15’s are more viable than ever though with the crests, so i’d say this is kinda not 100% accurate. If you don’t want to help your guildies out then that kinda dawns on you not blizzard.
Wait is this about filling the vault or climbing their rating? Your comment that your group isn’t boosting quality shouldn’t matter just helping your guild mates fill their vaults. Whether you time or not they still get their vault filled.
Sounds like a good reason to change it.
Sure you are.
20s take longer to do than 15s?
I just got my “very rare” class trinket.
Timer is not needed for vault.
You can still absolutely get ilvl fast with m+. Why does it need to be (your words) welfare fast.
Its about you being completely nonsensical.
For Tyrannical Uld/VP Balance druids are the 2nd most uniquely represented ranged spec timing +20s. 3rd for Brack.
Except it didnt.
Because it is.
Except the stats disagree with you.
…thats how group comps work.
Every spec in a group comp doesnt have to be great at every single aspect of the game.
Now remember, you said ths.
You cant walk it back now.
You cant say its literally impossible to complete with a balance druid, or that a specific comp is required or you cant complete the key…then switch it up and say “well they did it with the balance druid, but it was despite it!”
Literally every standard is being met that you are asking for. Balance druid is seen as S tier. Balance druid has one of the highest representations in all of tyrannical for ranged dps. But because its not absolutely the best at everything all the time, you are claiming it needs to be benched.
You already stated that the comps required are ones without a balance druid, or the key is impossible.
Yes, that will always happen. It doesnt mean the 2nd best is horrible.
Its physically impossible to make every key able to be done equally by every single spec.
Others did. I didnt either. So that is also my fault.
But the data literally disagrees with every single thing you have stated.
The data says that balance druids are the 2nd most represented ranged spec, specifically for the combo you listed (tyrannical VP/Uld, and 3rd in Brack).
But plenty in the 20+ range. Which was your initial point. Sorry they arent the absolute best spec in the entire game. That doesnt mean they are trash.
Why are you making spam threads? You made one almost exactly the same the day before.
No, we don’t need to go back to +15 max vaults. Why do you feel entitled to top tier loot from M+, while you don’t for Mythic raids?
Frankly, that’s a skill issue.
A weekly 16 gets you the same vault reward now as it did in Shadowlands: a piece of Mythic raid quality gear. A single key level higher isn’t going to kill you.
Genuine question; why is disc ‘better’ than holy? I only play holy because it has more instant fix-it buttons for when people take damage. Is it the extra damage that comes naturally? Or is it the spec’s prevent damage vs Holy’s reactive?
Edit: 15’s are all about I’ll prolly ever get up to. Think I touched a couple 10’s last season and just starting up the current in baby keys.
It’s the damage mainly, holy can heal 20s fine. People in this thread saying otherwise are silly.
They either need to nerf all dungeons by like 30-40% across the board or reduce max rewards back to +15 (or even +10 like it initially was).
Or do neither of those things because the situation is perfectly fine.
Its not fine its killing the game. Content is way overtuned for rewards it gives. Game has never been in such a bad state it is now.
That wouldn’t change anything OP
Guildie: can someone help me?
You: sorry gotta fill up 15s
Thank you
Better DPS.
+16s do what +15s always did, give a low level mythic raid ilvl piece. The system now scales up to 20 to encourage people to push higher, but +16s don’t give any lesser of a reward than they used to.
I dont farm 20’s but then again I dont see why would the system be nerfed to previous stat for the people who actually like pushing 20.
I say leave it as is.
Max rewards should be pushed to +23 honestly. +20 is welfare. It doesn’t have to be a nice neat round number.
? +15 can be carried with less experienced players. 20 needs a good group and is hard to help inexperienced players .
… Seriously did you even try to read the post
What… you mean +15 are easier than +20s??? No way.
It’s almost like people shouldn’t be getting max tier loot for 15s which can be so easily carried.
Use at least one of your two synapses to get what the problem for the whole community is. At least I acknowledge that there are douches which want to push keys as well