Moonkin was capable of timing 22s of tyran brackenhide week 1.
Its less like they could kill totems and more like the group succeeded despite bringing a boomkin.
Some people just aren’t capable of 20s. I certainly won’t be until later in the season when I can somewhat brute power it. It’s fine that not everyone can have everything all the time. Having something to strive for is good. Far better than just having the world handed to us in a +15 platter.
I haven’t noticed this when running 20s with the Holy priests in my guild, I guess they are just built different.
Well, I and im sure many more did. i tried diff btag healers in fact over last few days. All of them more or less have around same gear and skill (around 435 ilvl for reference), with all of them timing 20-24s on S1. The Holy one struggled so badly that she is basically considering quitting the season altogether. And a quick check on raider. io shows almost nobody is playing holy at all (from a M+ PoV), and many people just do not recommend it at all because its way below the other healing specs. And she doesn’t like Disc gameplay either.
Well I imagine now instead of weekly +15 it’s weekly +20. Isn’t it the same thing at the end of the day?
You can also legit help if you actually wanted to.
If one group is struggling with with the exact same thing another group isn’t, does that not logically make the only sound conclusion skill diff?
not necessarily on the part of the priests, my guildies and I could just be better at not taking avoidable damage than you and your pals are, or we just kill things faster.
I don’t care one way or another about this change. Yes, it was nice getting max gear with the vault when doing 15s but at the same time, this gives players that do higher keys a better opportunity to get higher level stuff without it feeling like doing 20s are worthless for the valt
This is my thought as well. Unless youre planning to do high level content you dont need the gear for high level content. Raiding and PvP have their own progression. M+ can help with raiding sure but its not a requirement. Some will say it is but lets be real. We all know lots of raid loggers.
So what are you even going to do with that +20 gear if you arent playing at that level? Solo rare elites? Seems like a waste of time.
Different comps i’d say. It pretty much validates my previous point above. Namely, a comp has a harder time doing 20s compared to another. It proves my point perfectly: you are punished for bringing the “wrong” classes. Also check the priest class forums and discord, the dungeons and raid forums, etc. The healing requisites are much higher, and the penalty for bringing a subpar healer without tailoring the dps comp around it (bringing a lock for example) is outright ridiculous. You really can’t argue when so many people are saying the exact opposite of what you said, from experience.
So…the fact on tyrannical week 1 we couldn’t beat Asaad was our fault? That’s a fallacy and you won’t convince anyone that its a skill issue or “you took avoidable damage”. We did our damnest, made sure no one else besides the target got hit by chain lightning, killed adds asap, lusted one of the adds, etc. It wasn’t enough. And this was after repeatedly wiping dragon boss so much i had to solo last few millions on my blood dk.
Sorry, but experience, data and evidence contradicts your claims, so im going with those instead of what you claim.
No, I’m saying it was yours. You, and/or other(s) in your party weren’t playing the fight or your classes correctly, and that’s why it didn’t die for you.
But data says there are plenty of boomkins with 23/24 keys timed across all dungeons lol
Yeah its always people’s “friends” who are struggling.
Here’s a thing. We ran hunter and holy priest. On last boss, hunter and every dps had to rotate cds when chain lightning hit because its almost 300k nuke on a phase with 60k pulse damage/2 seconds when an add is up. Hunter died a while after pull when he got targetted again and had no cds to use and survive a chain lightning when an add was up.
And if your claim was legit, Blizzard wouldn’t have nerfed it and a few more bosses, but they did. That alone, combined with all the evidence on using healers like Holy priests as well as representation regarding those, instantly invalidates your argument as lies, so please stop lying. I am not an idiot that will buy a claim from someone who has no idea how this season is.
Decided to check brackenhide data on raider io, but for Boomkins, it seems to be a rate of 1-2 found every 20 dungeon runs on 24-25 range. If the dungeon doesn’t have a “totem” mechanic of sorts, Boomkin will perform better. But otherwise group will have to tailor around 2 burst dps classes to accomodate the boomkin. In fact, i recall a guildie that got every 20 timed except neltharus that complained people didn’t want to bring him even when he timed the key in question as a 20 along many others. Compare boomkin representation to Hunters, dps paladins and shadow priests.
Bosses can be overtuned, yet still killable with skill.
As for what was actually changed in VP, they nerfed chain lightning by 1 key level, and the add HP by ~2 key levels. A H priest managed to kill that boss on 22 tyran while having to keep the 2nd squishiest class in the game alive.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No…just no. Worm boss on 1st week of NL tyrannical pre-nerf. That all i’ll say.
How many though? I checked data and the amount of holy priests compared to holy paladins, resto shamans or druids is pretty damn sad. It simply proves how little viability they have, especially as you go up in key difficulty.
In fact, im gonna block you. After that complete and massive lie you just said above, im done arguing with someone who is coming with arguments out of his butt to justify bad design or claim you can kill a pre-nerf boss that had no kills above 17 despite by that point having at least 1 timed 20 of every other dungeon. Don’t let the door hit you, troll.
One counter-example does not disprove the claim that there exists an x for which this is true.
Also, I found your DKs WCL page. It’s a major skill issue. Comparing your group in UR to my guildies, we basically have an entire 4th DPS extra.
7 boomkin in the top 100 M+ dps and only 1 hunter (MM).
7x more representation for the spec at the top over an entire class.
It’s a skill issue with you bro, Im sorry