Yea except that hasnt been portrayed since Warcraft 3.
And even then it was hamfisted and contrived.
Because when you step back and look at the situation objectively, anyone with a dose of common sense would say:
Camps that were designed as the alternative to wiping out all the demon blood infused warriors who are still intent on killing everyone with the hopes that they will mellow out and eventually be rehabilitated...would probably be a bad idea:
-arm said orcs, even temporarily no matter how "fun" one camp leader thought it would be to watch them fight (which was poor writing, considering that camp leader was a veteran of the wars and knew what armed and angry orcs could do)
-start giving orcs the idea to fight again, when the intent was to help rehabilitate them and get the bloodlust out of their system
-intentionally try and stir up their bloodlust, when the last time it got whipped up, it led to most of the Southern half of Eastern Kingdoms being wiped out, and (as far as they knew) and entire other planet being destroyed.
Vulpera are actually highly evolved space aliens who have be following the Titan's from planet to planet scavenging their stuff.
So, at one point, the Alliance rabbit PC will tell the Vulpera PC
10/23/2018 12:14 PMPosted by
Also do a barrel roll!
crap, beat me to it.
Blizzard, like The Walking Dead, needs better military advisors. (And no, I'm not volunteering. They can't afford me)
Honestly, they should fire golden and the writing staff and give you a shot, with their collective salaries as their opening offer. The post this came from was better written that anything I've seen come out of actiblizz HQ for years now.
And considering their last quarterly reports...who they can afford to hire, that's sad. Not knocking you post, just pointing out that if a cogent post from the forums can put their writing staff (which include "famous" writers) to shame, something's off. You expect this level of bad writing from someone's moonguard RP*, not a multibillion dollar company's writing staff.
*no offense to moonguard RPers. I'm sure 99.9% of you could also write a better story than what we currently have...even ones involving furries...and no, I don't want to read them.
Getting your panties in a bunch when we still dont' know the finished questline?
"It's only beta!"
That dead horse was glue some time in wod.
You guys need a new line, and sorry:
"It's always been this bad!"
Is not going to work. Tell the propaganda folk in actiblizz they need better material.
No more whining from the Alliance about who's 'evil' finally.
Well, we can take a page from yours and the devs book and call it "morally grey."
10/23/2018 01:55 PMPosted by
Horde get their Vulpera, Alliance get to not engage in pointless genocide, and Blizzard's writers don't have to pull a surprise villain out of their butts to explain the Alliance losing its damn mind.
Rollo, I'm impressed. Not only does this seem plausible, but you came up with an apparent win-win in less than 10 minutes.
Memo to Blizzard: Get better.
Couldn't they just make them a neutral faction that either side could play?
You know, like the nightborne should have been...a group of individuals who weren't really a cohesive faction at that point, and everyone gets their cake and eats it too?
You know, to tide everyone over until The Alliance finally gets High Elves, and they get ogres.
If all they every did was a couple randos was give their side quests, that hardly qualifies s a ringing endorsement of their faction.
Watch the Cataclysm intro again. Pretty sure them there's Dark Iron Dwarfs hammering metal plates on old Neltharion's face.
You should actually play cata. Those are twilight's hammer cultists. There's also goblins in that cult, along with every other race...playable and not. Except the sub races, because those got pulled out of the twisting nether five seconds ago lorewise.
Oh, by the way, he goes by "Deathwing," and hasn't been Neltharion for quite some time now.
::does the more you know thing::
10/23/2018 05:27 PMPosted by
It's the same stuff with the Lightforged in the alternative universe. Yrel and the others only became dangerous and deadly to the poor orcs so they could be victimized.
And the Lightforged back on the main universe? Lightforged are reduced to Innkeepers, Vindicaar did absolutely nothing so far.
Funny how a couple catapults are enough to destroy Teldrassil but the Vindicaar couldn't do crap about it, nor even go to Orgrimmar and apply the same logic to that Orc city. But alas, plot devices are only made to benefit the Horde, not the Alliance.
Also good to mention that those "poor orcs" are the same mass murderers, with the same genocidal leader that tried to wipe us, both Alliance and Horde, the Draenei from AU and even some other orcs there. But sure, they're "victims" of the "fanatical Lightbound!!"
It's so much bad writting on top of bad writting, it's a surprise these people still have jobs.
Someone gets it.
I agree 5 years is too short and that it's not believable. I WISH they put something in the game regarding the distrust the Bronzebeard, Wildhammer and Dark Iron all had towards each other. The attack on the Ironforge airfield was not enough.
You forgot the crappy scenario in MoP where moira and the dark irons got to play hero for no reason right after she was bonkers in cata and the other two clans were right for not wanting to trust her. The current bad writing team started to poison the well even then.
10/23/2018 06:25 PMPosted by
BFA: 50 shades of morally gray. About the same quality of writing too.
You mean,
"50 shades of messed up?"
Sorry, couldn't resist.
10/23/2018 09:03 PMPosted by
As I understand it, the Alliance players never got to see Blood Elves fed to sharks during the Purge of Dalaran either, or Jaina poisoning the Dragonhawks so they couldn't escape.
"fed to the sharks?!"
Did they have frickin' laser beams?
The devs have debunked the massacre of Dal, but you guys keep repeating it.
Azerite can't melt fox pelt, but it can melt tin foil hats...
10/23/2018 09:51 PMPosted by
Like okay, you distinctly made him the bad guy but now racism and genocide is fine because of an attack on a military base 3 expacs ago.
You know what's worse?
Calling the genocide of the Night Elves "morally grey" now.