Put the weekly m+ back to 15

Part of this was to combat boosting

It’s significantly more difficult to sell a timed 20 carry

The problem for the community are people like you who feel entitled to max tier loot for minimal effort. Again, why do you feel entitled for max loot from M+, but it has been accepted and well established that not everyone will get max loot from raids?


I can feel like you have no clue how business is working. We already saw massive nerfes in comp to season 1. So what is better for you? They nerf the keys upto +20 into oblivion or they put max reward back to +15 and the last 5 levels are for the motivated players.

But I don’t mind sub is on hold again until they fix this mess

I can feel like you have no clue how business is working.

Did you not get the memo about them nerfing healing?

Don’t hold your breath.

All people need to do is run +16s to get the same rewards from the vault as they did in Shadowlands. You don’t really have an argument.

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Large portions of the playerbase have been complaining about M+ invalidating raiding since legion. The change is in direct response to player feedback that M+ rewarded too high of an ilvl.

It’s 3 weeks into the season and players that are less than halfway into mythic are 440+ ilvl. When has that ever happened before?

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I don’t think Blizzard creates content with boosting in mind as the first goal.

why do they need to do that?

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A lot of us asked for increased reward beyond 15. Make m+ feel like an actual endgame pillar, etc. And they’ve done that pretty well imo. I’m not even doing weekly 20s rn and I’m glad they’re there. The key tuning and affix rework this season is on point, making it feel like you don’t need the best gear available to move up, you just need the gear available to you right now, which is good design for me.


Sadly most of the unsatisfied gamers leave without raising their voice. But the drought in my friendlist began earlier then in SL. Which is shocking but reasonable.

Let’s see how they want to proceed with that kind of business loss

i wonder what were the % of players who completed m15 keys in sl seasons compared to df seasons

I bet you’re a scrub that can only do 15s but hate being left behind

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Nope but if you feel good playing the rio card. Also never wanted to lower the difficulty just the weekly runs requirement for having a blast like in shadowlands

That’s nothing but anecdote. Are you seriously trying to imply that your friends list is a direct representation of the player base?

We already explained that all you need to do is run +16s to get the same vault reward as you did in Shadowlands +15. You clearly want more than what you had in Shadowlands.


Any class and spec can clear 20s. That’s why the vault reward for them is a thing! It’s the actual higher keys where comp actually matters and by this post i don’t think you’re doing those.

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Is this why you’re not posting with your main character? Lol don’t want to have people see if you have the m+ experience to back this up?

I’m an eu player don’t have a main here. Before you ask. Devs don’t care about EU forum and it’s already pretty dead their. So I created this char to post here

Which is why it needed changed.

The players wanted progression and rewards from M+ closer aligned with end of raid loot. This was their way of doing that and it’s functionally very similar for the “welfare” players.

Mythic plus vault used to reward beginning of raid Mythic ilvl loot, and now you don’t even need to do the vault for that unless someone is hard skill capped at 15s.

For sake of comparison:

Beginning of mythic raid loot 10.1 ilvl = 441
Beginning of mythic raid loot 9.2 ilvl = 278

End of mythic raid loot 10.1 ilvl = 450
End of mythic raid loot 9.2 ilvl = 285

“Valor” cap in 10.1 ilvl = 441
Valor cap in 9.2 ilvl = 272

Mythic plus +15 vault reward in 10.1 = 437 (441 functionally with Crest)
Mythic plus +15 vault reward in 9.2 = 278

Mythic plus +20 vault reward in 10.1 = 447
Mythic plus +20 vault reward in 9.2 = 278

All in all, there’s a bigger gap with skill based rewards because there’s more tiers of reward options available now, but that’s not a bad thing. The top M+ rewards are typically only 3 ilvl behind the top raiders now in what rewards they get instead of 7, and really doing a +20 is still more favorable than herding exactly 20 cats, I mean players, every week for 6+ hours.

Mythic+ still isn’t where it should be as an end-game pillar. It needs proper long-term seasonal rewards. Yeah the player power stuff is awesome and raid received a major buff in that category with the way the loot works now, but it could still use some more improvements since you can’t spam raid for loot.

If you aren’t comfortable doing 20s, you can do 16s and you are no better or worse off than you were in SL.

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I think they misunderstood what players asked for. Most of us were angry because we are forced to do content we don’t like. Raid special trinkets or weapons e.g.

All the more reason to not do what you’re suggesting.