Ion: Execute Order 66.
10/23/2018 11:21 AMPosted by DîomedesBlizz, this is your answer to make the alliance "morally grey"? This is contrived crap. Seriously, your writers need to go. Get them a job at Huff Post or something, bring in real writers.
I agree, this whole xpack is rubbish. My sub runs out on 11/10/ 2018. Usually I take short breaks but I think I will wait until the next xpack comes or wait until WOW is normal again pre WOD normal.
10/23/2018 01:22 PMPosted by Dîomedes10/23/2018 01:04 PMPosted by Tarc...
Man, some of you Hate-Everything-WoW crowd aren't the quickest bunnies on the racetrack, eh? The vulpera are allied with the Horde...y'know, seeing how we earn reputation with them? They aren't in the faction fully at the moment, but they're still on our side. The Alliance will be attacking them because of those ties.
Think, bro. A --> B --> C. It won't hurt much, I promise.
I'm exalted with the Nightborne, moron. Does that mean I'm allied to them?
I'll take Cherry-Picking-to-Avoid-Humiliation for $200, Alex.
10/23/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Tabaqui10/23/2018 11:21 AMPosted by DîomedesBlizz, this is your answer to make the alliance "morally grey"? This is contrived crap. Seriously, your writers need to go. Get them a job at Huff Post or something, bring in real writers.
You guys just allied with the DID, who have been allies of Ragnaros and the Black Dragonflight and been killing people on all factions since before vanilla.
You welcomed in elves who have been infusing themselves and dabbling in the energy of Old Gods, which is the specific enemy of the Light and you're fine with that.
You imprisoned and condemned to death a princess from a culture not at war with you, who was just looking for help, then decided to sack her city and kill her father when we rescued her from you and then decided to provide that help.
Burning puppy-people isn't what makes you morally grey, baby. Y'all already there. It's just the alliance is used to thinking of everything it does as unquestionably "good"
Enslaved is not the same as allied. DID were enslaved by Rags after accidentally summoning him back onto Azeroth.
We welcomed aid from Alleria, although we did know that we were bringing "void-touched" elves into the fold. Did you not play any of the RTS games or The Burning Crusade? Alleria & Turalyon are important Alliance figures, so if Alleria says these are good folks to help us out, then they are good folks to help us out. (I never played the RTS & I know how important Alleria & Turalyon are.)
Imprisoned a ZANDALARI princess - did you not play MoP? Zandalari got retconned into bad guys. Where exactly does it say "condemned to death"? I don't recall that in either Sylvanas' dialogue (IF you ask her prior to doing the scenario), Talanji's dialogue or any other dialogue during or after that scenario.
BOTH sides have warlocks, who dabble in Fel. BOTH sides have Shadow Priests, who are not only void-touched but THEY WILL GIVE IN TO THE VOID to empower their spells. The point of the Void Elves is that they keep their connection to the Void under control at all times. BOTH sides ALSO have Demon Hunters, who are not only empowered by Fel, but hold at least one demon's essence within their being.
As to who was hammering plates into Deathwing, I remember goblins doing it but I also seem to recall that the Dark Irons made the plates. Again, they were ENSLAVED by Ragnaros & Deathwing was recovering in an area easily accessed by Rags (not to mention whatever Old God was whispering in their ears).
As Alliance, I do not think that everything I am asked to do/witness is unquestionably "good". I DO think though, that everything I am asked to do/witness is unquestionably REACTIVE. We are not proactive, but only ever reactive to whatever the Horde does. That said though, sending us out to randomly mass-murder neutral races is NOT how we should be made "proactive". About the ONLY thing I can think of as a "validation" for this is, "They've complained so much about the Horde attack on the neutral Kul'Tiran town, this will make everything equal." Except... It won't.
We keep saying the expansion is full of bad writing. Blizzard reps keep saying just wait, it will be a surprise.
Well surprise, the writing is even worse and removes all agency from the players.
Well surprise, the writing is even worse and removes all agency from the players.
10/23/2018 11:21 AMPosted by DîomedesThis is contrived crap
It seems to me that ALL of the BFA story writing is 'contrived crap.'
I'm not even playing the content atm, I hate the story so much.
Loving everything else, though; Legion achieves, Cata, Wrath.
But, until I know the Blizz writers won't continue to stomp all over our identity, our beloved, dynamic, historic NPCs, and our feelings of Faction self worth, this expac is dead to me!
10/23/2018 11:37 AMPosted by DîomedesNone of the leadership would approve of trying to wipe out a neutral race
...You mean like the neutral Zandalari that were only *considering* helping the Horde?
