The community is falling apart because of this change. m+15 was a welfare mode for most of the players.
I’m skilled and can do +20 but won’t have the time to help out my not so skilled players in my guild anymore. They often ask if we can help them but I’m busy to fill up the +20 vault and just don’t have the time to help.
Shadowlands was like:
“Someone need a weekly +15?”
“Invite me, will help you”
“Anyone help me?”
“Sorry have to fill up my +20”
I can’t help but feel like they’re trying to have us play longer in this mode. Was the popularity wearing off? Was it difficult to find groups beyond fifteen? Would five levelss help playability? Was it too easy compared to raid? Could they not just make raid slightly easier?
I’m curious to why they did it
I would have been totally fine to just increase the upgrade path to include ksh as well. But keep the weekly lottery as is. I mean there was never the situation that I got everything from the vault in a season so it’s never the case that you get BIS just from that like mythic raiders…
…it is?
Just drag them through the +20; if you’re really that willing to altruistically help your guildies out, surely you wouldn’t mind spending an hour in an extremely bricked Vortex Pinnacle.
I’m not “boost community” skilled.
My 5 man group has usually ,1 min of the timer left. So boosting an absolute noob is not possible for us.
Blame the people around here that was to EXPAND M+ rewards into the 24+ range.
They’re why there is a +20 reward in the first place.
Nah I blame Ions agenda. They could have provide better rewards in higher keys to get Ilvl fast without touching the vault tbh.
I think it’s just inevitable.
Was +10 S2 BfA, +15 S3 BFA till SL S4 then +20 in DF S1.
Standards for max vault loot will keep on increasing because the +15 of yesterday is the +10 of tomorrow for the competitive folks.
Next Light and Void expansion or whatever they’re planning probably can expect to be the last with +20 as max before it goes to +25.
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You can still do weekly 15s if that’s where you’re comfortable at just fine.
Read my post again. It’s not about me.
Come back when you learned something
With the new upgrade system, a 15 vault is basically unchanged from SL, since it’s the same point on the raid tree (1st boss mythic).
Stop trying to ruin the game.
My main frustration in general comes from the fact this 20s are tuned around the same concepts as Mythic raiding. Namely, have specific classes. It’s absolutely sucky to have your balance druid be benched when this season started because he can’t deal burst damage and several 20s are literally impossible to complete without it (last brackenhide boss on tyrannical, last VP boss on tyrannical, Bromach totems from Uldaman, etc). And it doesn’t stop here. This season in general feels like it somehow took the TJS logic of “require specific comps or you can’t complete this key” and applied it everywhere. The “bring the class instead of the player” is outright awkawrd to apply in a mode where you have 5 players total, counting yourself. It’s just idiotic, and should really be reverted back to Shadowlands +20s in terms of design. At least those didn’t require you specific classes to complete a 20.
This week feels like it only triples down in that idiotic and complete failure of game design. You don’t have a spammeable CC or has a very long cd and thus can’t cover all ghost waves? GG.
I mean, this isn’t what 20s or mythic raiding is really tuned around. Both are tuned around you having a balanced comp, but 20 does allow them to expect that you are able to field at least 1 of everything. The balanced comp for 20s doesn’t really have any specific classes required.
Interestingly, subcreation puts boomkin in S tier for ranged.
But why? Why should i have to bench my pals(or if it happens to me, swap classes) because their classes are useless and i already got tank and healer covered? That’s terrible design period.
My holy healer friend is contemplating quitting because she doesn’t like dpsing and dislikes playing Disc. Tell me exactly why is that a thing.
For dungeons without burst damage requisites, it can work. For stuff like last boss of brackenhide or Bromach, forget it. You will have less of a hassle by bringing burst dps classes due to bad design.
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9/10 this is just you deflecting a skill issue.
I miss being able to carry inexperienced guildes through a +10 in BfA for their weekly. Two or three at a time.
Now one inexperienced player can hard fail a +15, let alone 8 +20’s.
I suspect what they’re doing is they conflated accessibility with difficulty. It’s just easier to find 4 competent people for 25 minutes than it is to find 24 competent people for 2 hours. And they decided to balance it by making that 25 minutes hell.
No it isn’t lol. You can count with your hands how many Holy priests are compared to other healers. The spec struggles badly. And no, Disc priests don’t count.
This is coming from someone who timed 20s prev season on both fort and tyrannical, and also started to time 20s now. It’s not a skill issue, its bad design. That, or they somehow expect people to have level 441 to alleviate bad design choices.
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it still can be. why does everyone think they have to get the best gear?
I’d tell your friend to only raid. M+ has been in the game since 2016. I don’t know what else to tell her, except stop playing if you don’t like the game.
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