vendor where you can purchase the specific item that you want. While Conquest is used to acquire specific items at a vendor, Valor is used to upgrade items that have dropped randomly from the Great Vault or from running M+ dungeons.

there is actually a special lounge for high level posters on the forums, its not uncommon to see people there with thousands and thousands of posts.

While this may be true, I would also like to remind Blizzard that the PvP gear is very limited as to what pieces you can buy.
Choice between 2 helms, 2 chests, 2 shoulders, etc
AND outside of trinkets, no special “on use” abilities, or random proc affects.

With PvE gear, you look up loot tables, make a plan and spam the run over and over (for M+ anyway) to get what you want and if you have the Valor banked…BOOM instant BIS.

With PvE gearing, all you need is persistance, with PVP gear, you can run non stop all week for absolutely nothing because of the cap.

Well thankfully this will no longer be an issue after next week (well at least for the rest of SL).


TY Blizzard.

Cap removal and a buff to earn conquest and honor faster. Happy days for pvp gearing players!

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Yep, and double win for versatility stacking classes, the gear works in either area of the game.
Perhaps we can get a few PvP tanks to slide into other areas of the game a bit easier now.

Thank goodness for the change!

I agree with this thread - currently it kinda sucks for people who just PvP. Yes it’s possible to do both and get a ‘reasonably’ high gearset for PvP but after having spent a season predominantly PvPing, it’s a lifestyle i vibe with.

“We’ve been hearing the feedback from the community to lift the Conquest Cap for Shadowlands Season 4. We’re happy to announce that we will be doing so with next week’s resets (Tuesday, August 16), but also want to offer some explanation on why we were initially hesitant to do so.”

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. This is a fantastic change!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!