Put Pathfinder on the WoW shop

Thats a no from me dawg.

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That depends entirely upon the kind of person you are. :stuck_out_tongue:

And you’re right. None of those are locked behind gold, but neither is flying.

It has zero to do with the “type of person” and everything to do with how this game and its base abilities work.

1 gives you a quality of life aspect that a lot of people enjoy .The other gives you the ability to bypass the experience of learning your class fully and getting into dugeons with abilities you are not familiar with .

So which is worse again. The ability for people to enjoy the game the way they want or to the ability to get into aspects of the game one is not prepared foe ?.

*Current content flying, Flying up until you reach WoD is behind gold.

Oooh you smart pupper, you.


And yet you’re okay with it being locked behind gold or real money… :thinking:

Not sure anyone is suggesting it be locked behind those things, But rather have an option to just buy it. Keyword option. If I want to waste my money instead of waste my time. That is my business, isn’t that why WoW tokens and level boosts exist anyways?

At this point? Couldn’t care a lick edgewise. I have no desire to grind out reputations that I don’t care about. I’m alright with not having flying, but I’m also alright with the idea of it winding up on a shop, because the amount of time it would save me would be pretty dingle dang greato!

If this were a free to play game, fine. But not as a sub based game. Nope.

In a way, it kinda is free to play. There’s quite a few people here who haven’t paid a dime to Blizzard since the expansion (in fact, they probably didn’t even pay for the expansion if they’re really good with their gold collecting…) Good ol’ WoW tokens amirite? :smiley:

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Actually it is pretty much free to play. Buy it once get your first sub then just grind for gold and never pay again. Sounds pretty free to play to me.

This. I will drop 50 bucks on it in a heart beat if it means account wide flying at the launch of an expansion. I’m willing to go up to 100 though.

No. It negates the effort the rest of us had to put forth to endure the ridiculous and tedious grind.

They should put it in the shop for pathfinder 9.0 so then I have a choice beforehand to pay for it or grind it out.

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Surprisingly easy, actually. I think I had it in a week plus?

They put in a lot to speed it up.
I wish I knew about the fishing in mech, the coral ancient “secret” aggro epic dudes, the one time rep for the pet battles, etc, sooner, as well as doing the “300 per day, of 3000” jaina quest( surprise pushed me to revered, with her questline that leads to the raid.)

I had flying in Legion two days after it was in, this time I had it about four days after people who did every trick, we’re human and got the Darkmoon rep bonus( none of which I did.)

So really, not that bad?

Flying only required gold from TBC to MoP.

They need to time gate it now because it “extends the content,” meaning more subs.

Have they not already done this by introducing new raiding tiers every few months? They’ve negated the effort you put forth having to endure the ridiculous and tedious gear grind. Did they not do that by adding new expansions? They negated the effort you put forth into having to endure the ridiculous and tedious leveling grind. Nothing new here.

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Pathfinder - Blizzard doesn’t want players to skip over an expansions worth of content the developers worked on, it costs players time but not money.

Boost - Blizzard allows players to skip over an expansions worth of content for the monetary price but not a time price.

One is for current content, the other isn’t. Thats a huge difference.

And, yes, I believe non current content pathfinders should basically go away. Or at the very least have all rep requirements removed.

/10 char