10/23/2018 12:17 PMPosted by HumudWhat do you expect? Its War , everything is grey or gray.
BFA: 50 shades of morally gray. About the same quality of writing too.
10/23/2018 06:06 PMPosted by MirielI'm not even playing the content atm, I hate the story so much.Loving everything else, though; Legion achieves, Cata, Wrath
there myself. BFA is WQ's...for gear and rep. TBH my horde only does drustvar when honored cache up. Its the lesser of all evils. I kill witches and possessed animals, always a good thing. Helps them sleep better at night with that cleaner conscience.
Maybe this was their plan all along. to better appreciate the old stuff.
I hate my void elf leveling less these in the past made sense. See there was this faction stuff there already. rescued Rambo's 4 friends last night (void is in her 30's, just starting her out). one has a bit about the etymological nature of the word orc. I wonder how it came to be he asks.
with funny lines like sounds like its a word for taking a crap. I had to take an orc after eating dinner.
So in old wow we had a nice, functioning hatred of other side not needing contrived plot. Humans...can just hate orcs. Orcs...can just hate humans. ready....fight!
10/23/2018 06:19 PMPosted by Ralanthel10/23/2018 11:37 AMPosted by DîomedesNone of the leadership would approve of trying to wipe out a neutral race
...You mean like the neutral Zandalari that were only *considering* helping the Horde?
Excuse me but which Zandalari are you speaking of? The ones that went around raiding other trolls forcing them to join their ranks? The Zandalari we all fought in MoP? I think they are all one and the same. I don't think any have been "good". Pardon me if I seem to pain them with the same brush. There's the Zandalar Tribe. I happen to be friendly with them. :D
10/23/2018 06:34 PMPosted by Duvainil10/23/2018 06:06 PMPosted by MirielI'm not even playing the content atm, I hate the story so much.Loving everything else, though; Legion achieves, Cata, Wrath
there myself.
Hello fellow WoW players who are discontent with BfA! :)
Get them a job at Huff Post or something.
10/23/2018 05:57 PMPosted by NoxnecisBest to exterminate them now before they overpopulate, migrate to the Eastern Kingdoms and learn of Goldshire.
Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
Every time I am there its been dead of late. It could use the company. I oddly enough miss that testosterone fueled chest beating banter in its local chat sometimes.
10/23/2018 06:34 PMPosted by DuvainilSo in old wow we had a nice, functioning hatred of other side not needing contrived plot. Humans...can just hate orcs. Orcs...can just hate humans. ready....fight!
Such a good point.
Now we are corralled down paths we find questionable and unrealistic, to the detriment of our leaders and lore characters, and our feelings of validity as 'Heroes'.
Not only are the Factions irrevocably torn asunder, within both Factions there is dissension and disharmony.
It isn't nice.
Edit: Maybe this is all an Old God Nightmare!
10/23/2018 06:42 PMPosted by ThorlandHello fellow WoW players who are discontent with BfA! :)
10/23/2018 06:51 PMPosted by Miriel10/23/2018 06:42 PMPosted by ThorlandHello fellow WoW players who are discontent with BfA! :)
/Waves back at the very fashionable Blood Elf
10/23/2018 05:57 PMPosted by NoxnecisBest to exterminate them now before they overpopulate, migrate to the Eastern Kingdoms and learn of Goldshire.
Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
They're horde side. They'll never go there.
But.......snek pepple.
what? "purge squads"? is this a real thing?
not happy with making the alliance constantly look worse than dumb and dumber now this?
not happy with making the alliance constantly look worse than dumb and dumber now this?
I was in a thread about this the other day, and it got me to thinking about ways to make the story a little more ambiguous. Specifically I was thinking about how the "purge squad" thing seems like it came out of no where and makes 0 sense to me, and has no context. I'm an old school Horde guy, but story that doesn't jive makes me get bent out of shape no matter who it's for.
So I threw something together in my head while I was in the shower. It's basically what I would have done with Vol'dun to make it more #MorallyGrey from the start and have the whole "kill the Vulpera" thing make any sense at all. I'm sure there's holes in it, feel free to pick it apart, call me stupid, complain about walls of text, etc. It takes a little bit to read through but I thought of it in like 5-10 minutes, so I'm sure it's not super high quality. I was basically operating off of the idea that Vulpera seem like they're about to be Horde, and that everyone on the Alliance seems to want Sethrek even though the Horde had the most interaction with them.
