Put the weekly m+ back to 15

I’d play that. I want them to release MoP so that MoP players go there and stop giving awful feedback that ruined BFA and SL.

No. Buying leggos from a vendor is not legendary. The legion launch wasn’t that bad. It would have been great if they improved the acquisition paths and tied them to content achives or the class hall. Then they needed to remove a couple bland ones and tightly balance the others so they could avoid cookie cutter like they wanted.

Buying it was better than the RNG soft-cap BS that they were at launch.

It’s really hard to get a non-daily dungeon run together in classic Wrath right now :confused:

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Well there is a content lull right now. Does retail not experience content lulls?

Of course.

My experience has been ever since late Naxx and then Ulduar dropping the overall player base has been “done” with dungeons outside of the daily chore.

So people that are leveling alts are not running dungeons?

I make this a point, because people act like dungeons went to waste in the past because there wasn’t a system like M+, and this line of reasoning is just flat out wrong.

Why do I care so much, because the modern game has probably double the resources now and it just feels like the developers are phoning it in, relying on M+ to carry a lot of the end game.

If this system didn’t exist, would they be motivated to create more dungeons, world content, battlegrounds, or anything new for that matter?

The game just feels like it is basically a M+ simulator now.

I hear this a lot, and i’m not gonna say there isn’t some truth to it. there might be.

But for me it’s convenience and wasted time why I go so fast. This was long before this mode was even a thing

I’m just saying there isn’t much alt dungeon running in Wrath classic is all.

The longer the games are out, or a solved re-release, the more top heavy the playerbase is.

I doubt they would make more dungeons even without mythic+. Ironically “mega dungeons” were only developed in the mythic+ era.

Cata, MoP, and WoD all had pretty low dungeon counts for having no mythic+ as well.

They also buffed M+ by 3 lvls in difficulty in BFA cuz they said it was too easy i forget what season , i think it was season 4

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What the actual did I just read? How did MoP feedback ruin BfA and SL?

I would go back to play MoP Classic over retail. But I know that the devs we have today would make all sorts of changes to make it more hardcore and sweaty. They probably would refuse to add in Raid Finder or allow Valor to be earned from Heroic Dungeons and daily quest.

Wrath Classic still doesn’t have Dungeon Finder….

They did try to add new content. Too many people complained about chores and forced content and it all got removed.

Now you want M+ removed. What are we going to do besides raid log and quit exactly like WoD?

MoP/ WoD players want to raid log, lobby pvp and afk in garrison on their 47 alts getting raid loot and millions of gold from the mission board.

They spent all of legion, bfa, and sl getting any form of content that was mildly rewarding removed so that we all could languish here in WoD 2.0.

Darn! I forgot they did that.

This is just a thinly veiled bragging thread. I know because I make them, too, but I usually include screenshots.

The issue here is - why do they need a +20?

Either you have the time and skill to do it, or you don’t.

People really need to learn/accept that they don’t need to have the highest level of EVERYTHING. This is a GAME, not a job.

I didn’t do KSM stuff in BFA, or season 1 or 2 of Shadowlands because it seemed hard/too much work etc for me.

I do get KSM now, but I never do over like a +16 at most, usually not even that. I decided I wont bother and my gear will just “cap” at 437 this season.

If guilds put these expectations on you like “MUST DO +20’s IF YOU WANT TO RAID MYTHIC” then they should find a new guild.

Nobody should feel like they NEED to push to the highest, do what your comfortable with.

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And another “go back and read the topic again” seriously can’t people read these days.

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Definitely agree,

Realistically the majority of your friends won’t have the time or skills to do 20’s.

The guys that are regularly doing 20 arent effected at all by the change and those arent the people who pushed for those changes.

20’s are just a tad too much to repetitively carry your friends through, make it 15 again :smiling_face_with_tear:

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What is wrong with raid logging? I never understood this defense that the game needs endless recycled content in order to keep the small % of WoW addicts happy.

This mindset that people need to play the game 24/7 is just crazy. The more the game leans into systems like this, the more burn out it causes for players.

WoW became popular because it was a casual version of EQ. The more sweaty the game gets, the more people are leaving. M+ isn’t stemming the bleeding either.

This concept is completely lost on the current development team. There is just way too much focus on pushing players into M+, rated pvp and hardmode raiding difficulties.

Most MMO players don’t play MMORPGs for raids and competitive dungeon running. I don’t get why this concept is so difficult for the people that sit on these forums all day like it is their job, defending one of the most toxic systems ever implemented into a MMO.

You guys are utterly clueless when it comes to this topic.

Like I said, I’m fine with M+ being in the game, but stop pushing players into this content. Remove it from the gear treadmill, make it optional content.

They could normalize gear in M+ like challenge modes, thus stopping the need for players to farm gear for them.

Is this a recent change or just want Dragonflight is compared to Shadowlands?

I can’t find any articles on this change.


Stop it.

If they cant do the top lvl content then they dont get top lvl gear thats just how that works.