Put the weekly m+ back to 15

Who in their right mind would pay $15 a month for 4-6 hours of content a week?

They tried adding new forms of content. Visions were very fun. But too many people complained about having to leave town. So here we are.

The game was always sweaty. The only difference is the average casual player had no idea. There is too much information now and too many metrics that let the casual player know exactly how bad they are.

That is a dead game. Exactly like MoP/ WoD.

Um, you’re playing the same dungeons over and over again dude. There is no new content with M+, same stuff over and over again.

Um, people loved visions. You keep saying they tried different content, but a lot of additions were terrible and very uninspired crap.

This is objectively false. All online games have jerks in them, but the concentration of elitist players has never been higher in the game.

MoP was not a dead game. Did you even play MoP? I highly doubt it. WoD lacked content, M+ wouldn’t have fixed that.

Again, recycling 8 dungeons as a means to keep players engaged isn’t working, people are getting massively burned out on M+.

You keep bringing up past versions of the game lacking M+ as proof that the game would be dead without, yet if that was true, the game we’re playing now wouldn’t exist.

I’m sorry, but this exchange with you is boring the heck out of me. You have a good day!

Edit: It is interesting that your character profile is hidden lol.

Granting the “you need to repeat the class” medal to you

They can easily get gear in general and overstat their way too 20s aswell.
Whats wrong with simply learning the game to progress.

11 million players to 7 million. Largest drop in subs ever. Until WoD. That went from 10.5 to estimated 1.5-2 milion.

Yes. WoD lacked content that provided character progression outside of raiding. That is why we got Legion. That had lots of character progression, including M+. That thing that you pretend isn’t content because it’s repeatable. While ignoring that both raiding and pvp is repeatable in the exact same way.

Was Legion perfect? No. But it was significantly better than anything before it. Unfortunately, instead of trying to perfect it, high end players and low end players have joined forces and spent the years since advocating for everything Legion, BFA and SL added to be removed in an effort to bring us WoD 2.0.

I have no idea how to hide on un-hide it. Raider.io and warcraftlogs are free to use.

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I think the game is being ruined just fine by Blizzard, if you aren’t ignoring player numbers. Putting average players at a disadvantage isn’t going to make them suddenly choose to become highly skilled, experienced, and talented players. As the difficulty has ramped up over the years, player numbers have continued to fall. Coincidence? I think not.

LOL. That’s because they decided not to implement the dungeon finder in Wrath classic, figuring that spamming chat was a “social interaction” that would result in increased participation and lifelong friendships. Disincentivizing running dungeons by removal of the RDF completion bonus was also supposed to incentivize players to run more. Did it work?

Yet another social engineering attempt that had the opposite effect. But it made a certain type of player (who never intended to play wrath) happy that this was being forced on other players.


This is 100% true. Why try to get better at something when you can just blame/ complain about damage meters, gearscore or raider.io? It’s a lot easier to quit than it is to put effort in.

Probably not a coincidence why so many people are overweight.

Yeah, totally not because of power creep and m+ becoming easier every xpac…

More like “Why bother to try when I can never catch up?” When the game is designed so the longer the average player plays, the further they fall behind, yes. It is an intelligent decision to give up when it’s clear that the only reason Blizzard wants them in the game is to fund your content.

It has to do with the modern diet, which is high in ultra processed foods and low in nutritional value. Some naturally thin people can tolerate a diet like this without gaining weight. But most people end up with metabolic disorder from eating the Standard American Diet. Considering that most nutritional research is sponsored by manufacturers of such unhealthy foods, it’s understandable that a lot of people have given up on trying to understand what a healthy diet might look like.

Nothing whatever like funneling all the content and all the rewards to a tiny portion of players in a videogame.

Never catch up? 11 keys and normal raiding are too hard? That could be the saddest thing I have read in a long time.

If only there were a way to spend a little time and energy to find out how to live/ do things just a little bit better in order to get better results.

Actually sounds the exact same to me. People would rather quit than put 10% more effort in.

This is true though. Class hall quests and visions that eventually rewarded champion/ hero path gear over the course of the tier should be a thing.

scaling says wut?

Far from it, I still run random keys with my guild. Just because you don’t have the time does not mean the sky is falling.

Or what if they just make it so you don’t need to do +20s to raid mythic? A person spamming M+ 20’s is like 10-15 ilvls above someone who would just raid even though it’s way easier. It’s stupid and makes no sense.

I read the topic. Why does the friend need a +20? They don’t need help or a +20, they need to stay within their comfort zone.

I see where you’re coming from, but…people aren’t supposed to get +20 vaults. I myself have never cleared a +20, but if I need a carry, then the loot I get from the +20 was basically bought.

This all my personal preference though, so am not necessarily against it going back down to +15…I simply think your guildies who don’t get their +20s due to you not helping are entitled to a +20 vault.

What bothers me, is needing tyran and fort for each dungeon. If I play more than 1 character (I’ve played 5 in DF and benched 2 so far,) getting IO up to a sufficient level becomes tedious…but this is a different topic.

Try it again. Still not reading my first post correct

Not going to take a video footage to prove my point. So don’t really care about your trust issues.

It shouldn’t be possible for unskilled players doing wellfare keys to easily obtain the best gear in the game. The current system is very fair in my opinion, I’d say even generous because 20s aren’t as difficult as raid but can still offer the same level of gear.

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The point of the change was to remove the welfare vault items.