Put the weekly m+ back to 15

SL was too easy and that was the problem.

Show me the numbers then. None of the Shadowlands seasons came close to the runs that Dragonflight Season 1 had, timed or completed.

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It’s not that bad at least around 20 assuming people actually hard swap. I think it still “feels bad” this week because we’re back on Tyrannical and not Fort.

Honestly my issue with a lot of the “problems” on bosses has been frequency of mechanics more than anything. I get the star is Asaad’s main mechanic, but I’d rather only deal with 1 star per Supremecy and him do other things than to deal with 2 since what usually happens is you have lust for #1, short CDs for #2, and nothing for #3 and it has the “strictest” timer since melee has to dip for the 2nd Supremecy cast if it lives long enough.

I forget season 1 sl, but i don’t remember it being THAT easy compared to season 1 DF

One of the worst seasonals as a tank though, ugh, i hated those stupid mobs and the way they spawned.

The start of Season 1 of Shadowlands was hard, but they did major nerfs and tank buffs not even halfway through the season in January/February.

Yeah but its literally the 3rd week.

SL was easily worse especially early on. People like to hate on early RLP, but early Sanguine Depths or Hakkar were definitely worse. Did you wipe to Hakkar with Prideful and Lust? If yes, leave dungeon, drop 1 level and try again.

And most of us(guild) already kickin’ the bucket. Weird that early. Kills my mood as well. I mean I’ll probably get ksh this week but maybe that’s just the new flow. Ksm and ksh in a month to spare money on the sub

I remember now, S1 SL might as well have just been referred to as “kite”

That week also had Christmas in the middle IIRC.

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yea, it encompassed christmas weekend

Do you have the source for this?

Which is why it needed to change so M+ can be on par with mythic raiding and not invalidate raid gear like how it did in Legion, BFA and early on in SL.

Also heres the thing, +16s is still welfare mode to most players, sure the vault gives you a 441 if you completed a +16 and not a 450 but guess what it is still equivalent to mythic raid gear, +16s also drop Aspect crest fragments, which if you have 4 full crests of them, you can post a work order for them to be enchanted, which can be used in crafted equipment, quality 5 is 447 item level.

See above, +15s and +16s is still welfare mode.

There are some outliers but nerfing all dungeons by 30% is abit much, especially when you have Freehold and Underrot already easy right now and nerfing them would make them jokes.

Vault reward being at +20 is still fine.

Were 3 weeks into this season, not everyone is at 440+ as of right now.

Which you can still do now, with the upgrade system here.

Nothing has to be on par with the mode thats under classic raiding in the popularity voting- Raiding is not important

M+ is devouring the game, imo. The developers are leaning on this mode way too much to carry the game these days. Dungeon spamming should have never become the primary activity for end game gearing. Should have kept it as a stepping stone for gearing to get into raids.

M+ very existence has made all dungeon runs, even no M+ dungeons a sweaty experience. I know the player that is left in retail loves it, but I think it drove a ton of players out of the game.

Still unclear how it invalidated raiding. The majority of bis were and are raid items.

So, you think it was a good idea spending all those resources to create 6-10 dungeons that we run for 2 weeks then abandon?

And what would we do instead? Raid log again? Dead game.

Huh? M+ was one of many things they added in legion that brought the game back to life. MoP/ WoD literally lost nearly 10 million players and the game has never really recovered.

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They spend even more resources on raids, and they are abandon when the next one is released. It is okay for content to have a life cycle, my dude.

Also, Classic WoW has proven that the game is just fine without M+.

There is a thing called alts too, this is what kept dungeons relevant for players for the life of the expansions.

Are your serious with this line of reasoning? MoP’s theme is what killed the game for a lot of WoW players, and WoD just had a general lack of content. M+ wouldn’t have saved either of these expansions.

Legion was just an amazing expansion too. Also, BFA and SL both had M+ and a lot of people hated those expansions.

The rumor is that Dragonflight has sold very poorly too, M+ didn’t save the game, if anything it drove out a good chunk of the casual players which are the bulk of the people that played WoW.

Rumor has it that the Classic version of the game is pretty much carrying WoW these days. Preach got this impression when he interviewed Ion.

Retail is just way too sweaty now. It is catering to the wrong audience.

True. I am all for them re-vamping old raids for .5 patches.

  1. Did they not have to speed up content releases month ahead because people were running out of things to do?
  2. Takes a special kind of player to enjoy pretend speed running 15 year old content that makes lfr look complicated.

Could always do the mythic raid for a quick vault fill instead of keys are too rough to pug for top end vault rewards.

Of course it did. It’s WoD 2.0.

This is true. They need to release a MoP legacy server asap. It will be the best thing for retail.

These replies are cracking me up. This is old content that people have done probably a million times. Of course, they’re going to blow through it. People still run Classic dungeons on alts and farm them for badges, thus people getting use out of them past the 2-6 weeks.

Nah, Legion, but with 7.3.5 Legendary/AK systems in from launch.