So to preface it, we know that the Sethrek leader of the Faithless said that he didn't force any of the Sethrek to join him, and that this new "Sethrek Empire" was what they wanted. So basically, HE was evil (since he wanted to unleash the Old God dude), but it sounds like the Faithless as a whole are mostly just imperialistic. My whole alternate story idea basically revolves around that. So here it be.
So I threw something together in my head while I was in the shower. It's basically what I would have done with Vol'dun to make it more #MorallyGrey from the start and have the whole "kill the Vulpera" thing make any sense at all. I'm sure there's holes in it, feel free to pick it apart, call me stupid, complain about walls of text, etc. It takes a little bit to read through but I thought of it in like 5-10 minutes, so I'm sure it's not super high quality. I was basically operating off of the idea that Vulpera seem like they're about to be Horde, and that everyone on the Alliance seems to want Sethrek even though the Horde had the most interaction with them.
So to preface it, we know that the Sethrek leader of the Faithless said that he didn't force any of the Sethrek to join him, and that this new "Sethrek Empire" was what they wanted. So basically, HE was evil (since he wanted to unleash the Old God dude), but it sounds like the Faithless as a whole are mostly just imperialistic. My whole alternate story idea basically revolves around that. So here it be.
Alliance War Campaign in Vol'dun (initial outpost):
They could have come in after that Sethrek guy had just been killed (similar to how the Alliance intro to Nazmir happened after the Horde players had already killed the big ol' bat-loa). They roll up on the burning temple area/city, and find out that the Horde and the other Sethrek (the nicer ones) had just ransacked the place and killed the Faithless faction's leader. The Alliance player is like "Oh forsooth! We too know the pain of having our homes burned down by the vile and savage Horde! Come hither my serpentine friends, and we shall endeavor to allay you of your pains!". Or something Alliance-y like that. So they high-five and team up with the Faithless, help em put out the fires in the market, all that jazz. Play up the fact that maybe the rank and file of the Faithless wanted to start this new empire in order to keep themselves safe from all the turmoil in Zandalar (Blood Trolls/Zul, the Zandalari empire, etc...) but they neglect to mention that their old leader was also using them to unleash Mythrax, or that they're also kind of jerks. The Alliance gets their flight path and leaves, until...8.1; Tides of VENGEANCE.
Now the Sethrek are like "Hey! Come help ussssss (Snake-language for "us") kill these Vulpera! They're the ones that helped the Horde kill our leader and burned down our *cough* slave *cough* market." So the Alliance is like "A grand idea most noble of allies! We shall put them to paid. Forthwith!" Then they just start killing them normally, instead of having N azi-esque flamethrower teams that are strangely out of place and ultra-cartoonish and villainous.
The Alliance gets to think that they're helping out the Faithless set up a new kingdom and laying the groundwork to be friends with a faction that gives them a strong foothold on Zandalar. The Horde thinks that the Faithless are just a-holes that bullied the Vulpera and that they want a giant asp empire to topple the Zandalari. Also they blew me off of my damn pterodactyl in a cutscene. Unforgivable.
Anyways, it would have set up the Alliance to be friends with a new ally with a kind of shady background that's capable of doing some less than scrupulous things. To me it'd be more believable than the Alliance randomly having kill-squads made of Draenei + Warlocks to burn out a neutral faction of desert gypsies. Bonus points because it could be written to cause a little friction among the Alliance races once their full history/culture is brought to light. Which is something that the Alliance is always clamouring for (not that it couldn't be achieved with their current members). Alternatively the Alliance could have already known about them, but just tells them to leave the slaves and what not in the past. #AnduinForgivesUsAll
Either way, it'd give the Horde some relief from basically being the bad guy since Cata/MoP, and we could hoot and holler and point at the Alliance for being friends with slavers/ex-slavers that worked for a dude that helped unleash Mythrax against us.
The Zandalari we all fought in MoP?
That was Zul. Rastakhan got tired of his crap after Zandalar survived his Cataclysm prophecy, so he sent him off with a detachment of the Golden Fleet. Zul, as we all now know, is a bad guy. He did bad guy things. He wanted to rebirth the Zandalari Empire and Rasta was basically in the mood of "Go do whatever you want, just do it away from me."
Garrosh for the Horde.
Garithos for the Alliance.
Zul for the Zandalari.
They all cross a point where the rest of the party goes "Yeeeaah...we aren't with that guy."
Maybe this is all a misunderstanding and Purge Squad is just a group of shamans who are really intent on making sure that Vulpera don't get Arcane Intellect and Fort.